View Full Version : allergy itch

06-27-2000, 05:34 PM
Our youngest aby licks himself raw...the vet says it's not behavioral, but allergies. He did some blood work, but says he can't get enough blood to find all the allergies. So, we're giving the baby a pill a day, some damn steroid I guess. I hate doing this...any options?

06-27-2000, 06:44 PM
does the pill stop his licking? My friend has a dog that licks his paws and rubs his face raw.. they say it's allergies but can't pin point the cauz.. they gave him prescription allergy pills (kind of helped).. then my friend thought they were too expensive and gives him human over the counter ones (recommended for childern)... and the licking stopped.. but this is a big golden lab... I wouldn't give a cat anything unless a vet ok'd it. Hope your baby feels better soon


06-28-2000, 09:36 AM
Something like that has happened to one of my dogs. They said it was allergies, but like always they couldn't find ne thing. But what we had to do is change her diet. She use to get a meat base food but now we have to get a lamb and rice type. They also have sprays you can buy that pervent licking and itch.

*Provides relief from itching.
*Helps Speed healing
For hot spots, scrapes & abrasions, flea bite& ~*allergic dermatitis*~.

06-28-2000, 11:54 AM
My cat Evinrude also has allergic problems. He not only licks and chews his fur--enough to result in bald spots--but he also scratches. Before I figured out what was going on, he had scratched enough to create scabs. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif (Don't want to go there, because then you have to start with antibiotics to head off any infection...) Anyway, he gets a form of Prednisone--two pills a day when most severe, then weaning down to a pill every other day. We started all this when he was a little fluffball kitten, so he's a pretty good pill-taker, thank goodness.

WARNING: There is an allergy SHOT that cats can get, the effects of which apparantly last for weeks/months, BUT my vet does not recommend it because it's been correlated with a high incidence of diabetes onset in those cats. So we're still with the pills for now. The condition is supposedly seasonal, so I'm waiting...

Also, since dry skin might be an aggravating factor in his discomfort, I give him vitamins (liquid squirt pump) for improved scalp/coat. Can't hurt.

06-29-2000, 08:49 PM
You may want to look into Alternative Medical Therapies, such as Acupuncture, Herbology, Homeopathics, etc. Find an Holistic Veterinarian, one who is certified in various therapies. You will be amazed at how healthy your pet can be, and at how much money you can save by solving the problem, not just masking or managing the symptoms.

Our cats were VERY ill as kittens (adopted from shelters) and we used more gentle methods to restore their health, with the help of our vet. It is the best choice we ever made! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

07-08-2000, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by luvdemabys:
Our youngest aby licks himself raw...the vet says it's not behavioral, but allergies. He did some blood work, but says he can't get enough blood to find all the allergies. So, we're giving the baby a pill a day, some damn steroid I guess. I hate doing this...any options?

07-08-2000, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by luvdemabys:
Our youngest aby licks himself raw...the vet says it's not behavioral, but allergies. He did some blood work, but says he can't get enough blood to find all the allergies. So, we're giving the baby a pill a day, some damn steroid I guess. I hate doing this...any options?

Thanks, everyone!

07-09-2000, 04:57 PM
My little Max was diagnosed with the demodex skin mite which causes mange and is mostly found in dogs. I have been to so many vets and spent an absurd amount of money and still he scratches and loses hair. I don't know what to do and the vets don't seem to know either. It breaks my heart to see him in this constant discomfort that I'm starting to entertain the idea of putting him down. Any thoughts?