View Full Version : Any Advice.... :(

09-01-2004, 02:08 AM
Hi everyone,

I came here for some advice...

School is starting, AGGH, ive never ever been so stressed in my life. My school takes trips, and I HATE been away from home (im sure everyone is snickering right now) Its horrible. I get totally home sick, and i cant seem to over come it! I dont like my school at all. You have know idea the endless hours that i spent crying and begging not to go back to that school. I get teased constatly, I'm the slowedest runner there aka the best person to tease. No one believe I have a boy friend, so they hold i against me. Its so horrible now. The only solution i can see is leaving the school, which isnt going to happen

The bus ride home is horrible. EVERYONE on my bus is so mean to me. Part of me wants to listen to ear phones, but i also want to listen to what ever one is saying.

I'm a loser. Honestly I have one friend in the whole school:( I seem to be the person that is in each and everyone rumor. Its horrible. My parents could and would never know what it feels like. Has anyone else had problems at school? Any advice, because i am so nervous with starting i cant sleep. SO i will be on PT all night anyways.:(

09-01-2004, 02:13 AM
I am definitly not snickering about been scared about been away from home... I share your fear:p :( School is crud somtimes, kids can be mean. Have you tried talking to the kids that are mean? If so and they didnt stop. I would tell you to go to your principal or teacher, but somtimes that just makes it worse. Don't worry about the trips though. Its is somthing you can overcome, and the only way is to go on those trips and take is a step at a time.. Hope every thing gets better soon.

09-01-2004, 02:28 AM
I'm so sorry you're going through rough times. I'm glad you have at least that one friend in your school. Sometimes when I'm feeling down, I try to concentrate on what I do have instead of what I don't have. It really does make me feel better. Hold tight to the friends you do have and they will be there for you.

While you're lonely at school, just think of your extended family here at Pet Talk sending our love and support to you. Just imagine us all standing behind you and let that give you strength to march through school with your head held high.

I doesn't matter who runs the fastest or slowest. What matters is on the inside. And you've probably got the biggest heart in the whole school!

09-01-2004, 02:35 AM
I get really homesick too...and I get intensely lonely when I'm away from my SO for even a short amount of time, though I try not to let it show.

I've been there...it sucks. Honestly, I was miserable through most of my school life until my sophomore year when I took my state proficiency exam and graduated early. I remember enering a charity run at school once. I earned a lot of money for the charity but it didn't matter because I was the last person to finish the run and that's all anyone remembered. :( Gawds, it still hurts....

Honestly, my way of dealing with things was to bury myself in books. Novels, textbooks, comics, whatever...just anything to escape reality for a bit. I think this benefitted me in the long run because I learned a LOT in those years, but I wish there had been an easier way to handle it.

If you want, drop me a PM, I'm always willing to lend an ear.

09-01-2004, 02:47 AM
thanks everyone. I'm just so scared. I am happy i can come here to talk. All of the school year last year, i seemed to have stress head aches and stomach aches...im really trying hard to overcome all of this, and make my school year a little more enjoyable.

09-01-2004, 02:50 AM
Oooh, for the stress tummyaches.....go to a health food store and look for candied ginger. I'm still a very high-stress person, and I take candied ginger almost everywhere. It's spicy, but it makes my stomach feel so much better.

09-01-2004, 03:13 AM
Thanks...Can you get the Candied Ginder ale At any health food store??

09-01-2004, 03:15 AM
I think so...I go to Trader Joe's for mine, but I don't even know how big a chain Trader Joe's is. It migh tbe a good idea to call around and ask if anyone has candied ginger before making a special trip and finding out that they don't.

http://www.reedsgingerbrew.com/Candy.asp <~Reed's is yummy!

09-01-2004, 05:49 AM
Oh Lily my heart goes out to you sweetheart - schoolphobia is actually recognised over here - how about Canada?
Have your Mum or Dad thought of taking you to see your doctor - or maybe counselling?
I'm sure something could be done to help you because it's so important that you finish your schooling - it doesn't matter one bit how fast you can run. What matters is the person you are.
If you're being bullied talk to someone about it - as soon as you can.
Sometimes when people are teasing you - even though it hurts so much - try laughing at yourself. Perhaps they think your ignoring them - this is often the case with quiet people, they appear standoffish - and it just isn't the case - all they want is to be friends with someone.
Remember - you've got lots of friends here thinking of you and holding you in our Pet Talk {{{Hug}}}.


09-01-2004, 09:04 AM
Your post brought back bitter memories.

I remember the first day of middle school crying and
begging my dad to take me home.
(I did not want to get out of the car)
Of course I had to go.

One friend is all you need in school and I bet later on
you will have more than one person to hang out with.
Don't let the other kids get to you.
If they know they can get to you, they will do it more.
One of my sisters was picked on terribly at school.
It made her strong and she stuck her nose in her school
Instead of concentrating on friends and boys (like
another sister of mine) she got good grades
and became the youngest female lawyer to graduate
law school back than. :)
She is happily married with 4 kids and loves her career.

So being the picked on kid she got the last laugh at
the end.

P.S. she really did especially at her high school reunion.
She started out a geeky awkward looking teenager
that everyone made fun of, and blossumed into a beautiful and smart swan. :)

09-01-2004, 12:47 PM
Thanks everyone, At least i know i can always go here to talk:)

:eek: 6 more days untill school:eek:

09-01-2004, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by smileyiloveyou
Honestly I have one friend in the whole school

Remember You have many friend.....US here at PT.

09-01-2004, 01:16 PM
Please don't let those other people make you feel like you are a loser. There's nothing to be ashamed about getting homesick, either. I was pretty much a loner in school. I had a few close friends and that was it. I didn't want to hang out with the popular crowd because they were jerks and I really didn't fit in with the redneck crowd. The rest of us were on our own. Hope it gets better.

09-01-2004, 01:40 PM
Unfortunately I felt most of my high school years were similar to yours :( I had a couple of good friends and I buried myself in work and books.

In some ways I was lucky because I didn't have to take a bus so I "missed" that experience.

I have no great words of advice except please remember, what goes around comes around. Those bullies who are bugging you now will get their's someday and you will be out of there doing something fun. I know that is certainly what happened with my life. Alot of the people I went to high school with are still in the dicky little town where we grew up and haven't ever really experienced much of what life has to offer.

Remember that you can always come here and talk...

09-01-2004, 07:11 PM
just got class list. my best friend isnt even in my class:( life sucks

09-01-2004, 07:25 PM
Is there anyway you could move classes? But every year people change, try to make friends with the new kids, the people that teased may finally realize that it was immature and stupid and life will move on. Well hopefully! My best friend wasnt in my class last year either. That doesnt change anything. You still eat lunch together ect. Maybe this is a good thing? You will be able to meet new people, im sure this year will get alot better!:)

You mentioned above that you get stress head aches adn stomach aches, lol I know how you feel, lately i have been so nervous with school i cant remember not having a head ache. What really helps me is a really hot shower. It lets you forget things for awhile.:)

09-01-2004, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by dogs_4_me
Is there anyway you could move classes? But every year people change, try to make friends with the new kids, the people that teased may finally realize that it was immature and stupid and life will move on. Well hopefully! My best friend wasnt in my class last year either. That doesnt change anything. You still eat lunch together ect. Maybe this is a good thing? You will be able to meet new people, im sure this year will get alot better!:)

You mentioned above that you get stress head aches adn stomach aches, lol I know how you feel, lately i have been so nervous with school i cant remember not having a head ache. What really helps me is a really hot shower. It lets you forget things for awhile.:)

I have a feeling nothing will change. I'm so scared. I'm was honestly crying so hard earlier i was shaking. Summer went way to fast. I'm such an outcast.:(

09-01-2004, 07:37 PM
Your definitly not an outkast. This happens to lots of people. Dont worry about untill it happens. Maybe this year will be a complete change. Just take everything step by step. I know how you feel with your problem of been away from home, its really scary, my school takes lots of trips as well. I hope things get better for you.

09-01-2004, 07:42 PM
The ginger candy does work. :) I love that stuff!

I'm so sorry about school! I have times like that all the time. Last year I had no friends for half the year. My 'friends' started a rumor about me and no one in the whole school would talk to me. I get teased a lot, too.

Try keeping your mind on something other than the teasing. For me its getting up each day and making good grades because I'll need them someday to get into vet school. Thats pretty much what keeps me going with school.

I have made new friends, my old friends I am able to live with having classes with them.

Best of luck and don't forget all your friends on PT!