View Full Version : Dog gives birth to kitten (uh huh, sounds like National Enquirer, or some tabloid)

08-31-2004, 05:15 PM
Dog gives birth to kitten
August 30, 2004

People have flocked to a small village on the outskirts of Cambodia's capital
after a man claimed that his ten-year-old pet dog has defied nature and the
ancient tradition of her species reviling cats and given birth to a kitten.

Owner Te Huot told Deutsche Presse-Agentur that his dog, called Knou, gave
birth to a grey tabby kitten after he was visited by a forest monk who claimed
that the dog had mated with a tiger.

He said it was only the second time in the dog's life that she had given
birth, and that the first time, five years earlier, she had produced normal
canine puppies.

However, he claimed that last Tuesday, Knou went into labour at his Chhbar
Ampou village home and produced a single kitten.

The phenomenon has brought crowds thronging to Te Huot's home to burn incense
and give donations towards the dog and its tiny kitten, which Te Huot says is
a sign from the gods.

"This animal cries like a cat, and its face is like a cat, but its feet are
bigger than a cat's and look more like a dog's feet," local media quoted Te
Huot as saying.

However, one visitor on Friday was less than impressed.

"It is a kitten," the man told DPA. "I only went to see what it looked like,
but when the owner told me I had to pray to the dog, I left. I don't believe
him that this kitten came from his dog."

Animal husbandry experts also cast doubts on the ability of a dog to give
birth to a cat, but sheer curiosity value still saw hundreds of Cambodians
mobbing the bemused new canine mother in a rush to witness the alleged strange
birth for themselves.

08-31-2004, 05:38 PM
i dont know to believe that or not:eek: but if its true,OMG!:eek:

08-31-2004, 06:07 PM
Yeah right and I gave birth to a dog.

Mated with a tiger. :rolleyes: That dog would have been the tigers meal, not it's mate.

Geesh, I wonder if the guy is making any money off of this.

08-31-2004, 07:54 PM
It sounds like complete hogwash to me as well! I didn't want to register at the link (maybe there's pictures) but it annoys me having to divulge all this stuff just to read one article! (not that I give my real name or anything else LOL)!;)

09-01-2004, 09:45 AM
How Funny!

Why would someone even try to pull something like this off?

09-01-2004, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by pitc9
How Funny!

Why would someone even try to pull something like this off?

Its amazing how much people will pay to see this type of BS! P.T. Barnum made a huge amount of money making people pay to see things that were obviously fakes. As long as people keep coming and keep paying, this guy will keep feeding the masses this story. Hmmm maybe I can make a few extra bucks saying Remus gave birth to my lizard or something :rolleyes:

09-01-2004, 10:26 AM
DJF, let's print our own tabloid and make lots of money! For these guys the old saying is true: there is a sucker born every minute!

09-01-2004, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by david p
DJF, let's print our own tabloid and make lots of money! For these guys the old saying is true: there is a sucker born every minute!

PT Barnum was one smart guy! :D I remember reading one story where he painted a huge sign in one of his exhibits that said "This way to the Egress" Most people, not knowing that Egress means Exit, they follow the sign (thinking they are going to see something really neat cause the sign is just that cool looking) and exit the tent...and if they want to go back and see something else cause they didn't mean to leave, the tent operator charged them to get back in!! Hows that for a scam?!

09-01-2004, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by rg_girlca
Yeah right and I gave birth to a dog.

Mated with a tiger. :rolleyes: That dog would have been the tigers meal, not it's mate.

Geesh, I wonder if the guy is making any money off of this.

exactly! :rolleyes: