View Full Version : Hurricane Frances

08-30-2004, 05:44 PM
Well it looks like another hurricane is coming for florida. It's coming right where charley missed, so while half of florida is ruined, i suppose they think they other half should be too.

My parent's said if it's coming here, we are taking a few things with us and then leaving. I can't even begin to think about what to take.. The pet's of course, but what else do you take, knowing you might come back to nothing?

Im only guessing here, but i think (if it is, indeed coming for us) we would be going to Tennessee, where we have alot of family. My mom told me if we didn't leave, we would be nothing! Our house is pretty big, but it's old and the whole top of the house (Attic, and such) is all wood.

If we did leave we would only take pictures, like albums and stuff. So if it come's here we are packing the important things, the pet's and leaving. So if i do leave, i won't be able to be in touch with you guys for quite some time, well except for julie, she's the only one who has my cell phone number.

We should know by wednsday if it's coming.

Anyways, please pray for my family as well as other floridian's in frances path.

08-30-2004, 05:51 PM

I know you already told me about it, but I hope you guys stay safe and don't have to leave Florida.. if you do, you can always come to Cali instead. ;) Lol, but all kidding aside, I hope the hurricane doesn't hit you guys.. stay safe, okay?

{{hugs}} :)

08-30-2004, 06:02 PM
Not again. :(

Stay safe Amber. If you do need to evacuate, then take whatever you can and go. Stay safe. I hope it won't hit your area, and that you will all be safe from the hurricane.

Like Julie said, you can always come to CA. There are no hurricanes here...though there are plenty of earthquakes. ;)

08-30-2004, 06:56 PM
I hope you and your family, as well as all other Floridian PTers stay safe.
You will be in my prayers.

If you do evacuate, please stay in touch with someone, so we all know you're ok.

08-30-2004, 07:03 PM
Sending prayers right away. :( Stay safe! Hopefully it doesn't end up coming your way.

08-30-2004, 10:33 PM
My sister is in Vero Beach and 22 weeks pregnant with her first child. I ask that you please keep her, her baby, her husband and their dog Jack in your prayers. I'm very worried about them. :(

I will be praying for everyone's safety!