View Full Version : Mowgli and Zelda!

09-04-2004, 12:49 PM
I just had to let everyone know that I'm mostly out of jail! Meowmie's keeping her bedroom door closed and keeping towels picked up off the bathroom floor. So I'm not tempted to be bad that way. Meowmie does still shut me in the bathroom at night though. Gee... You get into one bag of Doritos while Meowmie is a sleep and you're never allowed to roam free at night again...


Luckily, I'm very good at hiding behind the blinds when I don't want Meowmie to find me and shut me in the bathroom!


That window sill makes the most purr-fect bed! It gets lots of sun so it's nice and toasty, and I can stretch out and watch the people across the street!


And I love playing with my big sis around the blinds! We chase each other back there, or she'll lay on the back of the couch and her tail goes swish-swish-swishy! And I'll be beind the blinds and I'll reach through and grab her tail! Of course, she doesn't have to be beind the blinds for me to play this game with her!


More coming...

09-04-2004, 12:55 PM
Oooo! Whatcha got there, Meowmie? Huh? Huh? Is it something tasty? Oh, I bet it is! How about letting me try a bite?


Meowmie says I have that innocent look down pat. But she says she doesn't buy it and one of these days she's just going to change my name to "No."



I love to snuggle with Meowmie! Especially when she's stretched out on the couch! She gives the best pettings!


But sometimes you've just got to have a chair to yourself too!


Still more coming!

09-04-2004, 12:59 PM
My big sis is a bit camera-shy lately! I think she's just glad that I'm around so that the flashy thing will go off in my face and not hers! Meowmie does try to get piccy-tures of her still, though!




I love my big sis so much! Even when I make her hiss while we're wrestling, we still end up all cuddled together!


09-04-2004, 01:10 PM
Oh Mowgli I can't believe how much you've grown!!! You are turning into such a big boy!!! You are still as cute as can be and I agree with your mom that you do have that innocent look down pat! Sorry for you Mowg that meowmie doesn't buy it any more.;)
I'm really glad to hear that your out on probation during the day. I guess being locked up at night can't be too bad, huh?

You and Zelda make the cutest pair! Zelda you are a wonderful big sister! You are one gorgeous girl and such a sweety too.
I love that snuggle picture!! It is too cute and it really shows how wonderful these two are together. Lacey I have to tell you that you have done a wonderful job with my little orange nephew!! He and Zelda are ADORABLE!!!

Thanks for the update and Huge THANK YOU for the pictures!
:D :D :D :D :D

09-04-2004, 01:36 PM
Awwww.............Mowgli and Zelda are so cute. I love the picture of them cuddled together. So sweet :)

09-04-2004, 01:45 PM
Now THAT was worth whini.. uhm...waiting for!!!:p Wonderful pictures of both kids Lacey! Isn't amazing how Mowgli and Zelda have become fast friends?? I love it!!! I hope that Mowgli will grow out of his bad habits and I really think he will with the retraining. He's a smart boy!!! He's a cutie, too. You've got a wonderful family there!! Thanks so much for the pictures!!!:D The narration was cute, too.

09-04-2004, 01:50 PM
Yes I totally agree with you Debbie, that this was well worth ummm waiting for.;)

Lacey, thank you and I cannot believe how big Mowgli has gotten. It just shows how much love and care can do for a little one.

I loved ALL the pictures and especially the story behind them.
I'm glad that Zelda is starting to get along better with Mowgli.

This picture says it all. PRICELESS.


Laura's Babies
09-04-2004, 05:20 PM
AWwwwwww! Mowg, you are a handsome baby! I saw that pink pad on your foot and that pink nose too.. Tell Mommie to kiss them for me!! Zelda, I love your coloring too, such a pretty baby girl!

09-04-2004, 06:28 PM
Mowgli, Tell your meomie that you ate the Doritos to keep that rich orange color in your fur! What a cute face...you can tell he's a rascal! And the picture of him snuggled up with big sis Zelda is precious! :D

09-04-2004, 06:54 PM
You are starting to have that handsome young man look! You are growing up so fast! I know that you are not a bad boy, and that given time you'll be completely out of jail! Just don't go back to those Doritos... despite what your big sis says, they will NOT make your color richer! Orange boys are naturally gorgeous and they don't need to do anything to enhance their coloring! Ok?

09-05-2004, 11:21 AM
I hear,it,from Good Authority,that Mowgli,and Zelda,are now diningat the Bourbon Street Grill,with thier New Orleans Chicken!

carla and mike
09-05-2004, 12:33 PM
I love Mowgli and Zelda cuddling.Nothing like that kind of love.
:D :D

09-05-2004, 11:25 PM
I love the pictures Lacey, thank you!!! Mowgli is so cute and he has the most unsual, adorable shaped face. There is something aobut his mouth that makes me think of big cats like lions and tigers or something. I'm not sure what it is. Plus he has that look around his eyes like Scout. I think Debbie calls it the worried look. Anyway, he's adorable and getting big.