View Full Version : advice on back problems please....

08-25-2004, 04:37 PM
I know many of you suffer back problems, myself included, however i am writing this concerning my son Scott.

Scott has an injury (an old injury) which unfortunately playing his beloved Cricket tends to flare it up, since being in England, his back is really bad right now, due to the fact he has not had treatment, because it is so expensive over there, he can get treated here for free.

My concern is his long flight home, he leaves on August 31st, and its going to be a tough time, as he is in constant pain, his pain is worrying as it has changed from a dull ache to sharp shooting pains.

I think he will buy some over the counter pain relief, but he has to be careful as he is asthmatic and also nurofen type medicenes can and do upset the stomach, not too good on a long flight.

Any suggestions for him to make the long flight home would be welcome, he does have two stop-overs, about six hrs in LA and two in Germany, so that will help I hope.

Thanks for listening.

08-25-2004, 04:44 PM

If he can find a package of these, they might help.

They work well and go for 8 hours.....

08-25-2004, 04:51 PM
Thanks Richard that is a good idea, I want some of those myself, better than taking medicene, it would give him some temporary relief anyhow.

Miss Meow
08-25-2004, 05:08 PM
It's hard to say because there are so many different kinds of back pain, but I find doing anything for too long (sitting, standing, lying) will make it worse.

Can he have a little aspirin every couple of hours as a mild anti-inflammatory? That'll help reduce the shooting pains.

Maybe he can be allocated a seat in the aisle so he can get up and walk around and stretch regularly without disturbing the other passengers.

No alcohol, sleeping pills or anything that's going to encourage him to sleep for a long time in the same position.

The thermacare products look good, or even a wheat bag that the air crew can pop in the microwave for him every now and then.

Hmmm, that's about it. I feel sorry for him.

08-25-2004, 05:13 PM
My husband has back problems, he has spinal stenosis (narrowing of the vertebrae) in his lower back that ends up pressing on his spinal cord and can cause him intense pain. Like Miss Meow said, there are so many different kinds of back pain, it's tough to know what to suggest. I know for my husband, he arranges a pillow behind his back so that it is taking pressure off the area and that is what helps him, but he also takes ibuprofen or Aleve as well.

I hope Scott will be able to endure the trip without too much misery.

08-26-2004, 03:28 PM
Thank you for all the advice, I will pass it on to Scott, here's hoping he makes it back ok.(no pun intended):)

08-26-2004, 04:13 PM
Carole how worrying for you and uncomfortable for Scott - apart from Richard's spot on idea about the Heat Pad, all I can think of is trying some of the various pain relief gels - it depends on how bad the pain is - but maybe something like Voltrol may ease is a little.

Don has lots of back problems - yep he's worse than me! And on a l-o-n-g plane journey he really suffers. Our recent Las Vegas trip was very uncomfortable for him and that was only 10 hours!!

Nicole's ideas about aisle seat and walking around and no alcohol - sound good too.

I'm just wondering if the weather over here has aggravated his problem. It's been so wet - I've taken to wearing waders!!
Hope he's managed to miss some of the rain!!

If he's insured has he thought of seeing a doctor before he flies home - I don't know what it will cost him be they may be able to give him something to get him over the flight that won't interfer with his asthma?


08-26-2004, 04:44 PM
Thanks Lynne, I just hope he is sensible enough to get some pain meds, its pretty bad so I am sure he will, he left some of his pain meds here silly boy., I honestly think , if he had taken the time to find out, he would have been eligible for some assistance, from the NHS, as he has the right of abode in England, which means he can live and work there indefinetly with no visas needed etc, because i am a British Citizen, however I donot think physiotherapy would be covered, and that is what he really needs.

He has a basic travel insurance plan for the trip home which covers him for the three days for travel and up to five days before he leaves, however they might consider it a pre-existing condition for which there is no cover, yes it is worrying to me, I hate the thought of the discomfort he will endure , and that something bad could happen, backs are strange things., he was ok when he left, but found the trip exhausting and uncomfortable, so its going to be a lot worse, at least he has about 6 hrs in LA, so he will get to walk around and he can always get some pain relief there too if need be.

Yes it has not been the greatest of summers for his First visit to England, but he is still keen to go back, I think its just the bowling action in cricket that upsets an old injury, I want him to have some x--rays done when he gets back, as they have never done that before.

Thanks for your concern, much appreciated.