View Full Version : Eye infections

07-06-2000, 07:24 PM
We have a huge problem: 8 kittens (some 4 wks, some 2 wks) who all have stuck-shut eyes. These kittens are products of 2 wild mothers who live in our back yard (they were here when we moved in). I'm trying to care for the kittens, and find homes for them..can't afford vet bills because we have our own cats to care for. Anyone have any home remedies to suggest? Thanks!

07-07-2000, 08:15 AM
It sounds like your kittens have conjunctivitis. It is really common in "wild" kittens, is extrememly contageous, and I think it can do real damage if not treated. I have no idea about a home remedy for this (except warm water on a cloth) but the kitties should get treated. If you cannot afford to keep them you might consider taking them to a cat shelter where they'll be treated right away.