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View Full Version : my son is on his way home..yippee..

08-31-2004, 05:28 PM
I am just so excited and happy, the time has finally arrived, the last six weeks seemed to drag, he should be either in LA right now or just left there, hard to work out with all the time zones.

This time tomorrow morning he will be home, I can't wait to see him , I just hope his flight was not too tough with this sore back, as long as he gets back safe and sound thats what matters.

Hubby and Melissa are leaving at 5 am tomorrow and travelling two hours to pick him up, I will have to wait, travelling is just a bit hard on me, anyway I will get them to ring me from the airport when they see him.

Everyone is having a couple of days off from work and school so we can have some quality family time together, once Scott has rested and recovered from his Jet Lag.

Time is dragging, I wish it were tomorrow now, I am like a little kid waiting to open their xmas present. lol:)

08-31-2004, 06:22 PM
Thats great he's coming home. I hope you enjoy the visit! Have a good time.

08-31-2004, 06:23 PM
Thats exciting! I hope he has a great visit, and you guys have a great time together!

08-31-2004, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by carole
I am just so excited and happy, the time has finally arrived, the last six weeks seemed to drag, he should be either in LA right now or just left there, hard to work out with all the time zones.

This time tomorrow morning he will be home, I can't wait to see him , I just hope his flight was not too tough with this sore back, as long as he gets back safe and sound thats what matters.

Hubby and Melissa are leaving at 5 am tomorrow and travelling two hours to pick him up, I will have to wait, travelling is just a bit hard on me, anyway I will get them to ring me from the airport when they see him.

Everyone is having a couple of days off from work and school so we can have some quality family time together, once Scott has rested and recovered from his Jet Lag.

Time is dragging, I wish it were tomorrow now, I am like a little kid waiting to open their xmas present. lol:) Carole, I'll be shouting "yippee" right beside you in spirit! I'm just praying that he comes home safely and that you give him a BIG Pittsburgh hug for me!

08-31-2004, 07:21 PM
Very exciting and I am very happy for you. :)

08-31-2004, 08:27 PM
Thanks David you are a big sweetie, Btw he is not coming home for a visit, to stay again , well at least for 8 mths before he heads off to England once again, he has been gone just over four and half months, his first OE, its been a long time for his mum.;)

09-01-2004, 02:16 PM
TODAY is the day, its finally here, Scott should have arrived at the airport now, and my hubby and daughter are there to greet him, me I just have to pass the time,until the exciting moment, I can hug my boy again, and what a better way to do it, than be here on PT.
I hardly slept last night , waking up every hour or so.

Yesterday was our first day of spring, it was the coldest, wettest day we have had, today is warmer but still cloudy and yuck, oh well can't be much worse than the English weather, their summer has not been too great.

Counting down, only three hours to go.......:) :D :cool: :D

09-01-2004, 02:43 PM
Such wonderful news! I'm grinning from ear to ear for you!!!! :D See! ;)

09-01-2004, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by carole
TODAY is the day, its finally here, Scott should have arrived at the airport now, and my hubby and daughter are there to greet him, me I just have to pass the time,until the exciting moment, I can hug my boy again, and what a better way to do it, than be here on PT.
I hardly slept last night , waking up every hour or so.

Yesterday was our first day of spring, it was the coldest, wettest day we have had, today is warmer but still cloudy and yuck, oh well can't be much worse than the English weather, their summer has not been too great.

Counting down, only three hours to go.......:) :D :cool: :D Carole, hang in there!{{{{HUGS}}}}

09-01-2004, 03:51 PM
How wonderful :D!

09-01-2004, 04:11 PM
Oh Carole - I'm just so excited for you!! You must be jumping up and down by now!!
I can remember how I felt when Elizabeth returned from 18 months travelling.
Give your Big Lad a great BIG Meowmie Welcome Home xxxxxx


09-01-2004, 05:57 PM
OH YAHOOO for you! I'm so happy for you! Oh and excited! lol!
See I don't know where he was ariginally but I'm glad you get to see him! SO HAPPY! I hope that you have a blast!

have fun!


09-02-2004, 11:59 PM
Scott arrived home yesterday safe and well, I gave him the biggest hug and kisses ever and burst into tears, he said Mum are you crying? your'e supposed to be happy I am home, I said , son they are tears of Joy.

I actually have been absent from PT for a whole day, catching up with Scott, its been great, I feel like my family is one again, it just has not been the same without him, there was a big void.

He had a great time, and is planning his next trip,he seems happy to be home again though, as they say there is no place like home.

He brought home these huge bars of Toberlone chocolate, 400grms blocks, of each flavour, my favorite and a cute teddy bear for Melissa with London written on his t-shirt.

Harmanie Scott has been on the other side of the world for 4 and half months doing his big OE in England, playing cricket most of the time and having a blast.

Life is good!!!!:)

09-03-2004, 01:32 AM
Carole, that is great news to have Scott home safe and sound!! You weren't too excited were you? I'm glad that you had a great family reunion! {{{{HUGS}}}}