View Full Version : Kittens

09-04-2004, 09:34 PM
I have a kitten his around 5 or 6 mo old and he trys to suckle me on my clothes I push him off and he comes right back why is he doing this and how do I get him to stop?: :confused:

09-04-2004, 09:36 PM
Is it possible he was taken from his mom too young? Some cats do this, some don't. If you keep pushing him away, he'll *probably* get the hint!

09-04-2004, 09:41 PM
Welcome to PT! My Pouncer was 10 weeks when he came to me, but he still liked to suckle... he even tried to suckle off our male cat, Allen! :eek: After many months Pouncer finally gave it up, but occasionally he'll try to bite my fingers when he's really hungry. I take it as a form of suckling too.

Like Karen suggested, if you continue to push him off, he'll eventaully get the idea and stop suckling.

09-04-2004, 10:00 PM
Welcome to PT tatedart.

My Mooky use to suckle also when he was young, but he outgrew it.
My sons cat Sades is just over 2 years old and still suckles on our necks. It is comforting to them. I find it endearing.

They say it is because they were taken off their mothers too young. If it bothers you that your kitten does this, please don't push him off of you, just pick him up, put him gently on the floor and walk away, or distract him by playing with him. Gradually, he will get the hint.

09-04-2004, 10:30 PM
Pixie does it too I can't get her to stop, it bugs me though cuz the noise is so gross it gives me the hebbie jeebies, lol I gave her a blanket when she trys so she can suck on that... Shes a weirdo, shes 14 weeks. I don;t think she;ll ever stop:rolleyes:

Laura's Babies
09-05-2004, 07:10 AM
I would LOVE a kitty that did that! I think that is so sweet! They have a big orangie Tom at the vets who is really friendly and will let anybody pick him up and he does that. I always leave with a blouse full of wet spots form him sucking on my blouse. I think it is soooo sweet!

09-05-2004, 10:53 AM
He may well have been wened,too soon,and still needs to suckle! Scrappy Angel,had that,as well,and suckled,on my neck,until he passed on!

09-05-2004, 04:30 PM
I think it's fine if they suckle. Most grow out of it.
If you do push him off, please don't make hime feel rejected. He may just replace that behavior with something that would really get your attention.
Start a game with him if he tries to suckle, or let the baby have his way.:p