View Full Version : Rescue Babies white coat visit

08-30-2004, 04:02 PM
I have so much to tell that I don't know where to begin!

I guess I will try to start at the beginning, huh?
As we packed the babies up for the trip to the vet hubby looked at me and said "You want to keep them don't you?" I knew immediately what that meant! He was already in love and wants to blame me!!!;) I said that was a stupid question because I want to keep them all and he said "What the heck is three more!" You could have knocked me over with a feather!!! I said "Three? We only have two and he asked me if I was planning on catching the other one. I'm going to try I told him and he said well that will be three".
I'm not only freaked out by him but I'm freaked out at the thought of three more! I don't feel like I have enough time for the ones I have. I told him that and he was the voice of reason, as usual. He said that even though they didn't have tons of space they would be safe, well fed, and cared for even if they didn't get all the attention that I think they deserve. It beats them going to the shelter where they will probably get sick or killed in the streets and you know that in a few years they just want to lay around anyway. Is he a cool hubby or what?
So, it looks like we are keeping them!!!:D :D :D
Christa, do you hate me now? Here I was begging for a good home and you were trying to help and now I back out on you. I'm so sorry and I hope your not angry.:(

Now on to the vet visit. The little buff got named by the vet by accident. He checked him out and scooted him over to get to the little gray and he said "move over there Rosco" and I knew instantly that that should be his name! So his name is officially Rosco!!

Rosco is a boy and the little gray is a girl so I had it right all along. Rosco weighs 1.5 lbs and she weighs 1 lb. Their lungs are good and clear, eyes clear, ears are yucky, but I already knew that. They got wormed today and I will be cleaning their BIG ears every day for awhile until they are clean. He estimated them to be around 6 or 7 weeks old.

Well that's the news so far today. Any name suggestions for the tiny little girl? I was thinking of Abby. Do we have any Abby's on PT already? Other suggestions are welcome.

Christa, please tell me that your not angry?

08-30-2004, 04:15 PM


Actually, I'm really glad. Yes, I did fall in love with "Rosco" but more than anything, it was breaking my heart to think that he would go into a shelter and I'd never see him again. NOW I'll get to see him all the time on PT!!! Just consider me Aunty Christa!!!

I think we need to wait a little longer for a new kitty anyway. I'd like to wait till we're in a HOUSE. We're just in a townhouse right now and don't have much space.

I'm sooooo glad that the kittens are healthy (or on the road to being healthy) and I'm sooooo glad you're gonna keep the babies!!! Now we BOTH know that they'll be in a GREAT HOME!!! And I'm so glad they're going to be able to stay together!!!

I'm not mad at all! :)

08-30-2004, 04:18 PM
Thank you so much Christa!! I'm so glad you feel that way. I promise you will always be Aunt Christa and everyone will get to see them grow up on PT. I've been sitting here sweating over this thinking that it might make you angry. I know that there are hundreds of cats that need homes in your area anyway but you were considering this for me. You don't know how much I appreciate that!!:) :) :)

08-30-2004, 04:19 PM
And just in case you didn't get the hint . . . I WANT TO SEE PICS VERY OFTEN!!!

08-30-2004, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
You don't know how much I appreciate that!!:) :) :)

That's what PT Friends are for!!! :)

carla and mike
08-30-2004, 05:38 PM
Great name.."Rosco"
That's the cat my "Marshall" keeps pestering.LOL
Good luck with your babies.:D

08-30-2004, 05:42 PM
OMG!!!! This is great!!!!! CCL, your husband sounds like a great guy. He must really understand you. :) And he must really love kitties!!! :D What he said sounds exactly right though -

"...even though they didn't have tons of space they would be safe, well fed, and cared for even if they didn't get all the attention that I think they deserve. It beats them going to the shelter where they will probably get sick or killed in the streets and you know that in a few years they just want to lay around anyway."

is exactly right!!!! :D :D :D

So now "the crew" will be 13!!! You know what this means, don't you? You have to get just ONE more!! 13 is an unlucky number!!!

Just kidding....sorta ;)

I am so glad they're healthy. I love the name Rosco!!! Any ideas for naming the little girl? Tiny, perhaps?

08-30-2004, 05:51 PM
Lisa, you know as soon as you said that Rosco was a snuggle bug to your hubby I knew Rosco's fate was sealed. :D :D :D (laughing all over the floor):D :D :D

I am in love with his dirty nose. I like Abby or Rosie. I have this thing with brother and sister pairs I like to keep the same first letter of their names the same....hence Tigger and
Tony (RB 2000) and now of course Gracie and Gabriel.

I will also start to commence the whinning for pictures....as sirrahbed has trained me well. ;) ;)

WWWWWHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I don't have any crying faces to go with it. ;)

08-30-2004, 05:51 PM
I think the little girl is going to be called Ms. Abigail Mouse!

Whatcha think?:)

You know Meg I thought the same thing about the snuggles with hubby but everytime I think he has truly had enough he surprises me once again! I'll get started on some pictures right away.

08-30-2004, 06:07 PM
:D :D :D

Yeah :) From my gang to yours :)

08-30-2004, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
I think the little girl is going to be called Ms. Abigail Mouse!

Whatcha think?:)

We have an Abigail - the name means source of delight. We call her Abby-Dabby-DoodleBug.

It's a wonderful name for Magoo's new sister.

08-30-2004, 06:17 PM
Thank you so much Grace. I didn't mean to take your name. It's really hard to find a name that isn't already used on PT!;) :D

About Magoo...he doesn't care much for the newcomers. He has been a little angry with me. We played tonight and hubby let the kittens out on the other side of the room and Magoo's nose went straight into the air and smelled the babies. He quit palying with me and left the room.:( I've decided that I'm not treating him any different than the sighted kitties and he will just have to get used to it. *sigh*

08-30-2004, 06:19 PM
Wow, that is one great Hubby you have there, hang on to him, how neat that you are keeping all three of them, have you a good chance of getting number three? GOOD LUCK!!

I love reading such happy stories, makes my day, it is going to be great to watch them all grow up on PT, now won't you be catching up to Jen soon, how many kitties is that now 13? 13 is an unlucky number so I think you will have to have one more he he lol.:)

08-30-2004, 06:21 PM
Currently it's twelve until I catch the last one and that is going to be no easy task! Wild little buck!!
I'm hoping that when I get the third one Debbie can take it on to Tenn. to Lori.;) :D :D

08-30-2004, 06:24 PM
Awww... I'm so glad you are going to keep those wonderful babies! Abigail Mouse is a lovely name for a lovely little grey tabby girl! :D Congrats new mommy!

Laura's Babies
08-30-2004, 06:48 PM
AWE LISA!! I am so happy for you.... and jealous too! Wish I could have a brother sister pair of kitten's!! What fun it is to have kittens in the house!!

Magoo, you are upset that Mommie got little ones to get under your feet, just when you were so sure you had that place all figured out. You have to remember sweetheart, Mommie and Daddy have REAL BIG HEARTS so of coarse, they want to help more kitties. These babies are ones that YOU can mentor and be a great BIG BROTHER to. More for you to love when Mommie and Daddy don't have time and you want loving.. You have a big heart too, big boy, so open it up and love these babies and help Mommie raise them. (You can tell them about your life on the streets and how you had to fight to live and how lucky they are that they will never have to go through all that!)

Lisa, Kiss hubby for me and tell him I said thanks for being "him"! (and having that big heart)

K & L
08-30-2004, 08:06 PM
That is so exciting! What a nice hubby!! I can't wait to hear if you get the other 2. CONGRATULATIONS!

08-30-2004, 08:09 PM
AWWW Lisa..Your husband's a doll! And I have an Abigail as well, but her knickname is AbbaGabbaGail. I don't mind you using that name at all...and I'm sure Grace has no qualms either. Can you get ahold of a trap somewhere? That's the easiest way to catch the last baby, and mom as well. ;) Roscoe and Abby are two lucky babies!:D

08-30-2004, 11:24 PM
Congrats on your 2 newest additions!!!:D
I'm so glad that you'll be keeping these two and you sure have a wonderful understanding husband too.:) Now hopefully the third kitten will be easy to catch and socialize. Good luck and please keep us updated.:)

08-30-2004, 11:42 PM
Rosco and Abigail are perfect names!! :)

I love the name Abigail and would love to name some critter that. Excellent choice!!

Congrats on the new babies. Glad the white coat visit went well.

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-31-2004, 12:47 AM
AWW that's wonderful news. Your hubby is an absolute angel!! (And of course you are too)!

08-31-2004, 03:41 AM
One of Filou's many nicknames is Mouse- and he never complained about it:D

13 has always been my lucky number- so I hope it's one for you too:D

carla and mike
08-31-2004, 06:10 AM
I finally saw the pictures.Sorry I was late seeing them.
I'm really glad you guys decided to keep them as I know
they would be so happy staying together.They are both adorable and seem very affectionate.It seems that when you keep
2 kittens together that love each other they grow up
happier knowing that they can always run to each other when
My penny and Lucy are like that.Penny was a horror and still
can be at times but she never would have gotton adopted if I only took her sister.She was a horror.She would of been put down because of her terrible attitude.
But she's been doing very well since she's been here and even lets me pick her up and hold her to my ear for a minute.
We love her so very very much.
The cats know when to stay away from her and everything
works fine that way.She's a love and wants to be patted but is so very nervous.I think she was abused.Maybe..who knows.
But it's so nice to see 2 kittens or cats stay together.
It breaks their little hearts when they miss the other.(they just don't know what happened to their best friend)
Good luck again.Carla

08-31-2004, 08:49 AM
We Found Cats,and Feeder,thank you,foe helping those Little Ones,and one Day,you will receive your Reward,as the Cats,will take Good Care,of You!