View Full Version : How to fix a messed up sleeping schedule?

08-30-2004, 02:25 AM
I really messed up my sleeping schedule!!

It started when one night I was watching a long movie, and when it was over I realized it was almost 4 am :eek:

So naturally, I woke up late that morning, but it kept going, then I was up late again that night..etc.

It's been about a week, and it's still going on, I always try to go to sleep early, but because of how late I got up, I can't!

It's almost 5am right now :eek: :eek: :eek:

How am I suposed to fix this? :o :confused:

08-30-2004, 02:28 AM
lol i have that problem to !!!! im up so late now...if anyone knows a solution LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

08-30-2004, 02:29 AM
Hehehe. I had the same problem. You know what solved my problem? Work! I started working at 7am. If I wasn't working, I'd be going to bed around 7am LOL!

Basically, I'd do something really exhausting through out the day (work). Then I'd come home and be able to fall asleep at the right time. So maybe if you take a long walk or something and tire yourself out before bed? People do it for their dogs.. why not try it on yourself. :p

08-30-2004, 02:32 AM
I've heard somewhere that taking a long bath about an hour or a half an hour before bed helps. Or like Ashley said, a long walk, or something that will poop you out. I have the same problem... I am easily up until 3am... longer if I want! It's hitting 2:30am now... Gah...

Trying reading too. Reading makes my eyes tired, then I'm really tired!

08-30-2004, 02:33 AM
Well I have to start school soon, so I really need to get it back on track or I wont be able to get up to go to school :p

I'll definatly try that long walk thing, it works good on the pups ;)

Thanks, Ashley :D

*EDIT* Megan you must have been posting the same time I was :p, I'll remember those things, Im actually going to go try reading right now ;)

08-30-2004, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by DogLover9501
Well I have to start school soon, so I really need to get it back on track or I wont be able to get up to go to school :p

I'll definatly try that long walk thing, it works good on the pups ;)

Thanks, Ashley :D

*EDIT* Megan you must have been posting the same time I was :p, I'll remember those things, Im actually going to go try reading right now ;)

Same here... I am SO screwed when school starts! The thing is, I watch Degrassi from 9-10pm, then AFV from 11-12am... agh!

08-30-2004, 02:55 AM
All I know is that a messed up sleeping schedule is HARD to fix, once its messed up!!!

I have a messed up sleeping schedule too.......not as messed up as your's :p, but its not how it would like it to be. I usually sleep after 1 (that is usually the latest it gets), and wake up late (around 9-9:30). Not good. I *want to* be in bed by 11-11:30, and wake up by 6-7 in the morning. When I wake up early, I get SO many things done. When I sleep late and wake up late, I am lazy ALL day long, and lag behind on everything. Its NOT a good habit, and the main cause of it is my darn computer!!! Its so addicting and doesn't let me sleep early enough. *sigh*


I guess the only way to fix the problem is by getting rid of my computer.......something that I am ***not*** doing. :o I need to fix my habits without giving up my computer. Guess the only cure is learning to have self control.

08-30-2004, 09:01 AM
I had that problem too, when I was in college. I'd stay out all night partying, and I didn't have classes until 10 AM or so. Then I graduated and had to start getting up at 6:15 am every morning for work. At first, it was really really hard. I overslept and nearly got written up a couple of times. Once, I was an hour and a half late!! :eek: Eventually, I started just getting tired earlier. Now if I'm not in bed by 11:30 pm, I fall asleep on the couch. I understand now why my parents always did that!!! :D

I think in time, once you go back to school, it will work itself out. Also, working out during the day can help make you tired at night. So can laying out (sun zaps energy). If I'm desperate, I take a super-hot bath, dry my hair, and immediately get back in bed. Usually works for me!

Good luck! :)

08-30-2004, 10:41 AM
I can't believe I'm writing this, but .... Force yourself to get up early one day when you don't have anything important to do. You'll be deadtired all day! Then go to bed earlier that same evening - and do it again the next day! It may take 2- 3 days to turn you scedule around, but it CAN be done! ;)

If you have the energy, then it's also a good idea to take a long walk, or do something exhausting - like garden work. :eek:

08-30-2004, 10:59 AM
Lol, I have that problem too. :-D I ussually try reading, but last night I ended up staying up until four to finish my book.:o I love reading, but it's not good when it makes me stay up later, no matter how tired I get!

08-30-2004, 12:58 PM
I am such a wierdo when it comes to my sleeping schedule. Mostly my problems come from being in situations where you sleep when you have time and if you don't then you're out of luck! I am a natural night owl, but I work a day job. Usually I end up staying up late on friday and saturday nights and end up waking early on sunday, just to tire myself out early. My staying up late isn't usually a case of insomia though, its usually a case of being too friggen busy to sleep! Ugh! *Hint never ever pull 24 hour days studying right before a test. I did that once, and fell asleep in the middle of a final lol. When I do have insomia, taking a warm shower puts me right to sleep! Reading also works too (try schoolbooks lol)

08-30-2004, 01:07 PM
Robyn i am exactly the same, i am going to try all of the suggestions. It is currently 4am at the moment here and i am not realy tired at all *Sigh*. If i went to bed now i would still be awake at 6am.

But i am going to bed now and i will try to get up extra early and wear myself out. I get to start work doing web design and learning all about it on Thursday morning (8am Start) so hopefully that will help me out abit. :)

Goodluck Robyn and keep us posted on your progress.

08-30-2004, 01:09 PM
I do that too lol. But when I started working at 6 am it kinda caused some problems XD I'd just try to sleep early and set your alarm earlier then you'd normally wake up. You'll probably be really tired for that day, but trust me, you'll want to sleep really early ;) It might take a couple days though of doing it.