View Full Version : Feeling Down..

08-28-2004, 08:02 PM
And i shouldn't.

But i do. See, it all started last night, i was talking to my mom about this mole type thing, well it's not really. I don't know what it is, and i was freaking out thinking it could be cancer. Well, then my sister mentioned the mole in my belly button (I know. So weird) And i looked at it, and it looked bigger to me. I don't think it is though. And i just got so upset. I cried all night. I just kept thinking "What if it is cancer? What if??"

I freak myself out like that alot. I don't know if it is or not, but im scared. Death is the number one thing im afraid of. I do not want to die, especially now since im only 14. Everyone just laughed at me when i told them that the mole looked weird, and it didn't look normal. They laughed. It really hurt, because what if it is? They would feel awfully bad.

I cried until my stomach ached, and until i couldn't breathe. I know, Im physco or something. But it's possible it COULD be. And thats the part that scares me most right now. I keep looking at it, and freaking myself out more. I just am not happy, and i hate it. I don't feel like myself.

I want to go to the doctor's or something -- Yet i don't. Because if they were to tell me it was cancer, i honestly don't know what i would do. I would most likely flip out. When you think of cancer, you think of dying. Their has been more death's from cancer, than survivors.

This probably seem's so pathetic, but these type of things really scare me. And all i can think is what if.. :( :(

Sorry for the useless post. I don't know where else to go, or to talk to.

08-28-2004, 08:07 PM
aww im soo sorry you feal that way!!!!:(

if you are worried about it.. you should go get it checked out. Chances are its probably not cancer...but you should talk it over with your parents and let them know how you feal about it.

I hope you feal better soon!!!

08-28-2004, 08:19 PM
oh sweetie! Maybe you should go to the doctors just in case though ya know?? I'm sorry you feel down. Your NOT crazy!


08-28-2004, 08:22 PM
Their has been more death's from cancer, than survivors.

Is this a fact or are you just saying? Because I'm sure there are tons of cancer survivors that get treated because they catch it in the early stages. If anything, you should go to the doctor to get it checked out so if anything (God forbid) you can treat it as early on as you can.

But don't be afraid to check it out.. my sister has a mole on her back that she gets checked.. it's pretty big but non cancerous. I'm sure it's alright. Maybe you can get it removed?

Don't think you're weird for freaking out over your health. Oh my gosh, I'm the biggest worry-wart about those things. If I find anything on myself, I totally freak out. Once I panicked because I had these little brown spots on my wrist. I finally asked the doctor and he said they were just light beauty marks, lol.

I hope everything is alright but honestly, don't worry about it and get it checked out. It can only help you. :)

08-28-2004, 08:26 PM
Even if it is, I'm sure that you are a fighter! More then half of my family had cancer. I even had cancer at one point because it is so past down from generation to generation.
But I got over it. I had to get surgery but I never had it again! and don't work yourself up though either. Cause what if its not cancer? Then your just putting more stress on a gal like yourself that doesn't need to be there. I mean, your a teenager for petes sake!!! LOL! we got plenty of other things to worry about. So don't start stressin till you really know whats going on. Good luck!

08-28-2004, 08:31 PM
Moles generally change color when they're cancerous. Purple, or something like that. If it hasn't changed color, then it's most likely nothing. If you're worry you should go to your doctor.

08-28-2004, 08:53 PM
I've had 3 moles removed none in which were cancer but could of developed. just go check it out because if it is and you catch it early its not nearly as bad.

08-28-2004, 09:01 PM
Don't worry yourself too much! There were times when I had exact symptoms for different medical problems. I worried, researched it (it was actually a good thing.. now I know what to look for) and asked the doctor. And if it is cancer, there are still lots of cancer survivors, especially if you catch it early. My grandma had breast cancer and it seemed to have gone away.

I worried myself sick when we found out about Kai's lump on his leg. The vet said it was possible it was a cancerous tumor. I cried til I couldn't breathe. I gained nothing out of it except feeling miserable for days. So don't worry TOO much! Get it checked out if you're really concerned.

08-28-2004, 09:21 PM
CamCamPup33 Don't feel stupid at all.

I'm the same way & I found a nice lady Dr. that told me that I'm a worry bug. Its caused by Anxity, which I have had since day one. I suffer from Anxity attacks alot. Its kinda like having a heart attack & not being able to breath right, breath in too much or out too much & the pain is soo bad I stop breathing & I get close to passingout alot. Do u get this feeling??

My Dr. is a clinic Dr. She told me if I feel worried about something or find a lump thats upsetting me, she told me to see her asap at the clinic (but shes only there on Tue). She said if I worry too much my Anxity can get worse & were trying to get that under control without meds (I do not want meds at all).

& I have only had one Anxity attack this month & I saw her in july sometime. & usually when I get one attack more fallow that day & they get violent at night when I try to fall asleep.

So find a clinic Dr. what doesn't mind seeing u offten to just make u feel better.

Not to scare u at all, but my childhood best friend, Peter, had a little lump on his neck (kinda looked like a pimple, NOT a mole) & 3 weeks later it was almost the size of his head & he was 1/2 dead. They gave him a year to live max. & the year is up & hes still kicking around. & if he went to the Dr. it wouldn't have gotten so big, BUT its also good that he didn't go. Cause it grew soo big they did lots of tests & took samples of the mass & discoved he's had bone & bone marrow cancer for years.

So my point is, only go if u r truley worried about it, always always fallow ur gut!!

My Dr. said that people who have Anxity like me, get lots of lumps & what nots check & they tend to catch things earlier.

So fallow ur gut :)

08-28-2004, 09:23 PM
So fallow ur gut

Very good advice!

cam cam, you listen to her! lol!
{{{hugs for you and prayers}}}

08-28-2004, 09:36 PM
I guarntee you that it is NOT cancer! Don't you worry, we love you! Give Cami a hug for me, ok? :)

08-28-2004, 10:04 PM

Thanks for the replies, you really have made me feel a little bit better.

:p I still am worried, just because thats who i am. I don't know.. Im just scared for nothing maybe.

08-28-2004, 10:06 PM
Your welcome! {{more hugs}}
Hug cami k?
Its okay to be worried. Just not to worried! :)