View Full Version : O geez! The President or Vice President come to town....

Aspen and Misty
08-25-2004, 08:42 PM

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Not that I dis-like the preseident or anything but GEEZ! We have ENOUGH traffic in this small town during Little League Season without having to add the president or vice-president and all his security!! Traffic is CRAZY!! You can't get anywhere! There is a police officer on EVERY corner! It's REALLY anoying!!

I can't wait for Little League to be over, I want my small town back to being a small town!!


08-25-2004, 08:48 PM
The traffic must be horrible there!!:D

08-25-2004, 09:06 PM
I feel for ya :rolleyes: Bush was in town a couple weeks ago and the whole freeway shut down for him :mad: DURING RUSH HOUR!! We already have the second worst traffic in the country... it was a pill. A friend of mine missed his flight because he was stuck on the freeway for hours :mad: They didn't give us any warning!

Kerry is coming to town this week. I'd like a little heads up so I know when to stay off the roads :rolleyes:

Heheh, Bush went to a little league game while he was in Washington as well. What a guy...