View Full Version : Very Important - Please Respond

08-25-2004, 09:11 PM
I am posting this in General because I need input quickly. Our organization is in a bit of disarray due to personalitys and personal agendas. I want to post this message and need to know from those of you who are in rescue if this is over the top. I am so angry right now and I need to see if I have overstepped. Please respond quickly as this needs to be said.


I will probably get a great many people mad at me for this post, but I want to reiterate the importance of what we are doing. There are a great many passionate and caring people in this organization that feel very strongly about what we are trying to do here. There are people involved that have been instrumental in the day to day workings of the shelter and have given a great deal of their time and energy trying to make life better for animals housed there. There are a great many people who have worked behind the scenes trying to make changes in the attitude of the current administration who feel that the companion animals in this city are a low priority. There are people in this organization who would charge hundreds of dollars an hour for work that they do for free for the betterment of companion animals in this city. Most of the people in this organization want to do whatever they can to make a better life for the companion animals of the city. Let us not forget that in May of 2004 we got caught with our pants down because we allowed the city officials to delete money spent on animal welfare. One thing they didn’t cut financially – vermin control. We have the money to pick up dead animals, but we don’t have the money to support animal welfare. Let us not forget that the city placed a bigger priority on animal carcasses than they did on the people and animals that reside in the city. Let us not forget that we got blindsided by the city administration, the county administration, and the state administration that felt like we would “go quietly into the night”.

I attended the Common Council meeting on the “state of the shelter meeting” and heard Charles Micheax offer to work more closely with the shelter to license dogs in the city and help the financial crunch. He made an offhand comment about taking over the shelter and I Joe Giambra’s comment was “you want it – you can have it”. Just goes to show how important they feel this issue is to them and what a thorn in their side we are. We can be a force in this administration if we focus on the common goal and not our egos. It is not about our feelings, our perks, our jobs – it is about what is best for the animals. We can make sure we are in place to catch the animals before they fall through the cracks. We can be in place before the city says “We have no more money”. Do any of you really feel that when the administration is faced with a choice between the police and the fire department that animals will be their priority? Maybe the adoption program will last past June 2005 – but what if it doesn’t? What are we working for? It is our job to make sure that we do not “go quietly into the night”. It is our job to make sure that the animals in the city are protected. It is our job to make sure that the Mikeys of the world are not euthanized unnecessarily. It is our job to make sure that the “fighting dog” enthusiasts are brought to justice. It is our job to make sure that the animals in the City of Buffalo have a better life than is currently offered at the shelter. It is our job to make sure that the people in the city understand how animals in their life will enrich their lives. It is our job to make sure that the sick or aggressive or unadoptable animals go in peace and not languish in a 6X6 kennel. That is why we became animal activists and that is why we give so much of our time and money to help.

As I heard about the 50+ adoption applications at the shelter being ignored because people were more concerned with their “status” than they were about getting dogs adopted. As I hear about wonderful families being frustrated with their applications being lost or misplaced so they go to another shelter or a rescue organization – it makes me wonder. As I hear of wonderful families being treated like dirt at the shelter because they are African American, Hispanic, Gay or lower income – it sickens me. As I hear about people wanting to turn in kittens or puppies on a Saturday, but turned away because there is no one at the shelter to watch them – it makes me feel that there is a better way. I hope it is us – I pray it is us - I fear that our egos make us less than what we can be.

08-25-2004, 09:22 PM
*leaps to her feet*


I'm not sure what issues your organization is facing, but I don't feel that's over the top at all. I feel that should spur some people into action. Outstanding! :D

08-25-2004, 09:28 PM
Thank you Micki - your opinion means a great deal to me. My frustration is in personal agendas. Isn't it about the animals - I don't care if I am reduced to picking up dog s***. Isn't it better than allowing a dog or cat to languish in their own feces. If I was an animal owner and threw a dog or cat in a kennel for 24-7 wouldn't I be up on animal cruelty charges?

08-25-2004, 09:36 PM
Our rescue currently has a full staff of completely burned out volunteers, so I feel your pain. It can be so frustrating. There are 3 of us who haven't been doing this for 20 years, so we're a bit frustrated by the lackadaisical attitude of the more senior volunteers. :(

I hope some attitudes change for your shelter. It sounds like if changes aren't made, it could be in real danger. :(

08-25-2004, 09:40 PM
Well done.

Send it - slightly reworded for a general audience - to every Buffalo newspaper as well. Make it a plea for the good citizens of Buffalo to step forward and demand that live animals get at least as much funding and attention as dead ones!

08-25-2004, 09:49 PM
Thank you Karen - I felt the same way but wanted to make sure I wasn't being too over-the-top. I am angry so I felt I needed to make sure.

Aspen and Misty
08-25-2004, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by micki76
*leaps to her feet*


I'm not sure what issues your organization is facing, but I don't feel that's over the top at all. I feel that should spur some people into action. Outstanding! :D


I LOVE IT and it is SOOO well written!


08-26-2004, 12:28 AM

08-26-2004, 09:30 AM
Karen's post is right on target, as usual. Nothing gets the attention of the authorities as quickly as bad press. Your letter is very well written and it should bring some results.
I do volunteer work for Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue, but, fortunately, nobody has any personal agenda and the dogs always come first.
Could you also do some advertising to recruit more volunteers?
Good luck!

08-26-2004, 10:08 AM

I think your letter is excellent. Not too "over the top" at all
as far as I can see. Humans are a strange breed sometimes
and get all bogged down with ego & status problems. I sincerely
hope you can help get everyone on the same page when they
stop to realize it's ANIMAL WELFARE that matters first and

I wish you & your group the very best of luck & a whole bunch
of patience.:)

Linda York
08-26-2004, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by micki76

*leaps to her feet*


I'm not sure what issues your organization is facing, but I don't feel that's over the top at all. I feel that should spur some people into action. Outstanding!

Outstanding! We applaud you.

08-26-2004, 10:18 AM
I Joe Giambra’s comment was “you want it – you can have it”.

"Miss Edit", here. Thought you might want to check this sentence, Clara. But I think it is excellent! We need a Clara in every county and every state in this country! Heck, we need a Clara in every country in this world!!!!!! :)

09-02-2004, 11:15 PM
Just wanted to let everyone who responded a big THANK YOU!!!!

You validated my feelings that it isn't about the people - it is about the animals!! I did send out the email message and I have written the news (electronic and print) about our concerns.

Sometimes I feel that we forget the bigger picture - it is about all the animals and not about our egos. Our organization wants to do what is best for the animals. We fought for the shelter because we needed time to get a better plan in place, but the shelter doesn't do a very good job. When the city doesn't have the manpower to man a shelter 24/7 and animals are neglected from 3pm on Saturday until 9am on Monday - there must be a better way. When you have a facility that is only open during the daytime hours - how can you say that you are doing the best for the animals? I don't feel that the city government with their rules and regulations can do what is best for the animals - they are more concerned about union contracts than they are about the animals. There has got to be a better way. Unfortuately - there are people in the city that feel the status quo is acceptable. Personally - I do not.

Again - thank you for your support.