View Full Version : High White Blood Cell Count

03-12-2001, 09:34 PM
May be someone here can help me. I am just worried about my cat, Chilli. He is over one year. He has lost some weight and I took him to a vet. He has no vomit. His eyes are red with yellow discharge. The vet tested his blood and showed no other diceases but his white blood cell count is high. There is some kind of infection but don't yet what it is. Chilli is with a vet today for an observation. The vet suspects luekemia, allergy or autoimmune problem. Does anyone have this kind of experience, I would love to hear what happened?

Just an update:
Finally, the vet dx Chilli with having Eosinophilic Gastritis. He went through so much and I feel so bad for him. He is now taking 15 mg. of Prednisone and I just took him to the vet to get another blood test. His white blood cells do not seem to drop that much so the vet said that let’s wait a bit to see and if it’s not dropping, Chilli will have to take chemo drug. However, with this 15 mg. prednisone, Chilli has more energy. He is also eating better although he is still weak most of the time. Thanks everybody!

[This message has been edited by bagelhk (edited May 16, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by bagelhk (edited May 16, 2001).]

4 feline house
03-13-2001, 09:06 PM
I have fortunately never had this problem. The only cat I ever had with an infection had an abcess, but the symptoms were completely different.

But you have done the right thing taking him to the vet. And don't be afraid to get a second opinion, if finances aren't an issue, if the first vet doesn't "feel right".

Good luck and keep us posted.

03-14-2001, 12:16 AM
Spencer/4 Feline House,
Thanks for your responses and concerns. All the tests came back and everything looks fine. (not sure if that is good since something is apparently wrong.) Therefore, the only problem is the high white blood cell count (eosinophil). The vet suspects the Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). (There is a good site for feline information at http://web.vet.cornell.edu/Public/FHC/brochure.html) So the option is either to operate to take biopsy to confirm the dx or take Prednisone to see if he responses. I chose for him to take prednisone. The operation will take some time for him to heal and he will have to wait three weeks to take the pills. I don't want delay further and he has to suffer. If he responses well to Prednisone, then it is kind of confirmed that he has IBD. (If not responding, I have to bring him in for further testing.) Unfortunately, there is no cure to IBD, but it can be managed by medicine and diet.

4 feline house
03-14-2001, 07:53 PM

Sounds like you made a good choice.

I had a little tuxedo I fostered many years ago that I called Chili. I still have very fond memories. What color is your Chilli?

03-15-2001, 12:37 AM
I love tuxedo kitties! Do they breed tux? I am puzzled how these cutety tux got bred. They all are unique. Somehow nature manages to keep the tux after all the mixing, isn't it?
My Chilli is a red bi-color ragdoll. His hair is so soft like rabbit's. He is playful but shy. (I contacted the breeder and told her about the situation. I wanted to know if there was anything genetically I could learn to help dx Chilli. She felt so bad that this happened to Chilli and me. Bondi, Chilli's cousin who is with me, is very healthy.)

4 feline house
03-15-2001, 09:38 PM
"Dx". Hmmmm, you must be in healthcare. Only a healthcare-type person would say "dx" instead of "diagnose"! I sometimes find my work "shorthand" creeping into my other life and can't figure out why people can't understand my notes - leaving a note for my son saying "remember to do your hx homework" for some reason goes ignored!

Anyway, I don't think the tux pattern breeds true. My two tuxes have a blue cameo tabby mom, and even though I don't know who their dad is, I never saw a black and white, or even and -and white, in the neighborhood before she came up to our door, preggers and homeless. Their sister is a brown tabby, of which there were LOTS roaming around.

Keep us posted on your little Chilli!

03-23-2001, 06:04 AM
I am so sorry about Chili. I want to tell you about my tuxedo cat, but don't want to unnecessarily alarm at the same time. The only common thread our cats share is the high white blood cell count, which became way out of sight with my cat. The first thing I noticed was that there were no stools in the litter box. That led me to observe that she wasn't eating. The first vet diagnosed some unknown infection and sent me home with antibiotics and something else - I can't even remember. After no improvement, I took her to the second vet, who was just positive that tests would confirm his suspicions of kidney failure. Well, it wasn't that so he sent me home with the same meds. No improvement. The third vet diagnosed her with FIP, the effusive kind, which was obvious with her distended abdominal area. By this time it was so bad that there was pressure on her diaphragm with made breathing difficult. He wanted to treat her, but cautioned me that very few cats respond to treatment, and those that do only survive less than a year. We elected to have her put down because she was in her late teens. It is a horrible disease and difficult to diagnose. One point of telling you this is that sometimes it takes more than one vet to figure out what is going on.

03-23-2001, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by bagelhk:
I love tuxedo kitties! Do they breed tux? I am puzzled how these cutety tux got bred.

Actually, I think the tux pattern can breed pretty true - my neighborhood growning up was rife with polydactyl tuxedo cats. We knew the mama was a great mouser, and many families in the area wanted her kittens because of that!

03-29-2001, 02:12 AM
I'm so sorry about your tux. It is so sad. I can feel that it was very hard for you. For Chilli, I just hope that he will feel better and better with Prednisone so he can play and have a normal cat life. I read about your Freddie and I hope you find the answer soon.
Good Luck!

03-29-2001, 02:28 AM
To all the Tux owners,

Any pictures I can view your tux's. Any websites that collect all of the tux's.


03-29-2001, 02:29 AM
Hey, a good guess! But, no....I'd love to. I just like to read about medicine, herbal remedies and medical research. I am in a brokerage business, boring! I like your hx!

Chilli seems to do better now. He is taking Prednisone to suppress his autoimmune system. The inflammation (gum/mouth) seems be subsided. He can eat and play better now. Hopefully, this continues to help him. I will need to take him back to see the vet in a few weeks.


4 feline house
05-16-2001, 10:52 PM
I'm glad he's doing better, and I pray that he continues to improve.

06-13-2001, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by bagelhk:
May be someone here can help me. I am just worried about my cat, Chilli. He is over one year. He has lost some weight and I took him to a vet. He has no vomit. His eyes are red with yellow discharge. The vet tested his blood and showed no other diceases but his white blood cell count is high. There is some kind of infection but don't yet what it is. Chilli is with a vet today for an observation. The vet suspects luekemia, allergy or autoimmune problem. Does anyone have this kind of experience, I would love to hear what happened?

Just an update:
Finally, the vet dx Chilli with having Eosinophilic Gastritis. He went through so much and I feel so bad for him. He is now taking 15 mg. of Prednisone and I just took him to the vet to get another blood test. His white blood cells do not seem to drop that much so the vet said that let’s wait a bit to see and if it’s not dropping, Chilli will have to take chemo drug. However, with this 15 mg. prednisone, Chilli has more energy. He is also eating better although he is still weak most of the time. Thanks everybody!

[This message has been edited by bagelhk (edited May 16, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by bagelhk (edited May 16, 2001).]

06-13-2001, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by bagelhk:
Spencer/4 Feline House,
Thanks for your responses and concerns. All the tests came back and everything looks fine. (not sure if that is good since something is apparently wrong.) Therefore, the only problem is the high white blood cell count (eosinophil). The vet suspects the Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). (There is a good site for feline information at http://web.vet.cornell.edu/Public/FHC/brochure.html) So the option is either to operate to take biopsy to confirm the dx or take Prednisone to see if he responses. I chose for him to take prednisone. The operation will take some time for him to heal and he will have to wait three weeks to take the pills. I don't want delay further and he has to suffer. If he responses well to Prednisone, then it is kind of confirmed that he has IBD. (If not responding, I have to bring him in for further testing.) Unfortunately, there is no cure to IBD, but it can be managed by medicine and diet.
You made a good decsion. Just be very careful w/the pred it can be a very dangerous drug if taken too long. Pred will up the appetite. Good luck and keep us posted.
