View Full Version : We all went to the park today (Pictures)

09-01-2004, 11:05 AM
It seemed like such a nice cool morning so I thought we would all head down to the bark park. Angus was so excited that he got to come with us. He's been so much more dosile this last year and there is two different fenced off parts of the park so I thought why not bring him.
Of course I tried to get some pictures in the beginning, but who wants to pose for pictures when there is so many smells around!
It was so nice this time, they couldn't get into the little stream they have (it's always stagnant anyway:o ). They fenced it off. Needless to say Roxey was not happy about this!
She's trying to find a way in!
Finally she gave up and decided to run:D
Honey too!
More to come!

09-01-2004, 11:11 AM
This isn't the greatest picture, but I thought he looked sooo happy in it!
Just truckin' along the trail
And one dog did come while we were there. It was a 7 yr old golden (don't remember his name though).
Doesn't my old man look happy! I'm so glad he got to come:D
I thought this was a pretty profile of him.
Just before we got ready to leave I got a really good one of all of them (of course by now they were tired and didn't mind posing;))
Three tired happy pups!!!
Of course they are all sleeping now:D

Just thought we'd share our fun day with everyone!

09-01-2004, 11:15 AM
Oh Anna that looked like so much fun. I am so happy to hear Angus got to go along with you and the girls he would have been thrilled. :D

The photos are great thankyou so much for sharing them with us.

And now i am off to bed and will probably dream about Rottis, Chows and Huskys ;).

09-01-2004, 11:32 AM
wonderfl pictures,,, they are all so darling,,,, Love the tongues,,, a sign of a well worn out and happy dog!!!!

09-01-2004, 11:33 AM
Thanks for sharing your fun day at the park! I just love watching dogs run, explore, and just be dogs while out like that, it makes me feel so happy, it's hard to explain, but it just feels wonderful and I'm sure you know what I mean. :)

I thought this one was really pretty:


The way the sun is hitting her other side makes her have a glow along her profile, just a really pretty shot. And of course I can't see enough of that happy face of Angus's. Roxey looks so happy while she's running too!

Cinder & Smoke
09-01-2004, 11:42 AM
Looks like a *Phunn :D Tyme* was had by all!

But HEY ~
Where's this Dawg Park?? >>

Looks kinda *NICE* and roomy!!

09-01-2004, 11:55 AM
AWWWWWWWW What a happy boy!!!

I love the profile shot of him, too!!

Looks like they had alot of fun!! Im glad you decided to go there, because that means more pics of the pups :p

Give Angus big hugs and kisses for me, and one for the girls too ;)

BTW, Has he still been feeling okay?

09-01-2004, 12:29 PM
Awww what great pictures! I wish we had a dog park but I guess when you live in the country they think the whole place is a dog park. lol

They all look so happy :)

09-01-2004, 12:33 PM
What a fun time you all look to have had! I specially love the close up one of Angus. Look a the happy twinkle in his big eyes! :D

Thanks for sharing with us!:)

09-01-2004, 12:45 PM
You've got such a wonderful fur family! You are so very lucky to have a cool morning already. Down here it's as humid and hot as ever. Those pics of Roxey and Huney running are great! Those last few of Angus are very special. He looks so happy. Great pics!

09-01-2004, 12:48 PM
I saw these pics when you first posted them and they made me very happy. I had to take a shower and get ready for when my parents get home (the go to the doctors) but OF COURSE they're not home yet so I have time to comment. :D

I so can't wait to see Angus again!

Do you think he'd let Kiara get her picture taken with him? I'd love to have one of them together.

I love the one of him walking down the trail!
And the one of Roxey running. Of course lil old Huney still steals my heart.. especially with that tongue of hers. :D

09-01-2004, 01:29 PM
Wow :) those are awesome photos :)
I'd just love to meet this wonderful trio in real life :)
And look that that Huney's smiling, happy face in last photo - awww :)
Thanx for sharing :)

09-01-2004, 03:21 PM
Great pictures Anna, your kids all look so happy!

09-01-2004, 05:59 PM
Wonderful Pictures, Anna! Angus looks so happy! I'm glad he got a chance to go play.

09-01-2004, 06:18 PM
That looks like a great park.
It's huge!!!

Everyone looked like they had a great time. :D

Toller 42
09-01-2004, 06:20 PM
The dogs look so happy in those pictures, I love all of your dogs.

09-01-2004, 06:41 PM
What a great morning! Sounds like a fun and relaxing day. I'm so glad that Angus got to go along. That looks like a really nice park. All three of them look so happy and like they are really enjoying themselves. I am a bit jealous here. Looks like you had a nice relaxing morning with the kids while I had to work and then come home to my extremely messy kitchen and finish up with the painting and things are still a mess in there :rolleyes: Just doesn't seem quite fair to me I should have made you come down and join in with the painting ;)

Made me smile to come in here to relax a bit and find your three beauties smiling back at me.

Give these 3 gorgeous kids a hug from their Auntie Robin ;)

Love and Hugs....Robin :)

09-01-2004, 06:42 PM
Hello gorgeous kids!!!!!

BOY - you look like you had a great time at that park ....... Thanks Anna!!!

09-01-2004, 06:47 PM
Great pictures! They sure look like they had a good time! Roxey and Huney look like they had a whole bunch of fun, and AWW! Angus!


:D Bless him! He looks so happy! I'm glad he got to go, it looks like he really enjoyed himself! :)

09-01-2004, 07:14 PM
Rhiannon, were all your puppy dog dreams nice:D

LorraineO you are right, they were very well worn out!

K9soul I loved that picture too and I do understand how you feel. It makes me happy to see them having such fun.

Cinder & Smoke this is the park down in Dayton I had mentioned a while ago. It's very, very big!!!

DogLover9501 I knew that would be your favorite pictures;)
Lots of hugs & kisses given for you! And the boy has been doing very well!

dappledoxie we live in the country and have a pretty big yard but they just don't think it's the same as going to the park. You get to go outside but not go "bye-bye";)

momoffuzzyfaces yes your right, he did have a twinkle in his eye. He was so happy to get to go with us:D

dukedogsmom yes, I was glad it was a little cool but it didn't take long to warm up:p But thank goodness not as warm as it is there!

Kfamr I know he'd let you get a picture of the two of them. It might take a little time for him to check her out first though;)

EssTer I'd love for you to be able to meet them too!

pitc9 yes, they were very happy:D

Cincy'sMom he was glad he got to go play too (even though he just kinda wandered around then got tired and layed down he had fun).

KYS it is a great park, just wish there were more shady spots.

Toller 42 thank you! I love your dogs too!

RobiLee no, it really wasn't fair was it;) And the hugs from you are given! Hope you got most of your kitchen work done!

captain your so very welcome! Any time!! We need some new pics of your kids here soon!

ComedyDevil a fun time was had by them all!

09-01-2004, 07:16 PM
Those are great Anna!!!
They all look so happy!
I had to do a double take tho! I thought Keegan had hitched a ride while I was sleepin! ;)

09-01-2004, 07:23 PM
Hehe Staci! If you would have seen this boys face you would have though different. He was gorgeous but getting alot of white around his face and eyes.
You all should come here sometime and go to the park with us!

09-01-2004, 07:25 PM
All the pics are great, but I think my favorite one is the one of Angus grinning, and his ears are back... :) What a handsome guy!!

Your girls are beautiful too.

Thanks for sharing, Anna!!:D

09-01-2004, 08:02 PM
Oh Anna!!! What a fun day! Of course, all the shots of the kids are wonderful! But to see your beautiful boy out in the sunshine, romping and having such a great day, made me all teary:) Angus, you're one amazing boy!!! Have your mom give you a big hug for me when you wake up:) Huney, Roxey, you girls get more beautiful every day:)


09-03-2004, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by anna_66
DogLover9501 I knew that would be your favorite pictures;)
Lots of hugs & kisses given for you! And the boy has been doing very well!

Yay! Sloppy rottie kisses :D :D :D, I actually got some real sloppy rottie kisses at the dog park yesterday from a gorgeous rottie girl named Chloe :D

Im glad Angus is doing well!!

09-04-2004, 10:06 AM
Wonderful pictures!! Looks like they all had so much fun!

09-04-2004, 02:34 PM
Oh, Anna, what wonderful pictures of your happy crew! :D I especially love the picture of the three of them together and the one of dear Angus with the twinkle in his eye too! :)

Thanks for sharing!
