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View Full Version : Orange Boy

09-04-2004, 08:56 AM
There was this cat that kept coming around my house I would feed him, give him water and play with him for a few hours everyday. I of course got attached to him and decided I was going to get him fixed and keep him, inside the house though. Well my boyfriend mentioned it to the neighbours and they said the'd been feeding him as well and his wife had decided they were keeping him.... Darn I was too late, oh well at least he has a home I thought. They have kids and stuff so maybe it would be better for him to live there. Well he kept coming over to my house for up to a week after that he would still eat like a horse, and I again said to them are you keeping him or what? They said yes and were thinking of having him fixed. Whats to think about I said it's needed to be done. Well needles to say he was gone for 2 days and I thought they were having him fixed. Next thing the woman comes over and asks if I have seen him or have him. Why would I he's your cat ? Well he's gone then she said. Oh well we'll get the kids a new one tomorrow. Whats wtong with this picture. We'll get the kids a new one tomorrrow!..geeeee I am so mad at myself my sweet little orangie boy is gone. I should have just taken him anyways. I am so mad at myself. I should have not listened to them and took him..... Needles to say they got a tiny white kitten :( and he's been gone for a few weeks now. The shelters have been notified, maybe he'll come back.... SIGH

Laura's Babies
09-04-2004, 09:04 AM
Sounds like you have a neighbor like mine...(Samantha's former Mom).. Time to start educating her like I am with my neighbor.. Some people are clueless when it comes to pet, "I feed it and call it mine, what more am I suppose to do?"

09-04-2004, 11:04 AM
Aww Jods, i'm so sorry that orange boy has gone missing, but please don't come down so hard on yourself. You trusted that this woman was taking care of him. It's not your fault. Since he was such a loving guy, maybe someone who really cares for animals, took him in and he is now living the life that he so deserves.:) A happy, well loved little boy in his forever home.