View Full Version : Doggie blues

08-27-2004, 09:18 PM
I used to own two dogs but unfortunatly we had to give them both away. :(

My first dog was a wired hair and She would eat the zippers off of ALL my pops pants. So he litterally KICKED her out. I never forgave him of this.

My second dog was an Irish Setter. I loved her so much. Her name was Gracie Lady bug. LOL.
But she would run away to much into the river and sowe finally just let her go. I guess I'm just not ment for dogs. I did though had one dog that was perfect for me. But she died. Well she was old anyway but I know that she was happy. You can always tell ya know. always. She always had this smile on her face. I have a cat now. Maybe one day I will own a dog again. But my heart still isn't over my last dog.
What should I do?:confused:

08-27-2004, 09:22 PM
well,if you want another dog,go to your local shelter,and see if theres any there that you click with,and one that is well behaved,so he doesnt run away all the time.:rolleyes:
its hard to get over a lost dog,when my RB Beagle died,it took us 4 years until we got Kodie,and then my Dalmation passed away in April.im still not over them,but for some people getting another dog helps them get over there loss.:( Which Kodie helped me get ovr the loss of my Dalmation,but i stil love her very much,and think about her every day.

08-27-2004, 09:24 PM
Oh most definetly! I know what you mean. But the problem is, I'm afraid that the dogs won't like me. I've only really clicked with one. I am scared that I will ruin the dogs life ya know??

08-27-2004, 09:30 PM
well,if one walks up to you and wags it tail,etc,then that might be the one! and oyu have to like the dog too.When we got Kodie,we were kind of "fostering" him,like he stayed with us for a week to see how he fits in,and obviously he fitted in great! do you know if they do that at your shelters??

you shouldnt be scared to get another dog. And if you dont find one the first time then go back every week or so to see if they have new dogs in.which,most likely they will.
Its your choice:)

08-27-2004, 09:30 PM
i can promise u that if u take care of ur dog and treat it fairly then theres nothin for the dog not like

08-27-2004, 09:32 PM
aawww thanks guys! It helps. BELIEVE ME