View Full Version : What is the easiest way to move the cats?

08-26-2004, 08:14 AM
As you all know, the moving date is coming up pretty quick. We should be closing escrow sometime next week. What is the easiest transistion for the cats?

I was thinking not to move them to the new house until the bedroom is set up. -That way they feel familiar with it. I'm going to put the litter box in the master bathroom. My cats have always been pretty good about finding the litter box at this house when I have moved it. Should I lock them up in the bathroom to play it safe, or give them free roam right away? It's a brand new house, so I don't really want animal accidents if I can prevent it.

I am just a tad worried because I know Raven especially is going to be soooo spooked. :(

Laura's Babies
08-26-2004, 08:23 AM
Sounds like you already have a good plan. Just make sure you have them shut up some where when the outside doors are opens so they can't get out. I would also try to keep the SAME bedding on the bed (not washing it) so the scents will be the same for them in the new bedroom.

08-26-2004, 08:30 AM
The easoiest way,to move a Cat,is to tell them,to stand still.All kidding aside,setting,up one room,and then enclosing them,is an excellent idea!

08-26-2004, 09:04 AM
You are moving not far away, right?

What I have done when I have moved short distances is move my cats last. I keep them in the room that holds their litter boxes/food while the actual moving is going on so they don't sneak out. This has not been a big problem for me in the past - most of my cats hide when strange people (people helping me move) are over.

I usually try and get a bunch of strong men to help me move, that way I can supervise and keep an eye out for the cats and make sure no one enters that room. :D

Then when all the familiar stuff is in the new place, the cats are loaded in the carrier, litter box and food dishes are packed, then all moved together. I don't start putting little stuff away until the cats are mostly settled in. This can take a few days. I think they feel better going to a new place with all the old stuff there already.

08-26-2004, 09:59 AM
I recently moved with 5 cats and I had them packed in their carriers before the movers came. I then left a friend in charge of the movers and drove the cats to the new house before anyone arrived. I then put them in the family room with a couple of litter boxes, toys, and food/water. There was very little that was being placed in the familiy room, so that was the easiest room for me to put them in (and it had a door that closes).

I did find that two of them were quite the little adventurer's and wanted to "help" the movers with the stuff. But all the others either found a sun beam and slept or they stayed in their carrier.

Overall things went pretty good (except for the movers who tried to pack up two of the cat carriers with the cats inside :rolleyes: )

Good luck

08-26-2004, 10:12 AM
OK, I just moved into my new house last week so here's what I did:

The "cat room" was moved last...I just kept the door shut while we were moving everything out. When it was time to take them over I put Vegas and Reno in their carrier and packed up dishes, toys, cat tree etc. And moved them and their stuff at the same time directly into their new cat room in the new house. I set up food and water dishes, their cat tree etc. And I left the same kitty blankets in their beds so the smell would be the same. Then I let them out. I let them roam the house cause we didn't have movers coming in and out, everything else was already there.
They LOVED it; but I expected them to adjust easy cause they are still young (4 months). I would suggest keeping your kitties confined to one room for a few days so they don't get spooked. Especially if you will have people coming in and out moving stuff....we wouldn't want them spooking right out the door:eek:

I think what somone suggested earlier about not washing bedding etc. right away is a great idea. Once you give them a couple days to settle in one room, when they come out and recognize similar scents, it should make the transition easier.

Congrats on your new house!! And good luck with your move!
I keep planning to take pics of my new house..you should too...I think we are due for some "new house tours"!!!:D

08-26-2004, 03:00 PM
I would definetly confine them to a space for a day or two. With a door that shuts. With a sign that says, "DO NOT OPEN. LIVE ANIMALS INSIDE". With all the commotion, and not knowing if you are having 'professional' movers or not, don't risk the chance of someone accidently opening a door. The cats will be anxious because of all the activity, both before and after you move. As to whether you move them first or last, whatever is most sensical.

Edwina's Secretary
08-26-2004, 03:07 PM
A little bit of the "used" litter in the new litter box will help them use it rather than the floor....

08-26-2004, 03:21 PM
Tonya, when I had to move Mimi and Butter year before last, I took Butter over to Scott's house (this was before we were married), and put him in a spare room with food, water and his litter box. He stayed there for probably 24 hours. He went the night before the movers arrived to move our things. Poor fellow was closed in one room for that 24 hours, but he was safe. Mimi stayed at my house, but early in the morning, the day of the move, I took her, prior to the movers coming, and put her in one of the bathrooms of the new house with a litter box, water and food and a bed, and there was a threatening notice posted on the door, daring anyone to open it!!! LOL!!! Once we were in, that night, I let her out, and brought Buttercup back over. They both stayed inside for several days before we even considered letting them venture outside. (Yes, my cats are indoor/outdoor cats).

I think the key is to get them in a safe place before the actual move starts. They are fearful of those strange people and the moving of furniture and the whole activity level! In fact, Murphy, our old Lab, went to back to Scott's house (she had been staying with Helen and me), and Honey and Lilly were boarded for two days at our local kennel. It was just too much for us to worry about the dogs on top of everything else we were dealing with.

Best of luck to you! I hope this helps. :)