View Full Version : Bath time for Tiger,Muffin,Bouncer,Buster, and CoCo

09-03-2004, 04:59 PM
Today I decided to take 5 of my dogs out to the garage for none other than a bath! What a thrill they had.. *being sarcastic* lol!

Well before I go on. I want to add a few pictures of Ziggy since she didn't get a bath. She hates baths and I sure didn't feel like giving her one since she is so powerful when it comes to baths.


The next few are of Muffin-- She hates having a bath. Although, I think the pictures of her looongg body are so cute! haha!






This is her inside the house with her wet fuzzy head! haha!


The next picture is of Buster. He hated the bath more than any of them. He was jumping in and out of the bathtub. One time he was trying to run outside and he had shampoo all over him and I was chasing him around the garage trying to get him back in the tub! haha!So I could only get one picture of him.


The next few are of CoCo. He loves getting a bath. It was so funny the first few times he had ever gotten a bath he would whine until I picked him up from the bathtub. This dog is such a baby! haha!




More Pictures in the next post!

09-03-2004, 05:04 PM
It doesn't get any cuter than that:D Bet you're all smelling SO fresh and clean:) You guys are adorable! Hope you survived the traum;)

09-03-2004, 05:06 PM
The next few are of Tiger.
He looks like a scared rat! haha!




Bath time over for Tiger--



Look at this one-- Tiger is so stubborn.. He don't like baths so everytime he gets one he won't look at us for awhile. Example is in the picture. He is so stubborn, but Tiger is my bestest buddy! He's been with us for 9 years.


The next few are of Bouncer--





A very Nice and Handsome Clean Bouncer! haha!


09-03-2004, 05:59 PM
How adorable!!! You know, first post I went back and did a head count...knew there were a couple missing:D Tiger, you're too funny! I know that head turning, "I don't see you, I'm mad at you" maneuver:D What a cutie!!! Bouncer, you're such a handsome boy! Love your curls;)

"Oh no mommy...pleasssssssse not baf!!!"


09-03-2004, 06:15 PM
Wow what a bunch of cuties, looks like you had a busy day! Which reminds me, tommorrow is suppose to be bath day for my two. :)

09-03-2004, 07:30 PM
aww!!! So cute! Your pups are adorable!!! :D:D:D

09-03-2004, 07:37 PM
You have beautiful babies!

This has to be my favorite picture:

"I am NOT happy mommy!!"

09-03-2004, 08:14 PM
whoa wait a minute before you start bashing someone now.. i didn't come on here to get put down or anything okay. first of all that bathtub is in the garage which noone never goes in except to wash the dogs and stuff. Although I don't care what it looks like I am proud to that bathtub belongs to me.. it might not be the newest bathtub but i'm dang proud of it. I can't say I'm rich enough to put a new bathtub in the garage. So get over it.

09-03-2004, 08:41 PM
oh yeah i almost forgot..

To everyone who replied thanks for the nice comments. and the captions looked exactly what they would have said! haha! thats funny!

09-03-2004, 08:54 PM
Come on you guys! Don't be like that, trying to start something over the cleanliness of a tub in the garage, there is nothing wrong with it, does everything have to be sparkling and shinning? In the real world things get used and will get stains. Don't ruin someone's post please....

Anyway, I'm sorry everyone else, I guess I'm just getting really tired of some people doing this. This is supposed to be a kind, caring, fun place and normally it is but this time I had to speak my mind.

The pictures are so cute! I always love to giggle at the looks our pups give us when geting a bath, hehe, they look so sad for some reason. lol! :) It's always like, "Moooom! Get me outta here!" lol

09-03-2004, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by dogs_4_me
Couldn't help but notice your dirty bathtubb.....and you let ur dogs bathe in that thing:eek:
I live in a semi grungy basement with my dogs. Obviously, I must be the world's worst owner right? Nope. More like.. some people just can't afford the luxury of a new bathtub, place, and such.

Anyways.. Very adorable pups! My boys give me the evil eye for hours after their baths. :p

09-03-2004, 09:07 PM
The pics are great... Don't mind these ppl... The one is already being reported.... Why do ppl come on here to ruin everyone else's fun this is a site about our pets.. Grow up for gods sake please

09-03-2004, 09:12 PM
Karen is aware of the problem, though I'm disappointed they weren't banned. Anyway, cute pics! Duke doesn't like baths either but afterward, he feels great and runs around the house like crazy :D

09-03-2004, 09:17 PM
LOL! That's what mine do, they run and run and run and well you know. lol! It's so funny and then all the rest of the day they are just dying to roll in something good and smelly. lol The other day Claire was caught rolling on her toy to try and stink herself up hehehe :D

Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Duke doesn't like baths either but afterward, he feels great and runs around the house like crazy :D

09-03-2004, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by dappledoxie
Come on you guys! Don't be like that, trying to start something over the cleanliness of a tub in the garage, there is nothing wrong with it, does everything have to be sparkling and shinning? In the real world things get used and will get stains. Don't ruin someone's post please....

Anyway, I'm sorry everyone else, I guess I'm just getting really tired of some people doing this. This is supposed to be a kind, caring, fun place and normally it is but this time I had to speak my mind.

The pictures are so cute! I always love to giggle at the looks our pups give us when geting a bath, hehe, they look so sad for some reason. lol! :) It's always like, "Moooom! Get me outta here!" lol
:( please don't lump 2 bad eggs with the rest of us!!! :(
Unless of course you were just refering to them..... :)
the pups are so cute!! they have gorgeous little faces.

09-03-2004, 11:38 PM
Your pups are so cute!!!! Bouncer looks like my sister's dog, Rudy. She had a wire haired terrier before him named Fergus and when he died she was so upset that her husband surprised her with a puppy - Rudy - whose markings were almost identical.

Love all the adorable bath pictures. I bet your home is a dog lover's heaven!

09-03-2004, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
:( please don't lump 2 bad eggs with the rest of us!!! :(
Unless of course you were just refering to them..... :)
the pups are so cute!! they have gorgeous little faces.

I'm not a bad egg. I promise!!! Everyone has a bad day. PLease realize this!!!!!:(

09-04-2004, 02:55 AM
What cuties!! I'll try to get some tub time pics of Star tomorrow, though I don't think she can match Tiger's sad "Not baaaathtime!" face!! *chuckles*

09-04-2004, 08:07 AM
LOL. I don't think anything can outbeat Tiger's face. I showed my friends the picture last night and everyone laughed about it. haha! Tiger is such a funny dog! I would love for you to post some of your pictures if you can. That would be so cool.

09-04-2004, 08:08 AM
Thats so cool that your sister had a wired foxed terrier. I hadn't seen one yet that doesn't look like the rest. I don't know about your sisters but I know Bouncer has so much energy and is the most energetic dog I have ever seen. Did your sister's have a very loud pitched bark. I know Bouncer does. I bet People blocks away can hear his bark lol!

09-04-2004, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by petslover
Thats so cool that your sister had a wired foxed terrier. I hadn't seen one yet that doesn't look like the rest. I don't know about your sisters but I know Bouncer has so much energy and is the most energetic dog I have ever seen. Did your sister's have a very loud pitched bark. I know Bouncer does. I bet People blocks away can hear his bark lol!
Yep, Rudy (and Fergus) have/had quite a bark and so active. Rudy is even more energetic than Fergus was and has some 'hyper' problems when it comes to cats. My sister has two cats and she will petsit her daughter's cat sometimes. Back this spring when her daughter was on vacation and Rugby - the cat - was staying with them he accidentally got out in the back yard with Rudy and Rudy attacked and almost killed him. Inside the house Rudy has no problem with the cats but outside he will chase them and if he gets a hold of them it's bad. Luckily Rugby survived the attack but it was pretty brutal.

Rudy is one of those terriers that will stand at the door and jump in the air looking in the window for 15 minutes straight. I've never seen so much energy.

09-04-2004, 11:15 AM
That is so much like Bouncer. Inside the house Bouncer is the most sweetest dog, but you get him outside he is a wild and crazy dog. He goes up and down the fence barking at a leaf and everything he sees. He tries to attack every wild animal in the yard too. Once you get him inside hes so tame and gentle with the little dogs.. We have to bring Bouncer in at night because anytime it gets dark he starts his barking. Sometimes when you go out there to get him he will be in one of his moods and won't come to you and just taking a running spree.

Another thing about Bouncer, He has to be on a leash when he is out of the fence at all times. He wants to dart off. Since we live on a highway its really dangerous. He don't get out that much just every now and then he will dart out the front door and he will walk past the house and just look at us when we are catching him. Hes so crazy. Bouncer is so funny though. I love wired fox terriers. I would suggest them for anyone who has kids because they are such good family pets.

09-04-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
:( please don't lump 2 bad eggs with the rest of us!!! :(
Unless of course you were just refering to them..... :)
the pups are so cute!! they have gorgeous little faces.

Nope I wasn't, and I wasn't trying to say anyone was a bad egg at all, basically just to not say things that may be hurtful, that's all. :)