View Full Version : Even Sweeter then the rest

Aspen and Misty
08-27-2004, 01:29 AM
My friend asked me the other day if it bothers me that Nova isn't very cuddly or likes to lick me much.

It got me thinking about how much more it means ot me when Nova curls up with me or gives me a kiss. Like at night when she crawls on the bed and lays as close to me as possible. I know that she REALLY wants to be with me and that she really misses me. Also, when she licks me I know that it's a sign of her love and that in that one moment she is really feeling close to me and wanting to show me how she feels.

With my other dog's it's so normal and everyday that it doesn't mean much any more, even though it DOES still mean something, with Nova it's 10 times stronger. Only because you know every action she does she is doing it because she really means it.

I dunno. Am I crazy??


08-27-2004, 04:45 AM
Am I crazy??
OH my gosh, no! I get this way when Fern or Willow or Calvin want attention. it's like WOW...thanks :D:D They are much more reserved and shy but they too want to show their love at times and it means SO much more. When Lucas or Jasper is in your face, it is an every day (or should I say every minute) occurance. It is sweet, of course, but it is simply part of their personality. With the shy ones it is truly an act of love.

08-27-2004, 05:33 AM
I know exactly what you are talking about. Tori is a bit shy and timid and does not always like to be "bothered". When she wants some loving she comes to us. It always makes my day when she comes up to cuddle or be petted. It just seems like it has to be on her terms. Thats fine with me, like you it makes me feel extra special when she does want some lovin;)

Robin :)

Aspen and Misty
08-27-2004, 06:57 AM
Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way :)

Jen- Breeze is in your face 24/7, so I know what you mean. It's just part of there personality.

Robin - Your Tori sounds liso preciouse!

Ashley :)