View Full Version : Varmit in the house!

Laura's Babies
08-28-2004, 09:48 AM
My babies discovered this scarey varmit in the house last night! Don't know for sure what it was but it said someone from PT sent it by.


It didn't stand a chance! Chester was quick to respond and save us from that horriable varmit! He tore into it with a vengance! Grrrrrrrrrrr!


After the deed was done and there was no longer a threat, he presented it to Midnight who had been laying there in fear for her life!


Boy, I am wore out from protecting all these girls.. TIME to REST! PHEW! (That was so scareeeeeey!)


NOTE... Midnights former "mom" came last night to see how she is doing and she ran and hid from her AGAIN! Poor baby has not realized yet that she is here to STAY! I asked her if she could come by again, let me pick Midnight up, then let her in... hand her to her, her pet her and hand her back to me and leave and we try this several times until she learns she is not here to take her back. She was amazed at how pretty she has gotten and the weight she has put on eating LIGHT food.. I printed her out some of the better pictures of her to take home.

08-28-2004, 10:01 AM
What good kitties to kill that nasty varment!:D

Poor Midnight .... it's such a shame that her former owner has such a negative impact on her. But... I am so very thankful for you Laura ... you have made such a huge difference in her!!!;)

08-28-2004, 10:55 AM
Cute pictures. I love the one Chester taking care of the varmit, LOL.

Poor Midnight. I hope she will get past her fear but I think I'd just quit having that lady come over since it upsets her so much.

08-28-2004, 11:39 AM
<giggle> That little varmint looks like a stuffy hedgehog to me, probably harmless, but you never know. Good thing your kitties are looking out for your safety! :D

08-28-2004, 12:01 PM
I'd be scared too! Glad those big brave kitties took care of the situation for you!

Midnight sweetie, meowmie ins't going to let you go with that lady! You're safe in your forever home now!

08-28-2004, 12:27 PM
What a brave boy you are Chester! Braving that varmit to protect your sisters! My Chester is SO impressed!
Thanks for sharing your adventure with us!:D

Lucky's Maw Maw
08-28-2004, 12:36 PM
Chester.....it is a good thing that your Meowmie has such a brave dude among ALL those pretty girls!! At least you can stand up to nasty varmits.....and I might add.....you deserve that rest! Fighting varmits is real hard work!!!

Midnight....your Meowmie will never let ANYONE hurt you EVER again, so rest easy pretty girl.....you are forever safe! You are definitely in safe hands and walls now.

Laura...how could you let your guard down so fast???? Pesky varmits can sneak in too quick!!! You better be more alert next time!!! (LOL, neighbor!)

08-29-2004, 11:34 AM
What a Heoic Cat,Chester is,like Mighty Mouse,to save the Day!

08-29-2004, 12:24 PM
Thank God for good hunting instincts! :eek: :eek: :eek: Poor Midnight...what did that woman do to her? Geesh..if she were my neighbor I'd be inclined to make the kitten go POOF as well. :rolleyes: