View Full Version : They're Heeeeeere!

08-30-2004, 05:49 PM
Yippie! I have two little foster kittens in my possesion! Before you ask, my camera is officially enroute to be repaired, so no pictures. :(

I met them last weekend at an adoption event, but the foster mom had to give them back because her bird was stressed out and plucking his feathers out. I don't know their real names... the person who dropped them off to me didn't know either, but they are being referred to as "Bad" and "Badder" LOL. And they ARE a handful!

Bad is a little white girl with calico markings. Her sister, Badder is a little grey tabby with a white tummy, gloves, and boots. First off, Pouncer sat in a chair about 6 feet from the cage staring at them. I picked hm up and put him next to the cage. HISS! Ok, Pouncer, its ok! I went to pet him and he flew off in a flash! :D So much for Pouncer being best friedns! Then Allen came out while the kittens were playing and was curious. He didn't hiss until the Badder swatted his nose! :D

They sat playing on the window ledge looking outside for a good half hour. I put them back in their cage for a while... so that they can relax a bit (they were a bit upset by the car ride) and that my boys get used to the idea of strange visitors.

Before they came, Pouncer and Allen had a field day playing in the cage and with the toys. Mind you, those are the same toys that remained unplayed with beofre I decided to give them to the kittens. All of the sudden, the boys want to play with them. :rolleyes: I wish I had my camera to take pictures of the boys in the cage, etc. Too funny!

08-30-2004, 05:59 PM
That is too funny! The boys will get used to them but they may show you how upset they are for awhile. Especially that little spoiled rotten Pouncer!!;) :D He isn't going to like sharing his meowmie at first but I think he will soon learn how much fun the babies can be.
How old are they? They sound absoutely adorable and DARN what a time for the camera to out of commision!!:(

Laura's Babies
08-30-2004, 06:58 PM
Change those names PRONTO!! Don't want them having "those" names to live up to!! How bout Pebbles and Bam Bam? Anything other that Bad and Badder.... YILES!:eek:

It is great of you to take them in. Wish I could foster....but how I work, just don't allow that... shucks!

08-30-2004, 07:11 PM
They do have real names, but neither of us know what they are. Last week, the foster mom didn't want to part with them so she jokingly put the names Bad and Badder on their cage! Nobody adopted them! Do you blame them with those names? LOL We will find out their names ASAP.

Well, I have to go and see how badly my boys are glaring at the cage. Neither are happy in the least. :(

08-30-2004, 07:52 PM
Yay! Babies!! And BOO no camera! Yes, those names do need changing fast. Two cats turned over to the shelter that takes 99% of my rescues had awful names. One was "Hag" and the other was worse, and I'm glad I can't recall it. I think many people adopt kittens & cats with cute names. Names like Dorito, French Fry, weird names like that I think turn prosective adopters off for some reason. I have been at the point where there have been so many kittens coming and going, I give up naming them sometimes. How old are your two new kids??? :confused: And when can you borrow a friends camera LOL!

08-30-2004, 08:57 PM
QSA, "Hag" IS awful!!!

Catnapper, I'm sorry your boys are upset. They will calm down soon. :)

Can't wait for your camera to get repaired!

08-30-2004, 09:07 PM
Fun!! Fosters!!! Hey, you can foster some for me too. ;)

Glad things are going well for the little ones.

08-30-2004, 09:43 PM
I had to cheat... I pulled their photos off Petfinder... they're listed as Bad and Badder on Petfinder! :eek: :D

They are just too pretty not to show!
Here's there two together (sorry the photo is so tiny)

Here's Bad - she's the bigger one so she's bad :D

And here's Badder - and she is! She's much more active and she is training to be naw-tee! :D
In the picture, she has whiskers, but she doesn't now! Looks like they've been CUT off. Not broken, because they are all stubble-like and all the same length - about 1/8". Why would someone do that? :confused:

Pouncer is still upset, but he's sitting in the rom where the cage is and refuses to leave... just sits and watches. :rolleyes:

08-30-2004, 09:51 PM
Cute babies! They do need a name change fast however! The whiskers that look cut can often times be caused by overgrooming by the mom, and sometimes littermates. I've had it happen here, seen it...nothing to fret! The little girl is a beauty...how about "Aurora"..as she has all the colors of the Aurora Borealis? And "Tyler" for the tiger brother? :confused: ;) :D :) :p :o

08-30-2004, 10:29 PM
Congrats on being a foster mom!!! The kittens sure are cutie pies.:)
I agree that they're names need to be changed very quickly. How about Rainbow for the calico looking girl. I can't think of a good name for the little grey girl. All I can think of is Stormy.;)

08-30-2004, 10:35 PM
Awwwwww! they are not bad and badder; they are cute and cuter! can't wait to find out their real names! You can handle them ok? What exactly do you need to do? Just make them nicer? Like, you can pick them up, but they spit? Is that the problem? Well do like moosmom and get one of those kitten things that is similar to what they use on human babies! Makes them stuck to you as you go about your day at home and get used to human and household sounds!
Hate to change the subject but my goodness! A big thunderstorm just hit my town on east coast- I knew Cape Cod was getting hit- guess I am getting the rain! I love the sound, it was just so sudden! anyway,
Congrats and good luck- love the pics!

08-31-2004, 03:46 AM
I agree: they are much to sweet for names like that. And when will your camera be back? I am too curious to see how Pouncer and Allen behave close to their new foster sisters:D

Killearn Kitties
08-31-2004, 05:35 AM
Beautiful babies! Were things quiet overnight? :D

08-31-2004, 06:51 AM
Very cute :) I look forward to stories of these two. How about Wilma and Betty for names? (the flinstones) ;)



08-31-2004, 08:14 AM
Well everything went well through the night. Poor baby Pouncer sat for a looong cuddling session unlike one he's ever sat for. ;) Then he slipped in between the blankets and slept with us ALL night, whereas he usually will sleep with us once in a while, and only partially through the night. Allen acted like Joe Cool and hanging out on the perimiter of the room when I let them out to play in the livingroom. The one decided to take off and run to the office, which is the doorway Allen decided to sit and watch from, and she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him... poofy tail, arched back. It was sooo cute to see this little critter the size of my hand do that! :D She did the same thing when Nicki walked up all happy and cautiously waggingher tail to say hello.

Once I have the front room completely done and "fosterized" I can let them out to play and not worry about them getting hurt. Right now they are in their cage, and I feel so guilty about that. I played with them for about an hour this morning and will do so again around 10:00 (a re-run of a favorite old TV show is on then, so I'll take a break and play while watching! ;) ) Am I doing ok? Should they have more playtime? I know I need to keep my boys separated, but they seem to be separating themselves just fine! ;) If either of them are going to become friendly to the kittens, it'll be Allen. SPOILED Pouncer wants nothing to do with them.

As for names, Jen tells me that IS what their first foster mom named them. I'm going to see if I can change them. I had a dream last night and the name Hanna came to me for the calico girl and this morning I decided on Ella for the tabby because she has little white slippers like Cinderella. :) What do you think? Now all I'd have to do is find out HOW to change their names - if possible - with the foster program. Bad and Badder are just... well... badly named.

08-31-2004, 08:35 AM
Bad,and Badder,are wonderful Little Kittens,mabe,a name Change to Good,and Better,would be in order! Great Cats To Be!