View Full Version : I'm gonna have a fun weekend! Are you??

Samantha Puppy
09-02-2004, 06:28 PM
Hi hi everbunny,

Samantha here. I jus' wanna say HI to everbunny out dere cuz it's bin awile! I hope all my 'merican buddies hava fun long weekend! I can' wate - I love it when my mommy and daddy don' hafta gota work. I hate dat, I get so bord and lonly (althoh my mommy askd me tonite if I wanna baby kittey brofer, whatever that is. She sounded 'cited so I boofed 'yes' to her!).

Anywaiz, tomorrow I won' be home 'lone for long 'cuz my Grandaddy is comin' up to get me to take me bak to hiz house. I can't wait! Den Granmommy will come home and love me up and DEN Mommy and Daddy will come down too! It'll be like de old times 'fore Mommy an' Daddy got maryed. Onna Saterday, Mommy an' Daddy hafta go to a weddin' so I am gonna stay wif Granmommy an' Grandaddy some more. I fink my mom is gonna get me on Sunday. And Munday I get to spend aaaaaaall day wif my mom and dad!! No work!

Well I bedder go. Mommy duzn't no I got on dis typy-fingy! Time to go chase dat dumb nayberhud cat dat keeps comin' over and buggin' me!


PS - Happy Labor Day!!! An' I'll be finkin' of all duh nice hoomans and puppies (ok and cats too, jeez) dat hafta deal wif ol' Hurry-cain Frances.

09-02-2004, 07:25 PM
Hope you have an awesme time on your long weeked Samantha!!

09-02-2004, 09:17 PM
Sounds like your going to have a fun weekend Samantha!
And yes, we're going to have a fun one too...we're going to the bark park on Sunday:D

09-03-2004, 10:29 AM
I hope everyone has fun. I wish so much that I had been able to go to Ohio :( There will be no fun at all for us Floridians, unfortunately. We'll have to make up for that at a later time.

09-03-2004, 10:57 AM
have a good time samantha!:D

09-03-2004, 11:02 AM
Have a great weekend Samantha :D.

Val and everyone you will be in my prayers. :(

09-03-2004, 11:05 AM
Where do you live, Samantha? :)

Samantha Puppy
09-03-2004, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Smilla
Where do you live, Samantha? :) She lives with her daddy and I, in Maryland. :)

09-03-2004, 11:17 AM
Have a great time sweetie!!!!

09-03-2004, 01:05 PM
Ohhh, did we hear that right?? A NEW KITTTY??? Wooooo!! :D

Reece and Lolly are living with 8 kitties right now and they say to tell Samantha that it is not so bad ;)

Samantha, I hope you and your mommy and daddy have a lovely weekend!

09-03-2004, 01:18 PM
Have fun Samantha! :D

I may be watching my bosses doberman, Apollo, but I may not, just depends on if they go on their trip this weekend or not. :) He's such a cute boy!

If I don't do that then I'll just be doing not too much, working on my web page for class.

Oh and I hope that this weekend I can go get Niki from dads or at least visit again. :)

Samantha Puppy
09-03-2004, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by aly
Ohhh, did we hear that right?? A NEW KITTTY??? Wooooo!! :D

Reece and Lolly are living with 8 kitties right now and they say to tell Samantha that it is not so bad ;)

Samantha, I hope you and your mommy and daddy have a lovely weekend! When I took Samantha in, I was still living with my parents and they have an old kitty, Sherman. So she grew up with him but she's never been around a kitten.

I was thinking that since she didn't seem to care for sharing the dog spotlight in the house, maybe she wouldn't mind a kitten. They're more low-key, but she'd still have a playmate. :shrug: We'll see!! Every time my husband mentions Christmas, I meow, so he knows what I want. LOL

09-03-2004, 01:31 PM
lol... You'll be meowing for a while now... Hope you do get a little kitten it's so fun watching them with the dogs... Have a good weekend to you enjoy the wedding1 and samantha be good for granmommie and grandaddie we know you will!!

09-03-2004, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Samantha Puppy
Every time my husband mentions Christmas, I meow, so he knows what I want. LOL

Hehehehehehe! Hopefully he'll get the subtle hint! :D

Samantha Puppy
09-03-2004, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by aly
Hehehehehehe! Hopefully he'll get the subtle hint! :D I hope so... A little boy Maine Coon kitty would be perfect. Just like a baby Sherman. :D