View Full Version : ooo Another Infection, joy

08-26-2004, 02:08 AM
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, its what I've always wanted another infection!!! YAY!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I always wash up after playing with Axle, its stupid not too.

Well he clawed me a little bit today. Its on my right hand, its on my 2ed knuckle under my middle finger. & I can hardly bend my finger cause the 1 inch scratch (looks like along minor papercut, going along my finger).

I wash with dish soap & hot water. I scrubbed the scratch untel it bleed even more to make sure it was nice & clean. Well it has failed. The infection isn't too bad, just sore & its location sucks. So typing has been fun...

Tomorrow I'm gonna wash it in head & shoulders. I washed my hair with my last infection & thay shampoo killed the infection right in its tracks.

It was cool. It went in full of puss (I washed my hand before I used to wash myself hehe) & it came out healed. was kinda odd, but the red was gone, the soreness was gone & the darn thing finally closed up.

When I'm sick, I try healing naturally. until I get too sick & have to be medicated so I can sleep (but only for sleep, not for whats wrong). The Dr.s just give me strong cough syurp & I'm out like a light :)

It just might be faster by cutting off my finger heheheh :D

08-26-2004, 05:07 AM
Have you tried Triple Antibiotic Cream? Whenever we come over the the States - (I know your in Canada but you tend to have similar stuff don't you?) we load up with the stuff - it's great - really stops scratches getting infected and clears them up in no time.
Give it a try KR you might me pleasantly surprised - hope so.


Ally Cat's Mommy
08-26-2004, 06:39 AM
Sounds yukky!! Hope your finger gets better soon!