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View Full Version : Going on Vacation

09-03-2004, 02:42 PM
Hello everyone! I know I haven't been posting too much lately. Been busy with worrying about the wedding and this vacation. Here's my dilemma. My dad and his wife, who is a pet nanny will be looking in on the guys on a daily basis - feeding, litter, treats. We will be gone for seven whole days!! I'm terribly worried about them. Have you guys ever left your cats alone that long, with someone looking in on them? I geel guilty! But it has to be better than boarding them and there is no way they would be comfortable in another's home. Do you think what I'm doing is ok? If not, do not hesitate to speak up, I'm just curious of others experience and opinions.

Please say a prayer for them that they will be ok while we are gone and not too fearful.

09-03-2004, 02:52 PM
Go and relax! You have the most trustworthy of all petsitters, your family!! I've left mine for this long at a time with my trusted petsitter, and they were just fine. Go, have a great time, and know how happy your gang will be to see you when you return!!! :)

09-03-2004, 02:53 PM
I think they will be much happier at home with someone checking in on them than at a kennel. Ever since my parent's health got too bad for them to pet sit for me I've started taking my dog to the kennel and leaving cats at home. The longest I've left Ripley alone (with someone checking in) was 5 days and he did just fine. Since I've added Jazz and Scout to the family I've only left them once for a few days but they did well. I had someone come once a day to feed and play with them and scoop litter.

Try not to worry too much. They will be okay.

09-03-2004, 02:55 PM
They will be fine, and just think how excited they will be when you get home, they will be on their best behaviours.. Enjoy your vacation while you can and just call and check up everyonce and a whil

09-03-2004, 03:00 PM
We dont go anywhere out of town together because we don't have anyone to watch our kids. It works out ok when hubby goes visits his family and I mine. Mine are out of state, his is 3 hrs away from us.

09-03-2004, 03:10 PM
We have been gone longer (22 days) with relatives stopping by twice a day for food, litter box maintenance and some cuddling. The cats did very well being in their own home and with each other. Even so, they missed us and we were well smootched and purred at when we returned.

09-03-2004, 04:13 PM
We have left our cats both at home and at the kennel. I would say at home is best if you have trustworthy people coming in. Ours didn't even miss us that much. The kennel we use has an excellent reputation and is recommended by our vet, but the cats hate going there.

09-03-2004, 04:21 PM
"Auntie KAK" is checking in on Livvy and Cassy while I'm in Virginia. It sounds like she's doing a better job monitoring their health levels than I do when I'm there. I do miss the fur-kids like crazy though. :( :eek:

Have a great trip and don't worry. :)

Maybe set up a checklist of concerns and go over it with the caretaker(s) so you and they have more of a sense of peace of mind.

09-03-2004, 04:27 PM
Go and have fun on your vacation! The kitties will be fine, and when you return you'll either have "velcro kitty" or a kitty that gives you the cold shoulder! :D I usually am greeted with cold shoulder, then he turns into velcro kitty after he feels I've suffered his cold shoulder long enough!

09-03-2004, 05:12 PM
Hi Angela,
We leaft our three at home for 10 day this spring while we flew to Japan to visit Missy and Paul (daughter and son-in-love) I was a nervous wreck!!!. My son checked on them and played with them each day and kept them fed and watered, then he and my daughter-in-love spent the night once or twice. Everything went FINE. I missed them but I am sure they are much better off at home. Mostly they just sleep anyway!!
They will be fine! I bet you will worry before you leave and part of the first day - then you will relax and maybe miss them but know they are fine. Have a GREAT time :D Family is the best at cat sitting!!

Laura's Babies
09-03-2004, 06:03 PM
I can gurantee you, you will miss them more than they miss you... But you will be in for some make up loving when you get home!

09-04-2004, 09:06 AM
If you a lucky,and have Good Care Givers,there will be no problems! I was in The Hospital,for 22 Days,and because the Cats,had Great People,to look after them,things were just fine,when I got home! Have A Great Time,as your Cats,will be up here,for at least Monday,and Tuesday!