View Full Version : Its Me Gracie *Pictures*

08-29-2004, 11:27 AM
Mom has been paying more attention to the dogz again.:rolleyes: Posting pictures of them and talking and bragging bout themz. So I figured I better getz some picturez up of mez.

Here I am walking on the couch

Here are am sitting under the under desk I'm waiting for mom to leave so I can play with the wirez.

Mom made me leave the wires so I decided to hide.

Mom says the blanketz are for the baby but they look for kitties to me. They are really comfy!

Me relaxing again!

Well that is it, I hope that you like my pictures.

08-29-2004, 02:17 PM
Deer Gracie,

Yu r rellee pretty! I don unerstand how yur meowmie cood spend anee tyme with a DOG with yu around!

Hay! Yu lik wyers?? I do too!! Maybe we can be frends??

How old is yu? I just turned 1 year.

Phoebe Elizabeth

08-29-2004, 03:03 PM
Gracie's momma here. Don't worry Miss Gracie gets plenty of loving.:)

Phoebe I am sure Gracie would love to be your friend. She is about 5 months old now.

08-29-2004, 05:11 PM
Miss Gracie, You are a lovely glossy looking lady cat! I love the sultry looks you give to meowmie's camera. You look like sweet stuff! :D ;) :p :)

Laura's Babies
08-29-2004, 08:31 PM
Little Gracie, you sure are a sweetie! You are just Sooooooo cute! Maybe they will let you have those blankies when that baby is done with them... I am like you, they are kitty blankies too since kitties love warm fuzzie things and that is exactly what those are!! Maybe Mommie will let you claim ONE as your own???

08-30-2004, 06:57 AM
Gracie, you are so beautiful. Your black coat looks like it is as soft as silk. I must say you are growing up so fast. Make sure you get right in your meowmie's face and tell her that the people on PT want to see more pictures of you. ;)

08-30-2004, 08:56 AM
Hi ,Gracie,this is the Found Cats,and Sam,wants to be your chaperone,at the Labor Day Partee! OK?

08-30-2004, 09:24 AM
Gracie you are a very very pretty baby girl! Who could not love you!? Such a cutie pie.:D :D :D

smokey the elder
08-30-2004, 09:28 AM
What a cute little black kitten you are!

08-30-2004, 10:27 AM
Thankyou everyone! LOL actually Gracie sleeps in my daughter's crib all the time too. I think she thinks everything that belongs to my daughter is hers.;)

I'm sure Gracie would send all of you purrs and headbumpies!