View Full Version : A post from Mr. Remus

08-30-2004, 05:06 PM
Heyaz ebrybuddy!

Stead' of meowme tellin bout my adventurz I disided to come on PT and tell you bout em myself! I think I know more bout what I do durin da day when she is at werk than she does!

I have lotz of adventurz! Tu-day I disided to anoy paw paw by runnin round the room and playin with his toz under da blanketz! He saz that he don't mind the playin, its the clawz that bug him! I try to keep em in but itz hard bein as young as I am! I'll learn real soon tho, I jus know it.

After paw paw woke up (itz lonely when ebrybuddy is asleep) I got into an arguement with those ratz! They like to SQUEEK at me! I try to tell meowme that they are bein meanies but she keeps tellin me to quit pesterin the ratz. They start it!

Then I got into a starin contest with the lizard. She an I like to stare at eachother, paw paw thinkz Im gonna hurt that lizard but all I wanna do is stare cuz she is so wierd! Once she climbed to the top of her tank and I ran away cuz she was so scary! She hissed at me! Im da only one who should be hissin.

After that, I ate some kitty fud, stole some of paw paws water (ha I bet he didnt even see me sneak a drink) and went to sleep. I need to be rested so I can wake meowme up for werk tomorrow! Us katz need to sleep lots!

Well thatz all I did today! To-morrow I'll bug meowme to take some picktures of my adventurz! I alwayz like seein picktures of myself!

Hope you liked my story!

Remus K. Maru

carla and mike
08-30-2004, 05:32 PM
Too funny.
What an adventure.LOL:D

08-30-2004, 06:41 PM
Remus you are too much!! LOL!!!:D :D :D

Laura's Babies
08-30-2004, 06:52 PM
Remus, Chester use to like to sneak drinks of my ice tea... You ever do that too?

08-30-2004, 07:45 PM
So...did Remus win the staring contest? I've always heard that the cats win, but this is the first lizard-cat matchup I've heard about.:p

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-31-2004, 12:56 AM
Remus, you are such a cool cat! What a busy day of adventures you have had!! Thanks for logging on and telling us all about it!;)

08-31-2004, 03:30 AM
Remus I love your stories. You are a very busy kitty - lots of things to do, isn't it?:D

Killearn Kitties
08-31-2004, 06:15 AM
Phew! What a busy day you had, Remus! No wonder you needed to sleep after all that excitement. :D

08-31-2004, 07:16 AM
Remus, you made me so tired with all your exploits during the day....I think I need to go take a nap right along side of you. ;) Would you let me be your napping partner? ;) ;)

08-31-2004, 08:41 AM
Mr remus,youse leads a pretty excitin life! Just wait,ub=ntil youse comes To Catada,and we ransack a fancee Mall,eats at Resterants,and go to a Big Fair,with all kinds o Rides! Fun Fun Fun!The Found Cat,andStrays!

08-31-2004, 09:35 AM
Since Remus is still busy staring at the lizard lol...

Lauras Babies: Tea is one of the drinks in my house that falls under the rule "unless you hide it, you WILL have a cat sticking his nose in it!" Tea is his absolute favorite, with cold green tea being his flavor of choice. We've had other teas in the house and he takes a few sips, but with green tea I have seen him nearly drain a full glass! LOL and it was hubbys glass too...he said "I distinctly remember NOT drinking but one sip of that glass...now it is empty!" And I said "Ummm, maybe it was a long sip?" all the while Remus (with tea all over himself, he hadn't mastered getting to the bottom of a glass without getting IN it yet) is sitting on the couch smiling away.

AbbyMom: The contest is still undecided. No one wants to give up yet! Dorian (lizard) is pretty darn stubborn herself and Remus is just so facinated by her. I don't think a winner will be declared any time soon!

Catlover: Remus would be glad to cuddle with you! Just point him in the direction of a nice blankie and a sunspot and he'll cuddle away!

Remus thanks you all for reading his post, now he is off for more adventurz!

08-31-2004, 10:43 AM
Remus, you are one busy kitty, aren;t you? Thank you for updating us on your adventures - its always nice to get it straight from the source. Allen also likes to drink tea. He loves tea almost as much as I do - THAT'S saying a lot! :D

08-31-2004, 01:16 PM
Remus, sounds like you're having fun and working hard!! No wonder you need so much sleep! ;)

08-31-2004, 02:34 PM
Silly Remus:D I think you really should go hiss at that lizard!!!:p What a cutie you are and full of adventures.