View Full Version : PT Pen Pal *Update*

08-30-2004, 04:23 PM
Since we have gotten questionnaire's from just about everyone. There is only a handful of people that has not sent their's in.

I'm now making the last day *Septmber 1st*

We will not take any questionnaires after Wednesday!

We would like to get everyone paired up by: *September 3rd* if all possible.

We need questionnaire's from the following people that said they wanted to participate.


If your name is not listed then we have gotten your questionnaire. If you have not sent in one and don't see your name then please send it in!

08-30-2004, 04:54 PM
I sent my Pet Talk Pen Pal questionnaire last week, but I guess you didn't receive it, so I just sent it again to you. I hope you have received it. Please let me know?
Thank you! :)

08-30-2004, 04:55 PM
Yes I got it.:)

08-30-2004, 04:56 PM
That's great, thank you for getting back so quickly!!

09-01-2004, 09:15 AM
The Found Cats,and I are looking forward,to corresponding,with our Fellow Pet Talkers,and exchanging Photos,and Toys!All the Cat Photos,that we receive,will go,into The Cat Hall Of Fame!