View Full Version : Photobucket Help...

08-29-2004, 11:15 AM
Ive noticed that most of the people on here have good sized pictures. When I upload mine on photobucket... they always come out so big! I heard that there is an option on Photobucket that you can select so that it will automatically resize the pictures. Is this true? If so, could someone explain how to do it? Thanks!

Here is what mine look like...http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v41/swimma253/Meeka/e7ad4e14.jpg

And here is what I want them to look like. (I used a picture of kfamr's Simba.)http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v427/ThreeMuttlies/8-28/41.jpg


08-29-2004, 11:37 AM
I resize mine before I put them onto photobucket with Jasc Paint Shop Pro.

But, to do it on Photobucket...
(I'm using one of mine as an example)
Go to the album, or wherever the picture is you want to resize.
Click on edit (above the image)
Chose by which percentage you want to resize, and click resize.
If/when I resize on photobucket, I resize by 50% You may want to mess around with it a few times to find a size you're pleased with.
Remember though, once you resize something on photobucket, there's no way to change it back.

Here's what the original image was:
And here's the resized image:

Hope this helps!

08-29-2004, 11:37 AM
If you click Edit under the photo you want to resize, you have an option of making it smaller there. :) Like 50% of original.

08-29-2004, 05:27 PM
thanks guys! :)

08-29-2004, 08:10 PM
That's cool, hehe I didn't know about that! :D