View Full Version : Pixie's off to the vet

08-31-2004, 09:04 AM
I know I posted this under A Lump but I wanted people to come back to it agian. She has an appointment at 6:15 tonight thats the earliest we could get in... Please prey for my sweet little kitten

K & L
08-31-2004, 09:06 AM
Prayers sent your way. Could this be an abcess? If possible try and see if there is a cat bite in the same area.

08-31-2004, 09:28 AM
I hope that it can be removed easily (and I think there is a good probability for that):)

Paws and fingers crossed for Pixie:)

08-31-2004, 11:47 AM
Good luck at the white coats today, Pixie. :)

08-31-2004, 01:32 PM
I hope it's nothing serious! Will be sending positive thoughts and keep all paws and fingers crossed for sweet Pixie! :)

Laura's Babies
08-31-2004, 01:58 PM
Good luck at the vets!!

09-01-2004, 08:58 AM
WE are hoping that Pixies lump,like that of Precios,the Siamese turns out,to be benign,and she is home very soon!

09-01-2004, 09:01 AM
hi just thought I'd let you all know the lump is a reaction to her needle since they were all put together into one shot he said some cats react to it. He said it would get bigger and then slowly go away in the next 2 months... but for now on hes going to seperate the needles.
Good news for Pixie though! no surgery

09-01-2004, 09:09 AM
Good you know it now.
But I think the vet shouldn't have vaccinated at that part. Next time Pixie has to go in for her shots you should ask whether they have heard about the risk of a sarcome.

smokey the elder
09-01-2004, 09:14 AM
Why isn't your vet complying with the vaccination protocols? The different shots should go into different limbs, no longer in the shoulder/scruff area. I'm glad it's nothing serious, but you should keep a close eye on that lump. Good luck with Pixie!

Laura's Babies
09-01-2004, 02:24 PM
Awe Pixie! I am glad it is nothing to have to worry Mommie! Hope that ole lump goes away soon and don't hurt you any!

09-01-2004, 02:29 PM
I don't know I just assumed he did it right since he's the vet... Next shots I'll ask him about it....

09-01-2004, 02:42 PM
I'm so glad that Pixie is ok. :)

09-01-2004, 07:52 PM
I'm so glad that Pixie is okay.

Does she show any sign of discomfort from it?

Poor baby. Give her a kiss for me.:)

09-01-2004, 08:01 PM
Whew! I'm glad to hear that the lumop is only a temporary thing, and that it'll eventually go away on its own.

I was also wondering why the vet would put all the shots into the same area too. Especially if he is aware that some cats do have reactions like that.