View Full Version : closed doors

08-25-2004, 11:46 AM
what do i do about my cat not likeing closed doors? every time i go to the bathroom or so on, she scratches at the door..

08-25-2004, 12:24 PM
Mine does the same thing! I either have to let him in with me or leave the door open a crack so he can come in if he wants to. Otherwise he about rips the door down! LOL

08-25-2004, 12:31 PM
and i feel so bad if i cant let her in.. say if theres something in there i dont want her getting a hold of, or she might scratch.. i have a spray bottle next to my bed.. i shake it when she tries to tear up the mattress. i have a scratch post for her but she dont like it,, instead i let her use old suitcases that are fabric.. i have one close to the couches so she wont scratch the couches.. i had one next to bed, but falls over everytime she tries to scratch it, and it makes this big loud noise.. but when it falls, then its to short for her to scratch, and so she walks over to the bed.

08-25-2004, 01:10 PM
Pouncer acts as if he might die if I shut the bathroom door so that he can't enter... he's even learned how to open it! :eek:

There's something about a cat and a closed door - especially a closed bathroom door... all that splishy water going round and round after the flush! :D

As for scratching inapproriate things, you really need to get more appropriate scratching post she won't knock over. I made all of my scratching posts, its really quite easy. You can ask for scraps of carpet from your local carpet warehouse or store. All you really need is some board, wood screws/nails, glue, and either carpet tacks or a staple gun. If you want a really easy one, you can secure some rope to the end, and hang a straight carpeted board from a door knob. Allen and Pouncer's favorite scratching post cost me all of $15 and its a HUGE square. They like to sit in it, on top , and its TALL so they can really stretch out and scratch.

08-25-2004, 01:34 PM
do you have a pic of it? my kittys post that i got for her, was or looks like it was made of carpet, maybe it was to small,.. ill see what i can find.. she does like the carpet on the floor.. i have scraps for that.. i have to go to homedepot anyways, i gotta get a grid thing for my bunnies litter box.. so they dont mix the litter with the hay,, makes the litter box last longer.. nothing smells worse than pee soaked hay..egghh

Laura's Babies
08-25-2004, 02:40 PM
My RB Chynna boy couldn't STAND for any door to be shut and all doors had to be open ALL the time or he sat there with the most pitiful meow you ever heard..... once the door was open, he didn't always want in, he just wanted the door OPEN!

08-25-2004, 02:43 PM
You have given me an excuse for more pictures! I'll have to snap them, shortly. My Butter is NUTS over closed doors and has ruined the carpet at the entrance to several rooms! I don't know what to do about other than leaving the door cracked so he can come on in!!!! :eek:

08-26-2004, 08:51 AM
The Found Cats,all do that,they even did that when i was working,on the water controls,in the little area,behind the toilet! i am afraid,that you can do little,about the curiousity,of the CAT!