View Full Version : Ilio's home!!

08-26-2004, 08:18 PM
They removed the abscess! :) Ilio's doing really well.. He's still a bit groggy from the medicine and stuff though.

Here's some pictures and a video (in next post) of my boy:


"Why is this evil cone thing on my head? -.-' "


08-26-2004, 08:21 PM
Here's the video:

Click here to see the video! (http://www.tainted-sky.net/bcblondie/cgi-bin/Ilio.wmv)

(The video is in .wmv format)

08-26-2004, 08:24 PM
Glad to see that hes home. Poor widdle boy has to wear an elizabethan collar. But you won't find a cuter collared boy

Laura's Babies
08-26-2004, 08:28 PM
Oh Ilio, you poor baby! You look so pitiful with that horriable thing on your neck and your bo-bo on your side.. Get well soon big guy! You get plenty of rest and make Mommie give you lots of treats for all you have been through.

08-26-2004, 09:17 PM
I'm so glad to hear Ilio is doing well.
Where he had the abscess removed looks so nasty. Poor sweet baby.
I hope it heals quickly and you won't have to wear that collar for too long.

08-26-2004, 09:28 PM
That video was so cute!
Aww, Ilio is such a lovable little boy and he looks so happy to be back home.
I see you already took the evil cone off, and it seems that his stitches don’t even bother him.
Glad everything went well for sweet Ilio.

08-26-2004, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by auggie
That video was so cute!
Aww, Ilio is such a lovable little boy and he looks so happy to be back home.
I see you already took the evil cone off, and it seems that his stitches don’t even bother him.
Glad everything went well for sweet Ilio.
Actually it's the opposite. Poor boy was too scared at the vet's so they couldn't put the cone on him. They told me to do it if I saw him licking his stitches (which he started to do..) So after I took the video, I put the cone on his head so he doesn't take the stitches out himself! :eek:
He's still a bit groggy and can't walk completely straight. He seems to be in a little pain (well.. I accidently touched his boo-boo and then he meowed :o ), but I have medication to give to him to help him get better and help the pain.

Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts! :) Ilio really appreciates it!

08-26-2004, 11:52 PM
I'm glad to hear that Ilio is back home again and doing well.:) He sure looks cute in his e-collar. I hope he heals quickly and feels better soon.:)

08-27-2004, 12:00 AM
Welcome home, sweet Ilio. Prayers for your quick recovery are on the way.

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-27-2004, 03:42 AM
I'm so glad Ilio is home and on the road to recovery!

Get well quickly sweetheart!!

08-27-2004, 03:44 AM
Oh, sweet Ilio, what a big ouchie you have now.

But you look as if your are already on your way of getting better and we send our best thoughts for that:)

Killearn Kitties
08-27-2004, 04:49 AM
Oh, poor Ilio! That scar is huge! My mum's cat had an abcess once which burst on the way to the vet, so all they did was clean it and give us antibiotics. The affected area wasn't particularly big though. The vet said that the size of the wound which had caused the abcess was "consistent with a cat bite".

Did they have any idea about what cuased Ilio's abcess?

The girls send gentle, healing headbumpies.

08-27-2004, 05:39 AM
Ilio I'm so glad your home and all the nasty stuff is done. You get well soon cutie pie! You should be back to your old self again real soon.

Don't chew on your stitches and meowmie will take that nasty lampshade off of your head!;) :D

08-27-2004, 08:37 AM
The Found Cats and I are glad thatIlio,is back home,where he belongs! Does that collar,magnify,his Meeeeow,at all?

08-27-2004, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by Killearn Kitties
Oh, poor Ilio! That scar is huge! My mum's cat had an abcess once which burst on the way to the vet, so all they did was clean it and give us antibiotics. The affected area wasn't particularly big though. The vet said that the size of the wound which had caused the abcess was "consistent with a cat bite".

Did they have any idea about what cuased Ilio's abcess?
Youch! That must have hurt for her when it burst! :eek: I hope she's doing better now. :)

They didn't tell me what may have caused Ilio's abcess. :( He's almost back to his normal self again. He keeps on wanting to go outside though :rolleyes: , but I won't let him. He has to stay in my room until the stitches come out and he gets better. He woke me up several times at night though wanting attention and pets. He's a super affectionate kittie, but I wish he didn't have to wake me up at night!:rolleyes:

Thank you so much for praying and wishing for Ilio to get better. PT prayers really work! :)
Thanks again,
~ Ilio and his meowmie :D

08-27-2004, 10:17 AM
Ilio, please get well soon!!! I am glad that icky thing is gone and now all you have to do is heal up and get back to normal:D

08-27-2004, 10:34 AM
Wow, that is a large scar. Poor little guy. Glad he is back home now.

08-27-2004, 01:01 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/BCBlondie/Cats/DSC09634.jpg ]

'And I'm wearing this lampshade because..................................?'


Diane I'm so pleased the very brave boy is home safe and sound and looking so good - I think the scar looks really healthy and from the look of Ilio on the video - he's feeling great.

Hope by now he can walk in a straight line without falling over his own paws!

Is he on a course of anti-biotics?

I'm so pleased it's turned out well and am continuing to keep the lovely furboy (and his much loved Meowmie)in my thoughts and prayers


08-27-2004, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by lynnestankard

Diane I'm so pleased the very brave boy is home safe and sound and looking so good - I think the scar looks really healthy and from the look of Ilio on the video - he's feeling great.

Hope by now he can walk in a straight line without falling over his own paws!

Is he on a course of anti-biotics?

I'm so pleased it's turned out well and am continuing to keep the lovely furboy (and his much loved Meowmie)in my thoughts and prayers


Thank you, Lynne! Yes, he's taking meds.. I'm giving him pain killers and antibiotics. He can pretty much walk in a straight line now. :) At the moment he's just sitting, staring into space hehe. We cuddled on the couch watching TV earlier this morning. He's such a good boy. :)

Thanks again!!

(P.S. - My name is Diana (dee-aw-na), not Diane.. ;) ) :)

08-27-2004, 02:41 PM
Glad to see Ilio is doing better!

He must have loved them SHAVING a patch of his fur off. ;) ;)

Aww, poor baby, i know when cali had to wear the "CONE!" she was mad too. :p Too cute.

08-28-2004, 02:03 AM
Welcome home, Ilio! I hope your recovery is short and painless!

08-28-2004, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by BCBlondie

PS. - My name is Diana (dee-aw-na), not Diane.. ;) ) :)

Sorry Diana - force of habit - my daughter is Diane!!


08-28-2004, 10:38 AM
Aww, Ilio is so adorable T-T Hope he's back to his normal self soon :)