View Full Version : OK, this is freaking me out.

smokey the elder
08-29-2004, 08:29 AM

Not real ones, CYBER ones! I think some of the big web sites (Yahoo!, Excite) are infected with a virus that appears to do nothing more than put ant images all over the place!

Have any of you seen this, or is it just early morning weirdness on my computer?

08-29-2004, 08:32 AM
I just went to yahoo.com and saw no ants at all. :p That is so WEIRD!!!

smokey the elder
08-29-2004, 08:45 AM
They're only in my email accounts. This is getting strange. I'll run PCCillin with my email account open and see what happens.

smokey the elder
08-29-2004, 08:50 AM
I think monster.com is the source! There are ant images all over the home page. I'm going onto Snopes.com to research further.

08-29-2004, 09:42 AM
I just went to monster.com and there are no ants. I'm going to see if I can find something on this. This intrigues me. Never heard of this virus before. You sure you're not on some strange medication? :p

08-29-2004, 09:44 AM
There are no ants anywhere! Maybe your computer has the virus? :confused: I truely doubt any of the websites do....if they did, we too, would get ant attacks. :p

08-29-2004, 09:53 AM
I found this: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.anset.worm.html
It's a virus nicknamed as ANTS but I can't find any that say ants will appear on the screen like that. Have you not been careful of what you downloaded? Do you have any spyware things downloaded? Sounds like your computer needs a good cleaning.

smokey the elder
08-30-2004, 08:20 AM
I found out what it is. Unbeknown to me, my SO downloaded an anti-spyware program. Whenever it blocks a popup containing spyware, it replaces it with a static image of the installer's choice. For some reason he chose....ANTZ!!:eek:

So no harm nor foul.:)

08-30-2004, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by smokey the elder
I found out what it is. Unbeknown to me, my SO downloaded an anti-spyware program. Whenever it blocks a popup containing spyware, it replaces it with a static image of the installer's choice. For some reason he chose....ANTZ!!:eek:

So no harm nor foul.:)

LOL...that is funny!!! Ants would freak me out!!! I bet you thought you were going nuts there for while!! http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys1/CyberMChair.gif