View Full Version : Man stabs gator to protect dog

Samantha Puppy
08-27-2004, 10:09 AM
GAINESVILLE, Florida (AP) -- A man jumped in a pond and stabbed a 6-foot alligator with a pocketknife to force the reptile to release his dog from its jaws.

Matthew Goff, 29, said he was walking Sugar, a tan-colored bloodhound/Shar-Pei mix, in a park when the attack occurred Wednesday evening. The unleashed dog wandered to the edge of the pond, and the gator grabbed its head.

"I couldn't stand by and watch it happen, and I had the pocketknife so I decided to try and save her," Goff said.

The gator released Sugar when Goff stabbed the reptile in the eye. The dog then ran home, escaping with three teeth marks on and about her head. Goff had a few scratches.

A state trapper planned to kill the gator if it's found.I know it's not a smart thing to do, but no doubt I would do the same exact thing. No one's taking my Samantha without a fight!!!

Great story...

08-27-2004, 10:37 AM
Just a pocket knife!!! OMG!!! Wow!

I'm sure I would do something also, I could never just stand by and watch something like that. Especially because I know my Buddy boy would fight a gator to save my life!!! :D

Sierra... eh... maybe:p

08-27-2004, 11:16 AM
That is AMAZING! I got cold chills after reading that. I was chase by an adult gator once...trust me it is SCARY!! I was young then.

08-27-2004, 11:55 AM
I bet the man had a panic attack after it was over and realized what he did,,,,, I know I would,,, the poor guy was recting on instinct,,,,,

there truly is no love greater then the love of a pet and its owners.... AMEN!

08-27-2004, 12:54 PM
:eek: Wow, great story!

08-27-2004, 03:05 PM
Amazing i am always so glad to hear stories where people risk there life to save their pet because i would no doubt do the same. And i KNOW my doggies would too.