View Full Version : Sad news :(

08-29-2004, 11:19 AM
Remember I said on thursday when we went to feed the cats I only saw one of the mama cats and no others. Well, I found out this morning why. I'll try and make this as short as I can.
Friday, when we went to feed the cats, we noticed only the one mama again and not much of the 3 containers of food were touched. I went further into the burnt out building to see if I could find anymore, I went to climb up the outside stairs to get to the second floor but it was too dangerous. I couldn't find anymore cats or kittens. Since I got the little one on wednesday night, I hadn't seen any of the kittens, even when I went back at night with a flashlight. Yesterday morning when my friend went to feed them, she said there were no cats around at all. I figured because it was so hot and humid, that they were staying somewhere to keep cool, but there weren't any around last night either and the food was not touched. We stayed around for 2 hours and still no one in sight.
Anyway, my friend and I decided to go this morning and talk to the man next door that always had his back door opened.
He WAS letting the cats and kittens into his house, but he was trapping and keeping them in a room until he got them ALL. He even had the little one that I got, because he said that one had gotten out and he hadn't seen it since. That's why I hadn't seen him for over a week, but he got out wednesday morning. THANK GOD.
The man had arranged with an organization that pick up stray animals around here, to come and get them once he had them all trapped.:( They all went yesterday.:(
I am trying to console myself by telling myself that this was maybe a good thing as now they don't have to endure the hardships of being outside, infested with fleas and being sick. But I am also feeling guilty that I didn't try hard enough. It's only been just over 3 weeks almost a month, that I started working with these cats, but I feel that I had failed them.:(
Sorry this is longer than expected, but I needed to talk.

08-29-2004, 11:49 AM
Lorraine I'm so sorry.:( You were doing such a good thing to help those poor kitties. Do you know if he had them picked up by a no-kill shelter? My guess is that is not what happened or you wouldn't be so sad.
I understand how you feel. All the strays that I'm taking care of need so much and when the little one got killed in the road Friday night I felt so guilty. If I had done more and done it sooner the little one might still be alive.
I'm going to tell you what I keep telling myself...Everything happens for a reason and the little one you saved was meant to come to you. You did all you could and as sad as it is you can't save them all.
I don't know what lessons we need to learn from our experiences but maybe we will understand one day. I will move quicker next time I hope.

God Bless you Lorraine for all you did and all you intended to do. What happened was out of your control. Love the baby you saved because he came to you for a reason. He was meant to live and he was meant to be saved by you.

08-29-2004, 11:54 AM
That is sooooo sad, but not your fault and I really hope that you do not give up on this work!!! If anything, this setback would make me want to do more.

You ARE doing a good work here!!! Just remember that if you can save ONE, all is not lost.

God bless you!

08-29-2004, 11:58 AM
I do not know what to say Lorraine but I wish so much that I did. So, I will just give you a ((((((Lorraine))))) for my friend. :(

08-29-2004, 12:04 PM
Lorraine instead of focusing on the lost I want to know how that precious little one you saved is doing. Did you ever name him?

Magoo sends you a big hug and a very sloppy nose rubbing kiss!

08-29-2004, 12:20 PM
Lorraine, There's nothing you can do now, but focus your love on the one you saved. :( I pray the mothers didn't have any tiny ones unable to leave the nest yet...but hopefully not. :( It's too bad you had no clue what this guy was planning, but can only hope that some or all were saved. What shelters are near you? Maybe calling them and asking what happened to the cats and kittens, will at least answer questions you have. I'm glad you have the precious baby you rescued.

Laura's Babies
08-29-2004, 12:27 PM
I, too believe that the little one you saved was meant to be saved by YOU. You are only one person and one person can only do so much. You are there to save the ones you CAN and every one you save, is one more that wouldn't have had a good life but YOU changed it for that one. Count your blessings and not your losses...... If we all started counting our losses, we would just give up and sit down and cry.....

08-29-2004, 02:13 PM
I agree with the others, you did what you could for the time you were given and things happen for a reason, however unhappy it may be. :(

I'm so sorry about what happened, though. :(

08-29-2004, 03:33 PM
Thank you all for your kind and comforting words as only PT can understand how I feel right now. It's just that I am mad at myself for not going to talk to the man at the beginning to let HIM know what I had plan on doing. He has one big nasty dog and having a fear of big dogs from a childhood trauma, I put it off. His dog came out of the house a few times and scared the living daylights out of me, barking and growling at me.

To answer a few of your questions; The shelter that came for them is a very HIGH KILL SHELTER. The strays and ferals are PTS almost the same day they are brought in and the found cats with collars, are only kept for 4-5 days before they are PTS.

Christa: I have rescued quite a few mamas and their babies in the past, but it was always a one on one and the mama's were abandoned and somewhat friendly, so it was easier for them to gain my trust. But I have never tried to help so many at once.
Don't worry, as long as I am still on this earth, any cat or kitten that needs my help, will get it.:)

CCL: I thought I was done with crying, until I read, "Magoo sends you a big hug and a very sloppy nose rubbing kiss!"
Big hugs and kisses back at ya sweetheart.
In regards to the little one I was fortunate enough to get out of there, he is doing well and is such a love bug. I will do a new post on him when I am up to it.

Thank you all again for your loving support and understanding.
I love you all.

08-29-2004, 04:42 PM


08-29-2004, 04:46 PM
{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} I don't know what to say, except you tried your best. Do not blame yourself for not speaking to the man sooner. You are doing a great job, and even if you saved one kitten from that area, you've done much good.

08-29-2004, 04:48 PM

Grieve for the cats that were taken away. That's your right. But please concentrate on the little one you saved and don't beat yourself up over the others. Things happen for a reason. I will say a little prayer for the others in hopes that they find good homes.



08-29-2004, 04:53 PM
Lorraine, you've done very good work so please don't blame yourself for this terrible outome. At least you were able to save one of the kittens. I think it was meant to be. Maybe his new name should be Miracle. Please take care and I look forward to reading and seeing more pictures of your little one.:) {{{HUGS}}}

08-29-2004, 05:28 PM
I know how hard that can be. I have abunch of stray cats that live in our 2 sheds in the backyard. I feed them, leave out water, and have bedding there that i was everyday for them. I feel like i am there owner when im actually not! My neighbour used to trap them in our shed and take them to a shelter as well. You definitly did not fail them, I wish there were no cats that had to experience been a stray and i am sure alll those kitties and there mom loved you endlessly for helping them out! You will always be upset abut the others kitties but be happy you just rescued alife!