View Full Version : You're Lost Between "Baby Boomer" and "Generation X" if...

08-27-2004, 12:08 AM
You're Lost Between "Baby Boomer" and "Generation X" if...

1. You remember when Jordache jeans with a flat-handle comb in the
back pocket was cool.

2. Any photograph of you shows you wearing an Izod shirt with the
collar turned up.

3. You know any "Weird Al" Yankovic songs by heart.

4. You've ever rung someone's doorbell and said "Landshark!"

5. You were once bowled over by the technological excellence of such
products as Atari, IntelliVision, TelStar and Coleco.

6. You remember the premier of MTV -or worse yet, you remember its
predecessor, "Friday Night Videos."

7. You and your friends ever discussed having a reunion at the end of
the century and playing Prince's "1999" until you passed out partying.

8. A predominant color in your childhood photos is plaid.

9. You remember when music that was labeled "alternative" really was
alternative, and when "alternative comedy" was really funny.

10. You took family trips BEFORE the invention of the minivan.

11. (Related to No. 10) You rode in the back of the stationwagon
facing the cars behind you.

12. You've recently horrified yourself by using any one of the
following phrases: "You know, back when...," "When I was your
age...," or "When I was younger..."

13. Schoolhouse Rock played a HUGE part in how you learned things
like grammar, math and history. (A big hint here is if the only way
you can recite the Preamble to the Constitution is by singing it.)

14. You ever dressed to look like someone in a Madonna, Cyndi Lauper
or Duran Duran video.

15. You remember your first kiss with someone having happened while
either "Leather and Lace" or "Crazy for You" was playing.

16. You remember with pain the day the Green Machine hit the streets
(or the sidewalks), instantly making your Big Wheel obsolete.

17. The age-old question "Where's the beef?" still makes you laugh.

18. You remember when film critics raved that no movie could ever
possibly have more advanced special effects than "TRON."

19. You had a crush on Ted the photographer on "Love Boat," Gage
from "Emergency," or Ponch from "CHIPS."

20. Your hair at some point in time in the '80s could only be
described by saying "I was experimenting."

21. You've ever shopped at Benetton.

22. You're starting to believe that having the kids in school year-
round wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.

23. You're currently employed doing something that has absolutely
nothing to do with your college major.

24. U2 is too popular and mainstream for you now.

25. You remember trying to guess which episode of "The Brady Bunch"
it was by the first scene.

26. You had a front-row seat (i.e., blew off one or more classes) for
Luke and Laura's wedding on "GH."

27. Your parents wanted you to attend medical school, but you decided
it was pointless since Quincy got all the babes anyway.

28. You know who shot J.R.

29. You recall when Love's Baby Soft was in every girl's Christmas

30. This rings a bell: "My name is Charlie, and they work for me."!

31. You were unsure if Diet Coke would ever catch on. (Related item:
you were sure that "New Coke" would NEVER catch on.)

32. You know all the words to the double-album set of the "Grease"

33. You've ever had a Dorothy Hamill haircut.

34. You sat with your friends on any given Friday night circa 1982
and dialed 867-5309 to see if Jenny was actually there.

35. "All skate, change directions" means something to you.

36. You've ever owned a pair of rainbow suspenders like the ones Mork
used to wear.

37. You bought a pair of Vans and wanted to order a pizza in history
class so you could be just like Jeff Spicolli. (Related item: if
you've ever smacked yourself in the head with a shoe and
exclaimed,"I'm so wasted!"

38. You owned a Preppy Handbook.

39. You were too young to see "Blue Lagoon," so you just had to
settle for the second-hand reports.

40. You remember when movies were only PG and R.

41. You learned to swim at about the same time "Jaws" came out....and
still carry the emotional scars to prove it.

42. You remember when your cable TV box had a sliding selector
switch. and your "cable remote" was connected to the TV by a CORD!

43. Your jaw would ache by the time you finished one of those brick-
sized packages of Bazooka!

44. You remember Bo and Luke Duke, Daisy, Boss Hogg, or-worst of all- what Sheriff Roscoe's full name was.

45. Your parents paid $2,000 for a top-loading VCR that was almost
the size of a coffee table.

46. You found nothing strange about Bert and Ernie living together.

47. You remember having a rotary phone.

48. You actually believed that Mikey, famed kid on the Life cereal
commercials, died after eating Pop Rocks and drinking a Coke.

49. "Members Only" jackets...say no more.

50. And lastly, I'll make a song stick in your head for the rest of
the day: ....you actually remember the words to the theme song

08-27-2004, 12:12 AM

That just described me to a "T"! I graduated high school in 1985 so I am that 'stuck in between' generation.

08-27-2004, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by jazzcat

That just described me to a "T"! I graduated high school in 1985 so I am that 'stuck in between' generation.

Yep, me too. I graduated in 1986. I couldn't decide whether to laugh or slit my throat after reading this.

08-27-2004, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
4. You've ever rung someone's doorbell and said "Landshark!"
Still do this and people look at me like I have 3 heads!

6. You remember the premier of MTV -or worse yet, you remember its
predecessor, "Friday Night Videos."

19. You had a crush on Ted the photographer on "Love Boat," Gage
from "Emergency," or Ponch from "CHIPS."
Dear Lord, all three! :o

20. Your hair at some point in time in the '80s could only be
described by saying "I was experimenting."
And there are pics to prove it! :eek:

28. You know who shot J.R.

29. You recall when Love's Baby Soft was in every girl's Christmas
Do they still make that?

32. You know all the words to the double-album set of the "Grease"
Still have it and a turntable to play it on!

37. You bought a pair of Vans and wanted to order a pizza in history
class so you could be just like Jeff Spicolli. (Related item: if
you've ever smacked yourself in the head with a shoe and
exclaimed,"I'm so wasted!"

44. You remember Bo and Luke Duke, Daisy, Boss Hogg, or-worst of all- what Sheriff Roscoe's full name was.
Roscoe P Coletrain! :o :o

49. "Members Only" jackets...say no more.
Still have my black one!

08-27-2004, 08:45 AM
I graduated in 86 too micki! So many of these have made me laugh but I expecially loved these:

1. You remember when Jordache jeans with a flat-handle comb in the back pocket was cool.
:o That was me:o
6. You remember the premier of MTV -or worse yet, you remember its predecessor, "Friday Night Videos."
Well of course I do!
7. You and your friends ever discussed having a reunion at the end of the century and playing Prince's "1999" until you passed out partying.
We sure did!
30. This rings a bell: "My name is Charlie, and they work for me."!
Only my favorite show:o
35. "All skate, change directions" means something to you.
I LOVED to skate!

Thanks so much for the laugh this morning:D:D

08-27-2004, 08:51 AM
This is pretty bad. I am too old to remember what the current "getting older" folks are laughing at remembering!:rolleyes: (graduated HS in 72)

08-27-2004, 08:54 AM
That is hilarious!!!
Once on vacation, my aunt rang the doorbell to our room and said "candygram", and then did it again and said "landshark!!" I had no idea what it meant, but thought it was funny anyway, and later she showed me the originals.

While some of these are a bit older than me, I laughed just the same!! I just watched "Fast Times" the other night, and the pizza scenes is one of the best!!!
And Luke and Laura's wedding--of course I saw that!!!!!
We used to love riding in my aunt's station wagon, and would fight over who got to sit in the "way back"
:D :D :D

08-27-2004, 09:01 AM
12. You've recently horrified yourself by using any one of the
following phrases: "You know, back when...," "When I was your
age...," or "When I was younger..."
I have used this on my kids and grandkids many times!

I remember when J.R. got shot, but I never knew who shot him! So Kirsten shot him, Micki?! Thanks Micki! Its so funny, my kids don't even know who J.R. was!

These are so funny, and yes I remember most of them. Probably the reason I don't remember all is because I am just getting older!:D


Samantha Puppy
08-27-2004, 09:07 AM
1. You remember when Jordache jeans with a flat-handle comb in the back pocket was cool.
Yep. I was at the height of fashion with my Jordaches with my comb in the back pocket.

3. You know any "Weird Al" Yankovic songs by heart.
I'm so embarrassed...

4. You've ever rung someone's doorbell and said "Landshark!"
Oh my God... <closing eyes and shaking head> I'm guilty.

5. You were once bowled over by the technological excellence of such products as Atari, IntelliVision, TelStar and Coleco.
Dude! IntelliVision rocked! My brother and I played for hours on that thing! My favorite games were Lock-n-Chase and Dungeons and Dragons!

7. You and your friends ever discussed having a reunion at the end of the century and playing Prince's "1999" until you passed out partying.
God, I was such a nerd.

10. You took family trips BEFORE the invention of the minivan.
When I was really little, we had a 1978 ORANGE and fake woodgrained Ford Pinto Wagon. Then we got a 1982 white Ford Granada sedan. Those were our family trip cars.

11. (Related to No. 10) You rode in the back of the stationwagon
facing the cars behind you.
See previous answer.

12. You've recently horrified yourself by using any one of the
following phrases: "You know, back when...," "When I was your
age...," or "When I was younger..."
All the freakin' time! What is up with that?!

13. Schoolhouse Rock played a HUGE part in how you learned things like grammar, math and history. (A big hint here is if the only way you can recite the Preamble to the Constitution is by singing it.)
Hey, do you know about the U.S.A.? / Do you know about the government? / Can you tell me about the Constitution? / Hey, learn about the U.S.A. / In 1787 I'm told / Our founding fathers did agree / To write a list of principles / For keepin' people free...

14. You ever dressed to look like someone in a Madonna, Cyndi Lauper or Duran Duran video.
Cyndi, minus the bright orange and shaved hair.

15. You remember your first kiss with someone having happened while either "Leather and Lace" or "Crazy for You" was playing.
Eighth Grade Farewell Dance, "Crazy for You", Donny Baumer.


16. You remember with pain the day the Green Machine hit the streets (or the sidewalks), instantly making your Big Wheel obsolete.

17. The age-old question "Where's the beef?" still makes you laugh.

19. You had a crush on Ted the photographer on "Love Boat," Gage from "Emergency," or Ponch from "CHIPS."
No. My first crushes were Ronald Reagan and Kenny Rogers. SHUT UP!!!

20. Your hair at some point in time in the '80s could only be
described by saying "I was experimenting."
Honestly, why on earth would I think that curling my bangs STRAIGHT UP looked good?

21. You've ever shopped at Benetton.
If you didn't have a Benetton sweatshirt for every day of the week, you were nobody. *I* was somebody. ;)

28. You know who shot J.R.
Kristen, that bitch. LOL!

29. You recall when Love's Baby Soft was in every girl's Christmas
That's ALL I wore for like, 3 years!!! Do they still make that??

31. You were unsure if Diet Coke would ever catch on. (Related item: you were sure that "New Coke" would NEVER catch on.)
New Coke sucked @$$.

32. You know all the words to the double-album set of the "Grease" soundtrack.
Still do, baby!

33. You've ever had a Dorothy Hamill haircut.
It was my mom's fault!

35. "All skate, change directions" means something to you.
HAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Bring back roller rinks!!!

36. You've ever owned a pair of rainbow suspenders like the ones Mork used to wear.
They were hand-me-downs from my brother!!!

39. You were too young to see "Blue Lagoon," so you just had to
settle for the second-hand reports.
Christopher Atkins... Mmmmm... ;)

42. You remember when your cable TV box had a sliding selector
switch. and your "cable remote" was connected to the TV by a CORD!
Hell, i remember when you had to *gasp* GET UP TO CHANGE THE CHANNELS!!!

43. Your jaw would ache by the time you finished one of those brick- sized packages of Bazooka!
Oh my God. I completely forgot about that pain. *Note to self, pick up some Bazooka on my way home...*

44. You remember Bo and Luke Duke, Daisy, Boss Hogg, or-worst of all- what Sheriff Roscoe's full name was.
Roscoe. Roscoe P. Coletrain.

Somebody shoot me now.

45. Your parents paid $2,000 for a top-loading VCR that was almost the size of a coffee table.
They just got rid of it two years ago...

46. You found nothing strange about Bert and Ernie living together.

47. You remember having a rotary phone.
Yeah, and?... ;)

48. You actually believed that Mikey, famed kid on the Life cereal
commercials, died after eating Pop Rocks and drinking a Coke.
You mean Mikey's still alive!?

50. And lastly, I'll make a song stick in your head for the rest of
the day: ....you actually remember the words to the theme song

Flying away on a wing and a prayer.
Who could it be?
Believe it or not it's just me!!

Kona & Oreo's mom
08-27-2004, 09:32 AM
It's good to see I'm among friends here! These brought back some hilarious memories--Those were the days! :D

08-27-2004, 09:34 AM
3. You know any "Weird Al" Yankovic songs by heart.

Uh Oh! looks like I'm In trouble! lol

I love weird al! lol:p

08-27-2004, 09:51 AM
My brother has corrupted me!!! Ugh...so has my husband. Darn 80's heads! Sadly (thanks to them) I can identify with most of this, and I was born in 1982!!!!

My kids are gonna think Im crazy lol.

Samantha Puppy
08-27-2004, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Harmanie
Uh Oh! looks like I'm In trouble! lol

I love weird al! lol:p I'm thinkin' that if you were born in 1988, that clearly classifies you as Generation X... You aren't lost! ;)

08-27-2004, 09:54 AM
13. Schoolhouse Rock played a HUGE part in how you learned things
like grammar, math and history. (A big hint here is if the only way
you can recite the Preamble to the Constitution is by singing it.)

Oh yeh I loved the Conjunction one. Singing it in my head right now:

"Conjunction, Conjunction, What's your Function? Picking up Clauses and Makin'em".... uh hummming now. :)

30. This rings a bell: "My name is Charlie, and they work for me."!

Not only does it ring a bell, but frighteningly enough, I know that they got it wrong. It should read, in its entirety:

"Once upon a time there were 3 lil' girls, who went the police academy and they were each assigned very hazardous duties, but I took them away from all that and now they work for me. My name is Charlie"

08-27-2004, 10:23 AM
OMG!!! Even though I was born in 91, I really *loved* School House Rock! It was my Favorite Computer Game.

08-27-2004, 10:29 AM
I'm thinkin' that if you were born in 1988, that clearly classifies you as Generation X... You aren't lost!

LOL! Well thats good! I just went to his concert! I sang to just about all of his songs and some of his new ones! lol! Well at least I'm not lost! lol:D

08-27-2004, 01:06 PM
Oh, I can relate to almost all of those..

I learned to drive in a wood panelled station wagon and my sister and I used to fight about who got to ride in the "way back" seat on long trips.

08-27-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
This is pretty bad. I am too old to remember what the current "getting older" folks are laughing at remembering!:rolleyes: (graduated HS in 72) :rolls eyes: Sirrahbed, if you think THAT'S bad, I graduated high school in 1966!

08-27-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by david p
:rolls eyes: Sirrahbed, if you think THAT'S bad, I graduated high school in 1966!

I was born in 1967! :p And I started school in 1972!

Sorry y'all, I couldn't resist! ;)

08-27-2004, 03:52 PM

46. You found nothing strange about Bert and Ernie living together.

I never thought of that!

08-27-2004, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by micki76
I was born in 1967! :p And I started school in 1972!

Sorry y'all, I couldn't resist! ;)

And I was born 13 years after you started school. :o:p

I don't get any of this stuff. ;)

08-27-2004, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
And I was born 13 years after you started school. :o:p

I don't get any of this stuff. ;)

Ah, what goes around comes around, huh?. :D

I got married the first time when you were two years old. :p

Edited for: missing words. I hate it when I suddenly discover my boss looking over my shoulder! :o

08-27-2004, 04:12 PM
I graduated in 79 but I do remember most of this stuff . What a bout Bert and Ernie?:confused: :) Am I lost ? I also remember the large bell bottom pants making a come back.long hair and shellaced wings for feathered hair.

08-27-2004, 04:25 PM
lol I am only 16 I but I did live in the late 80's early 90's for a few years lol funny thing is some of that stuff DOES ring a bell! :eek: maybe my city is just behind the times a little...

8. A predominant color in your childhood photos is plaid

lol if you look at all my photos of when I was little I was wearing plain in almost all of them :p same with my best friend who is only 14 lol

10. You took family trips BEFORE the invention of the minivan.
family of 4 we drove to calgary in the cab of a pickup truck.(no back seat)

13. Schoolhouse Rock played a HUGE part in how you learned things
haha lol SchoolHouse Rock tought me how to do my 9 times tables ;)

35. "All skate, change directions" means something to you
oddly enugh, it does lol

36. You've ever owned a pair of rainbow suspenders like the ones Mork
I have no clue who mork is but I do recall haveing rainbow susbenders at one point when I was little

44. You remember Bo and Luke Duke, Daisy, Boss Hogg, or-worst of all- what Sheriff Roscoe's full name was.
OMG YES! DUKES OF HAZARD! lol I used to watch that all the time!

46. You found nothing strange about Bert and Ernie living together.
lol that did not even occure to me for the longest time :p

08-27-2004, 06:26 PM

11. (Related to No. 10) You rode in the back of the stationwagon
Every year, twice a year on our trips to the house in Florida. A Ford LTD station wagon, with the wood look trim. lol

You're currently employed doing something that has absolutely nothing to do with your college major.

You had a front-row seat (i.e., blew off one or more classes) for Luke and Laura's wedding on "GH."
Oh yes!! In college we all planed our classes around General Hospital. No one signed up for a class between 3 and 4. lol

You know all the words to the double-album set of the "Grease"
Well not all. ;)

You've ever owned a pair of rainbow suspenders like the ones Mork used to wear
I think I might still have them hidding away somewhere. :o

You remember having a rotary phone
And we had a party line too. :rolleyes: I think my father still has one rotary phone.

"Members Only" jackets...say no more
Still have it somewhere too. :D

08-27-2004, 06:58 PM
Either the UK is way behind everyone else, or im just weird. :p anyway:

3. You know any "Weird Al" Yankovic songs by heart.
Yep :D

12. You've recently horrified yourself by using any one of the following phrases: "You know, back when...," "When I was your age...," or "When I was younger..."
Yeap, and that's scary. (I'm 17 by the way :p )

13. Schoolhouse Rock played a HUGE part in how you learned things like grammar, math and history.
Ooh! Yes! I loved Schoolhouse Rock!

17. The age-old question "Where's the beef?" still makes you laugh.
Sadly, yes. I'm such a dork :rolleyes:

22. You're starting to believe that having the kids in school year- round wouldn't be such a bad idea after all
Yep, now that I've finished school. ;)

28. You know who shot J.R.

32. You know all the words to the double-album set of the "Grease" soundtrack
Yes *bounces* :D

35. "All skate, change directions" means something to you.
It certainly does

36. You've ever owned a pair of rainbow suspenders like the ones Mork
I have 2 pairs. They never get used, but thats not the point :p

37. You bought a pair of Vans and wanted to order a pizza in history class so you could be just like Jeff Spicolli. (Related item: if you've ever smacked yourself in the head with a shoe and exclaimed,"I'm so wasted!"
Yes, and Yes. Except not a shoe :o

46. You found nothing strange about Bert and Ernie living together.
Never really thought about it.

47. You remember having a rotary phone.
We still have a rotary phone. And use it daily. Its Green :D

One thing - what's the whole 'Landshark' thing about then? I'm intruiged ;)

08-27-2004, 07:04 PM
I STILL have two "where's the beef" t shirts!

08-27-2004, 07:11 PM
Only 4 yrs ago did I throw away the last of my 8-track tapes...:eek:

Yes, I did ride on the back of my Dad's '61 Ford Falcon station wagon and waved at all the other cars...:o

Yes, we did have to get up and change the channel on a black and white TV.

08-27-2004, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by slick
Only 4 yrs ago did I throw away the last of my 8-track tapes...:eek:

Yes, I did ride on the back of my Dad's '61 Ford Falcon station wagon and waved at all the other cars...:o

Yes, we did have to get up and change the channel on a black and white TV. Slick, I STILL have 8 track tapes! Maybe they will become collecteors items!

08-27-2004, 09:23 PM
Those are great!! I loved them Duke boys (and had a nightshirt that said so!)

And for the record...Weird Al is still cool! ( we were listening to his latest at work the other day!)

08-27-2004, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Samantha Puppy
19. You had a crush on Ted the photographer on "Love Boat," Gage from "Emergency," or Ponch from "CHIPS."
No. My first crushes were Ronald Reagan and Kenny Rogers. SHUT UP!!!

20. Your hair at some point in time in the '80s could only be
described by saying "I was experimenting."
Honestly, why on earth would I think that curling my bangs STRAIGHT UP looked good?

Ronald Reagan and Kenny Rogers?!?!? YIKES! :D

Yeah, those "big hair" pictures are scary, eh? :p

Samantha Puppy
08-27-2004, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
Ronald Reagan and Kenny Rogers?!?!? YIKES! :D

Yeah, those "big hair" pictures are scary, eh? :p You would laugh your @$$ off if you saw my middle school pictures. Yeesh.

And yeah, don't ask me what was up with ol' Ronnie and Kenny. I remember seeing Ronald Reagan on TV and running to the TV to kiss him. It p!ssed me off that I'd always get shocked but it never stopped me. I don't think I kissed Kenny on TV, I would just scream "Nenny! Nenny on TV!" God only knows why.

The weirdest thing is, Ronald Reagan died on my wedding day. I didn't find out until the next morning when I saw the paper at the airport before we flew out. They said it was old age, but I think he found out that I married another man and died of a broken heart. ;)