View Full Version : anyone seen film "The Terminal"

08-25-2004, 04:55 PM
I am thinking of buying tickets for my daughter and her Dad to go and see a special screening of this film on Father"s Day, so would appreciate the PT's film critics, thanks.

08-25-2004, 06:48 PM
My memory stinks, but I think that's the Tom Hanks' movie where he's trapped at an airport due to a diplomacy problem/war in his home country? I saw it with my mom and we both loved it. (Warning: it starts SLOW but improves.) Mom's dying for it to come out on DVD so she can get it.

If I've mixed up titles instead, I will quietly slink away....

08-25-2004, 06:49 PM
P. S. Father's Day in the U.S. is in mid-June. When is it in N.Z.?

08-25-2004, 06:50 PM
It is and it's sort of based on a true story. There really is a guy that lives in the airport. Can't remember where I saw that story, though. I haven't seen it but it looks to be a good one.

08-25-2004, 06:53 PM
Yeah, the real guy is still in an airport in Paris. There was a problem with his papers, and other papers were stolen. He's emigrated to another country due to his country of origin having undergone a change of regime... I think Belgium has agreed to accept him if he will agree to something he's refused to do so far? I think it's been almost 20 years he's been there. Sad.

Spoiler alert:

Speilberg's version is a lot shorter (he gets to go home, eventually.) and Hanks is sane, sharp as a tack, but secretive about why he wants to visit.

08-25-2004, 07:49 PM
Amberlee you have the right movie, so would you think a 12 year old would enjoy it, is it comedy, romance, or what? BTW Fathers Day is SEPT 5TH In NZ, i know we celebrate mother's day on the same day, strange we don't do the same for Dads.

08-25-2004, 09:37 PM
Uh, I'd call it a drama with romantic and humorous moments ... It's really about Hanks making a life for himself under most bizarre circumstances. Basically life pelts him with lemons, and he learns to make lemon merange (sp?) pie.

I wanted to slap the female lead silly several times over, but I have a very low threshold for women drooling over married men. It didn't help that Hanks was mad for her and she treats him like an object for most of the film.

How mature is your daughter? Most of the tension in the movie is from an up-tight airport security/bureaucrat from ... hades ... who is trying to get rid of Hanks by putting him a-foul of the law so that he can put him in jail. And Hanks, by luck and by a measure of craft, is smart enough to side-step his lies, tricks, and petty manipulations#. I found him (the bureaucrat) also slap worthy and slimey. I hate the 'I represent the government so it's okay if I lie' mindset. Would this bother your daughter?

#Well, most of the time, when it counts.
Interesting about the same day for Mother's Day and different one for Father's Day. The U.S. Grandparent's Day is either the second or third weekend in Sept. When is yours?

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-26-2004, 06:59 AM
I haven't seen the movie yet.

But to read the story of the guy who has been living at Paris airport since 1988 click here (http://www.snopes.com/travel/airline/airport.htm)

08-26-2004, 12:19 PM
I saw it. Loved it!! Thought it was really well done. Plus, I'm a big Tom Hanks fan.... :) I would definitely recommend going to see it!

08-26-2004, 12:48 PM
I saw it and thought it was enjoyable, but a little predictable and not realistic of what that actual situation would be like. One has to do a bit of credibility stretching. Maybe I just expect too much from movies, as I seem to be a bit disappointed from what I anticipate them to be and what they turn out to be. I went to see Garden State last weekend and had the same problem with that.

08-26-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Rachel
...but a little predictable and not realistic of what that actual situation would be like. ...

I agree, but tend to prefer non-realism in movies.

Several logic 'skips' so to speak in the film. :rolleyes:

08-26-2004, 03:42 PM
Melissa is a normal 12 yr old, she has seen many grown up movies with our guidance, so should be ok, I am not sure she would enjoy it that much though from what you are describing, perhaps I might look into something else, she loved I ROBOT.

BTW we don't have a grandparents day in NZ.