View Full Version : OMG Milo ate a quater of a crayon!

08-30-2004, 12:42 AM
I was drawing and the top of my crayon broke off so I just throw it on my floor to sweep up later.. Then all of a sudden I heard "CRUNCH"! And I looked down and he was eating the half of the crayon! And he has never ate one of the crayon halfs that I have thrown on the floor before... Then I went and checked his food and water and the dog had gotten into it so he had no food or water.. But now I'm worried about him... I have never had one of my cats/kittens eat a crayon before! So I just gave him food and water just incase he trys to drink Shampoo!

But will the Crayon piece hurt him because I'm VERY worried about him I have never had one of my pets eat a crayon..

08-30-2004, 01:23 AM
I think crayons are non-toxic, but you can try the Nation Poison Center: http://www.poison.org/ Just in case...

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-30-2004, 08:30 AM
Did you check on the link NoahsMommy gave you for the poison center?

Re the water bowl and food bowl being empty, I wouldn't like to think that he was trying to eat crayons because he was SO hungry:( Could you maybe try get a big food and water dispenser so there will always be food and water available, or try to put the cats food up high somewhere, so the dog can't get to it?

How is the cat doing now?

Queen of Poop
08-30-2004, 08:41 AM
My 2 dogs once at a box of 100 crayons. I was picking up technicolor poop for about a week but otherwise they were unaffected. The kids learned real quick that they couldn't leave the crayon box on the floor.

08-30-2004, 08:43 AM
Since crayons are often manufactored for children also, I figure it's made of a non-toxic substance. I would give the vet a call though, just to be on the safe side.

Friends of mine have the same problem with the food. The three dogs would always eat the cats' food, so the kitties are eating on the kitchen counter now. There is no other way since the dogs are so greedy.

I was picking up technicolor poop for about a week

OMG!!! I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but LOL@this. :rolleyes:


08-30-2004, 08:50 AM
Silly Cat,Crayons are For Kids!

08-30-2004, 10:01 AM
My Miniature Yorkshire Terrier Dog chewed on a Crayola Marker (Neon Blue) one time. He broke through the plastic and was chewing on the sponge. It was a fairly new marker mind you...

Every morning my mom would pooper scoop his poo so that it would keep the yard clean. Sometimes it was a bit hard figuring out where he did his business since he would kinda run ahead of her and go in the tall weeds. The morning after he chewed the marker, when he did his business in the alley in the weeds, she had absolutely no problem locating the bright blue poo in those tall weeds.

He got teased a lot for that :)

08-30-2004, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
I think crayons are non-toxic, but you can try the Nation Poison Center: http://www.poison.org/ Just in case...

I looked on there but I couldn't find anything about it...

08-30-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Mil0Luv3r
I looked on there but I couldn't find anything about it...
There is a toll free number on all the pages of that site. Can you call them or your vet to be sure??

08-30-2004, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy
Did you check on the link NoahsMommy gave you for the poison center?

Re the water bowl and food bowl being empty, I wouldn't like to think that he was trying to eat crayons because he was SO hungry:( Could you maybe try get a big food and water dispenser so there will always be food and water available, or try to put the cats food up high somewhere, so the dog can't get to it?

How is the cat doing now?

I feed Milo in my room... But when I went to go get Milo for bed Lady(my dog)must of slipped in my room and ate his food and knocked over his water or drank his water.... Lady does it alot she did it to Snickers and we tried moving him she still got to it and we put his food up high but that didn't help either... She does it with Mama'Kitty and now she is doing it with Milo.... Lady has even takin' food out of my 2 yr old cousin Kimmy's hand! I love Lady but I have to admit she is a greedy,begging,food snatching,jelous, getting into food,and alot more... I love her but sometimes she does get on my nervouse like when she eats MY food from Buds or something.... She has even aten' all of my dads food before! And she is pretty big for her age... If you haven't seen what she looks like here she is:
And here is Shy Siemese little Miss Independent Mama'Kitty:

She may not look Siemese but she is..

08-30-2004, 12:40 PM
Yes, I know but the only phone I do have is a Home Phone... My brother has a Cell Phone.... I don't really care for a Cell Phone.. And on my phone I can only call my Parents and my Brother which really stinks...

smokey the elder
08-30-2004, 02:26 PM
If they're Crayola they are safe. The wax in them may act as "kitty lube", though.:D

08-30-2004, 07:05 PM
hehehe - I don't think you have anything to worry about! My children have done the same thing. I second the comment about "technicolor poop" - really pretty in a diaper!

08-30-2004, 07:19 PM
put the food on your dresser so she can't reach
or get your dad to build something so she can't reach if she can reach your dresser

08-30-2004, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Mil0Luv3r
Yes, I know but the only phone I do have is a Home Phone... My brother has a Cell Phone.... I don't really care for a Cell Phone.. And on my phone I can only call my Parents and my Brother which really stinks...

A 1-800 number would be a free call . . . why couldn't you call it?

08-30-2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by christa
A 1-800 number would be a free call . . . why couldn't you call it?
That's what I was thinking....I don't know of any call blocks that block 800 numbers.

Did you get around to having someone call your vet, at least?

08-31-2004, 01:34 AM
if the cats are fed in your room, unless you are putting the food where lady can't reach their food, she (lady) should not be allowed in your room. Isn't milo on diarreah and eye medications anyway? The dog is a love fer sure but shouldn't come in till the cats are done eating. And stop throwing things on the floor! You need to be a responsible animal owner! So for starters--- Rubberbands can kill them! You can't just go tossing things on the floor my dear! Those days are over and garbage cans with lids are IN! NO Foil, no sarran (sp) wrap, no cigarette wrappers or the strings off of them, no milk plastic wrings (they chew the thin end off and swallow them) no balloons, no string, no thread, no yarn. All those things can go into the intestinal tract and bind it up into a ball and kill them instantly. well, I am sure you know all this except that you can call an 800# from your home phone. Do give it a go- it likely depends on the brand etc.

08-31-2004, 03:42 AM
Originally posted by leslie
if the cats are fed in your room, unless you are putting the food where lady can't reach their food, she (lady) should not be allowed in your room. Isn't milo on diarreah and eye medications anyway? The dog is a love fer sure but shouldn't come in till the cats are done eating. And stop throwing things on the floor! You need to be a responsible animal owner! So for starters--- Rubberbands can kill them! You can't just go tossing things on the floor my dear! Those days are over and garbage cans with lids are IN! NO Foil, no sarran (sp) wrap, no cigarette wrappers or the strings off of them, no milk plastic wrings (they chew the thin end off and swallow them) no balloons, no string, no thread, no yarn. All those things can go into the intestinal tract and bind it up into a ball and kill them instantly. well, I am sure you know all this except that you can call an 800# from your home phone. Do give it a go- it likely depends on the brand etc.
Lady isn't allowed in my room.. Sense she gets her hair everywhere! We just got new couches from her scratching and getting hair all up in/on the old sofas.. This time we have leather.. and we put a blanket on each couch...And I don't throw anything on my floor the crayon was the first thing... And most of the time Milo gets into all of my stuff makes my room a MESS! And I am a responsible animal owner! I'm not a starter either I have had MANY other pets before Milo! AndI'm not gonna have some trash can in my room! I only have a walk in closet a Bathroom and a not too big bedroom... My brother has the BIGGEST bedroom! My mother likes doors and the room doesn't have any doors so she doesn't like that room... and the only person in my house who smokes cigarette's and sometimes cigar's is my father... And my mom makes him smoke them outside.. So the dog or Mama'Kitty don't get a hold of them... My dad isn't a animal lover he is only a dog lover... He doesn't want anything to do with our cats inless my mom calls him to feed them when we are away.... And why would I want to smoke anyhow? And my mother doesn't want me calling anyone on the Home Phone.

08-31-2004, 03:43 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
That's what I was thinking....I don't know of any call blocks that block 800 numbers.

Did you get around to having someone call your vet, at least?
I'm not aloud to call other people inless I ask my mom and
I asked her about that # and she said "No"

08-31-2004, 08:17 AM
your cat will be fine, read the box most likely it will say non-toxic... if not then phone the vet.... Did you ask your dad about rigging something so the cats food is only accessable to the cat. maybe you could move milo's food into the kitchen and put it on the counter or something. or just teach lady not to steal it I dunno... I taught my dogs to leave pixies food alone and they behave. Just try something whenever you put a question on here whatever anyone tells you to do or a solution to your problem you find a reason why you can't do it. :rolleyes:

08-31-2004, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by Jods
your cat will be fine, read the box most likely it will say non-toxic... if not then phone the vet.... Did you ask your dad about rigging something so the cats food is only accessable to the cat. maybe you could move milo's food into the kitchen and put it on the counter or something. or just teach lady not to steal it I dunno... I taught my dogs to leave pixies food alone and they behave. Just try something whenever you put a question on here whatever anyone tells you to do or a solution to your problem you find a reason why you can't do it. :rolleyes:
We have tried EVERYTHING kitchen counter my dad building something and training Lady not to do it! Now Lady has got to the point where she will just walk right up and grab your food. Because my dad will feed human food!I DO NOT find a reason :rolleyes::rolleyes:! It's not my fault that I have tried everything that nearly everyone told me! :rolleyes:

08-31-2004, 11:21 AM
Remind me what this thread is about again? It's going in 20 different directions. I'm confused. Crayon or cat food or PT board solutions???

08-31-2004, 07:27 PM
Well it's about crayons. but then i was wondering why she threw her crayon on the floor and my head went into a list of things cats and kittens love to swallow that can hurt them (sorry about that- it was meant to be just a list, not a lecture!- and I'm sure I missed some things... did I mention chocolate? or is that just dogs...?) ANYWAY, someone mentioned an 800# to check for toxins/poisons which I am grateful for and still need to jot it down but apparantly it's not a possibility in regards to finding out if eating crayola is ok for cats...
What was the 3rd thing uh, oh! food! Well, I do forget why exactly that came into the conversation! Got me!! Good question! I'm too old to remember more than 2 subjects at a time i guess!
Øk now see I just realized i messed up, "or PT solutions"!! Well, that ties in, I am sure with previous milo issues...
Hopefully milo will only have diarreah? Or the opposite? Well he is on diarreah medication anyway.

08-31-2004, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by leslie
Well it's about crayons. but then i was wondering why she threw her crayon on the floor and my head went into a list of things cats and kittens love to swallow that can hurt them (sorry about that- it was meant to be just a list, not a lecture!- and I'm sure I missed some things... did I mention chocolate? or is that just dogs...?) ANYWAY, someone mentioned an 800# to check for toxins/poisons which I am grateful for and still need to jot it down but apparantly it's not a possibility in regards to finding out if eating crayola is ok for cats...
What was the 3rd thing uh, oh! food! Well, I do forget why exactly that came into the conversation! Got me!! Good question! I'm too old to remember more than 2 subjects at a time i guess!
Milo had been sleeping and I set the little piece of crayon down... But of COURSE it wasn't just on the floor! I put it on top of some books I had sitting there....