View Full Version : Magoo says "Check out the new Kids"

09-04-2004, 07:35 AM
Magoo says "Hi Y'all"


Check out these things Mom brought home! I wasn't too happy at first but I'm getting used to them now. I just don't like hearing mom talk baby talk to them because I thought that was reserved just for me!!! Mom says they are kind of cute. I guess I will just have to share mom for a while. *sigh*

Here's a picture of Abigail after the horrid bath experience. Poor baby!

The bath was exhausting and ended in two kitten pile

Rosco is the spitting image of Sammy when he was a baby. I feel like I have been thrown back in time. Here is Sammy with his little Mini Me


Tiny little Abigail

Rosco being silly

Rosco asleep in my lap. I got a neck ache from just looking at him!

Little Abigail getting a chin and head scritchie

She's so tiny it looks like she's standing next to swimming pool!

Those are the newest pictures of the babies.

No luck yet with the third kitten. I WILL WIN! I just don't know when.;) I really worry about him/her. Poor thing.

Laura's Babies
09-04-2004, 07:45 AM
Sammy seems quite smitten with the kitten! Wonder what he is thinking in that one where he seems to be looking at it? They cleaned up nice, didn't they? Abigail is so pretty all clean and spiffy! That Rosco looks some RELAXED in your lap.

****wave****wave***wave*** HI MAGOO! You still are as handsome as ever!

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-04-2004, 08:02 AM
AWW they are so cute. Glad to see Mr Magoo is tolerating the new addition! Roscoe's contorted sleeping position looks SO uncomfortable, and Abigail's swimming pool shot is priceless!!

09-04-2004, 08:03 AM
Magoo you sweet boy you! Little Abigail looks like a grey version of Tabitha! :eek: :eek: Those huge ears that make her look like she's going to topple over any moment! :D Roscoe is a darling too. Any last kitten sightings?

09-04-2004, 08:28 AM
Hello Magoo, you sweetheart. I was hoping you would greet me this morning!

Now don't you be jealous over meowmie talking baby talk to the new kids. They're just little ones and they need the attention for now, you know you will always have a special spot in your meowmie's heart that no one will take away.

The new Kids sure are adorable. Rosco does look like a mini me of Sammy and boy does that sleeping position look painful.

09-04-2004, 08:31 AM
That was so nice,that Sammy,and Rosco,are hitting it off,he can be Sammys Orangie Protege! And Rocca,has volunteered to be Scrappy Magoos eyes,at the Festivities This weekend,as she loves Big Cats!

09-04-2004, 09:13 AM
Wonderful cute pictures - all of them!! I am taken back in time too with little Rosco. Was Trevor ever really that small? LOL! It looks like Sammy is sharing some *fatherly* advice with him. Abigail is so sweet and fluffy after her tubbie. I am sure she's glad that is over. Just precious pics CCL!

09-04-2004, 09:59 AM
Very cute... Awh magoo your mommy loves you too but new babes need a little more time and attention to get them safe and healthy, just be glad your not getting a bath... lol....

09-04-2004, 10:31 AM
So glad they survived the bath. It's so hard on the little ones!

So did it work? Have you checked them for fleas again???

09-04-2004, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by christa
So glad they survived the bath. It's so hard on the little ones!

So did it work? Have you checked them for fleas again???

Christa they had fleas so bad that there's no way one bath is
going to work. We are going to do it again today. Actually I don't expect to get rid of all the fleas with bathing. I'm just trying to do something until Abigail gains a little weight and gets strong enough to use chemicals on.

They were very good during there bath, believe it or not!:D It was pitiful afterwards though. We did Rosco first and got smart when we got to Abigail. She is so tiny and we didn't want her to get cold so we threw towels in the dryer and wrapped her in warmth. We kept swapping towels out of the dryer until she was dry. She hardly shook at all!! Thank goodness!:D :D :D

09-04-2004, 11:20 AM

Gosh darn gee whiz Lisa, you should have put a "cuteness overload" warning on this thread.

Those little ones are so darn adorable i've turned to mush.

The pic of Sammy with his little mini me is just PRICELESS.

My dear sweet Magoo, don't you worry big guy, mommy and the rest of us, still love you very much and you will always be the number *1* guy around here.:D

09-04-2004, 11:24 AM
OH MY!! What a great batch of pictures for my Saturday:D Magoo is as handsome as ever! I know he will learn to share:rolleyes: It is incredible how much Sammy and Rosco look alike - same color and markings - too cute:) "Uncle Sammy!"
AWWW - little Abigail is a tiny sweetheart. She is precious and I know she will perk up once she has some good nutrition in her and lots of lovins. She's a beauty ready to bloom.
That Rosco does look like a rascal!! Oh my, I can hardly wait to get my babies now:D
Enjoy your three day weekend and all the pampering and lovins you can dish out. Of course we will expect *extra* pictures you know;) :p

09-04-2004, 11:28 AM
Roscoe is the spitting image of his big brother Sammy... I wonder if they really are related somehow! I just want to kiss that little smudgy nosie!

09-04-2004, 01:48 PM
Awww................such cute little babies!! They are just precious and Mr. Magoo looks as wonderful as ever, I'm glad he's tolerating them! :D

Killearn Kitties
09-04-2004, 02:04 PM
Adorable pictures! Absolutely wonderful! I want to cuddle Abigail and Roscoe (are you sure his neck isn't broken?) :D:D

09-04-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Christa . . . They were very good during there bath, believe it or not!:D

Of course I believe it! They're special little kitties!!!

I'm so glad to hear that things went well with the baths. Sounds like you had better luck than we did bathing Josie the first time. When we bathed her, she shook so hard . . . we knew she had to be bathed again so we took her to a groomer. It went much better that time, but even the groomer couldn't get all of the fleas.

I just love these two . . . especially the orangie :) I fell in love with him right away . . . I'll probably always claim Rosco. Tell him when he gets in trouble, just to pack his bags and he can come and stay with Aunt Christa!

They look so happy . . . Once again, I'm so glad that you are keeping them!!! They're two lucky kitties!

Don Juan's mom
09-04-2004, 02:24 PM
I just happened to take a quick peek before I get ready for a staged reading I'm in. Golly, those babies are cute! Especially tiny Abigail. :)

Don Juan would weigh in too, only he's busy watching out for bird terrorists. :D


09-04-2004, 02:31 PM
Christa you will always be Rosco's special Aunt!:D It was because of what you said about them shaking so bad that we heated the towels. Thank you!
Rosco is just a busy and lively little boy and he really doesn't give a hoot what you do to him. He seems to make a game of it! I have a feeling that it may be different tonight when I bathe him. He is feeling much better and is getting to know things around here. He might be a little spitfire this go around. I will get hubby to take pics of tonights bath so you can see the little squirt.
They are so little that I just held them under the faucet and I refused to look at their faces! When we did make eye contact I turned them the other way because I couldn't stand the way they looked at me!!:eek:
It's funny now that it's over.:D :D :D

edit: Don Juan it is election time and killing all the terrorist birds would be a good thing right now!!:D :D :D

09-04-2004, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
It's funny now that it's over.:D :D :D

I know EXACTLY what you mean! Sure, it's sad when they're shaking and scared . . . but there's just something about a soaking wet cat that absolutely cracks me up!

I'm glad my advice came in handy. I wish we would have thought to do that for Josie, but once we let her down, she wouldn't let us near her. She had to lick off all the clean and about shiver to death in the process.

Can't wait to see new bath pics! :) Hopefully they won't struggle since they'll know what's coming!