View Full Version : Drama in my office *pointless thread*

09-02-2004, 10:36 AM
Oh goodness, I think my co-worker is getting fired at this very moment. The bosses just called him into the office. We're a small business, only 4 people work here, so one person getting fired is a big deal.

This is going to be drama. I wonder how he's going to react. I'm kinda freaked out here.

!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I feel bad for him, but he didn't know how to do the job he was hired to do, so I can understand why this is happening.

Sorry for the random thread!!! :D Feel free to ignore. :)

09-02-2004, 10:41 AM
Now you're going to have to fill us in on what happened, of course. Wonder why they hired him in the first place?

09-02-2004, 11:35 AM
Sounds just like my office, except they won't fire people who can't/won't do thier job. :mad: They just like to whine and make us fill out employee satisfactions surveys.

Do Fill us in though, the gossip corner is quiet here today :D

09-02-2004, 12:17 PM
That sucks DJ! :(

Well this guy got hired to be a technician. Turns out he knows more about software than about machines (we sell mailing machines, scales, etc.). So, he couldn't take care of hardly any service calls we had. Like today, he just sat around all day. You would think if he didn't know the machines, he would spend his downtime trying to run a few of them and learn about them, but no, not this guy. He'd rather be installing Linux on all of our computers :mad: :rolleyes:

In the three months he worked here, though, he did manage to:

-run out of gas in the company truck three times. Each time, guess who had to pick him up, take him to the gas station, get some gas and take him back to the truck? Me, of course. :rolleyes:
-get into an accident on the interstate in the company truck (no injuries)
-mess up an installation at a customer's site
-screw up postage meter inspections in various ways (the USPS has a FIT if you do that :rolleyes: )
-get lost on his way to customer sites almost every day (seriously)
-lose paperwork, therefore making my job harder

And the one time we actually did have a software problem that needed fixed, he couldn't do that either. Not to mention he had horrible, awful personal hygiene. Really bad.

All of this was actually kind of my boss's fault. He didn't have a lot of interviewing/hiring experience, and I don't think he really got to know who this guy was before he hired him.

The dude just left not too long ago. He had to wait for his wife to come pick him up because his car is broken down *again*. When he left he just sort of walked out and didn't say anything. I did get to tell him it was nice working with him and good luck before he left, but he didn't say bye to anyone. Oh well!! :rolleyes:

I'm glad there wasn't much drama. I was afraid he was going to freak out on us!

09-02-2004, 03:49 PM
Pfft. I work with a couple of guys like that. Total Rudness 101! Im glad your boss decided to fire him though instead of "Toughing it out" Here, they wouldn't do much about anything. A guy got a truck destroyed by a TRAIN (He was found to be drinking on the job too) and they didn't even fire him and gave him PAID LEAVE! Ugh....

09-03-2004, 03:16 PM
Sounds like the guy needed to be "let go".

I can't remember more than 2 firings in the 15 years I've been here. You have to really screw up to get fired. Some people have been drinking on the job, (The VP saw them) and nothing was said. Some others smoke joints in the parking lot on their break (and reek!), one has taken 16 weeks of paid 'medical leave' without a doctor's note, half of the warehouse workers smoke in prohibited areas and a couple have been seen sleeping --on a forklift!

I like job security, but I get tired of doing other peoples' work while they get paid.

We aren't as small, but still not very big. 2 1/2 office staff, 2 salesmen, 2 officers and 16 warehouse people.


09-03-2004, 03:26 PM
DJ, that's nuts! I can't believe if he was drinking on the job that he didn't get let go! :eek: We'd be out the door in a heartbeat here.

Another co-worker resigned today. Now it's just me and a service manager. No sales people to sell the products. Our manager works out of another office an hour away.

I think I'd better get to looking for another job, and quick, before this place goes under.

This sucks!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :(

09-04-2004, 12:40 PM
LizzieLou, that sounds incredibly like a guy I worked with at an art gallery not too long ago. His initials aren't "J.O.", are they? Only kidding, though seriously it does remind me of a person I worked with. He was hired to be the "office manager" of the framing section of the gallery. Well, he was really into computers, and instead had dreams of making the place really high-tech--installing webcams and microphones over the framing table, so that customers could get things framed online (who's going to order something like that online, when it's so important to be careful with mat colors?), etc. Trouble is, he didn't know what he was doing, and screwed up his boss' computer several times. He also ran out of gas in the company truck...a FEW times.

And, he was nasty to work with, to boot. He was incredibly sexist, *and* was trying to cheat on his wife. He thought nothing of saying bad things about his wife, and saying that he had nothing to do with her getting pregnant! (Huh?)

Anyway, his boss finally had enough, and called him into the office one day. I knew what was happening, and got so nervous that I actually started giggling maniacally. I couldn't control myself! I was so afraid I'd burst out laughing when I said bye to J.O., that I just made a point of being out on an errand when he left. Whew...

09-04-2004, 03:00 PM
Wow! My hubby & I used to work for a small company that sold/service mailing equipment and scales. (My hubby was a tech. and I worked in the office as a temp. fill-in). We were Neopost/Postalia dealers and we only had 6 people in our office.

Anyway, I can totally identify with what it would be like to lay someone off in that kind of situation. We had a sales guy that we had to lay off.

Hope you guys can find someone qualified to fill the position! :)

09-04-2004, 11:18 PM
I kinda know how u feel. & it sucks. Except I don't have to worry about lossing my job (I don't think Canada Post will be going anywhere any time soon hehe).

I work in a Postal Outlet in a Drug store (Pharma Plus). I now have 1 employee :(

I should have 6!!!

We fired 2 people for not showing up & not doing what they were told (selling things their way & messing it up & costing us big bucks to fix it & money going missing, oi).

My top employee had her lungs collaps again & had to have another lung surgery. Shes such a sweet girl, everyone likes her, customers, postmen employees, everyone, & its really sad to see her suffer like this.

But she told some store employees that shes feeling MUCH better & might come back in Oct. Personally I think thats too early, esp. after she came back early the last time. But she refusses to let her lungs get the better of her, so she does what she wants to.

& my 1 employee I have right now, is HORRIBLE!!! Shes gonna get her butt fired really soon!! & I plan to be part of it!!

I had enventory today & it takes me my whole shift (8 & 1/2 hr) to do it with help & someone else on cash & dealing with the phone & customers.

Well I came into work at 1pm & the super told me that my employee wanted to go home as soon as I came in. Shes claming shes sick & that Jenn (she quit yesterday due to a very bad illness, Dr. orders, or so she says) gave her the bug.. Little does my employee know but if she had Jenn's bug, she'd be in the hospital & pucking her gutts out everyday all day & everyday.

My manager was sick of her so when he called he said she has to get a Dr. note to get paid. It's $12.00 for this note & 1hr in the waiting room.

Shes only been back to work for a few weeks (shes a student & went home for the summer) & she has only finished 1 whole shift so far. shes gone home early for all her other shifts.

So next week is gonna be fun.. I know shes gonna call in sick & I'm gonna have to do more 12hr shifts, which suck, cause I get very grumpy around 7pm & tend to snap at stupid customers. But its extra pay :(