View Full Version : Flyball

08-25-2004, 11:12 AM
Zeke is going to be starting flyball in september. I'm pretty sure anyway. I think it will be a lot of fun for both me and him. He loves chasing the ball and running, so I think he'll like this. I'm worried he won't pay attention when other dogs are around though :( He's pretty good even when other dogs are around, but he really just want to play with them. Can a dog of his breed do flyball? He's not the fastest like a border collie or anything..I was thinking of it for fun more so then winning competitions. I don't think he's fast enough hehe.

08-25-2004, 11:13 AM
Goodluck and most of all have fun. :)

08-25-2004, 11:29 AM
I am sure he will be fine ;) Flyball is generally trained one on one, other people may be holding dogs near by but they would not actually be running. most new dogs are distracted easily so dont worry about it. the first thing you should be working on anyway is Re-calls someone holds your dog you run and call them. this should be on the flat lol untill the dog has a very reliable recall, jumps should not be added in, then they should be added one at a time. make sure to bring something very enticing to him lol does he like to tug? if you take 3 long strips of fleece(old cloths) you can braid them together for a tug. a tug is one of the best ways to go because when the dog has the tug you are in control, when you use treats the dog can come, but its so easy to give them a treat then they run off before you an grab them.

and of coarse have fun!

PS. you may want to bring water for yourself lol

08-25-2004, 11:39 AM
I am sure Zeke man will do just fine :D all breeds can do Flyball and you never know he may just suprise you and be a speedy pup, but it is not all about speed consistancy is important also :D.

LOL Shayna i forgot to mention the water, Flyball is alot of hard work not only for the dogs but handlers also.

08-25-2004, 12:30 PM
Great thread & good suggestions. I'd like to sign up my 19 pound terrier for flyball this fall. I'm not sure how he'll do but I figure we (or rather he) can try it. After the course, if he doesn't seem to like it, we'll just go onto something else. I'd like to get him into Earthdogging (I think that's what it's called). However, I've read it has to do with a rat being held in a cage and the dogs digging a hole (or running into a hole) to get at the cagged rat. I think it would be pretty inhumane to put the rat through all that terror (even though I'm not a big fan of rats). That's why flyball sounds better.

08-25-2004, 12:58 PM
Good luck, Zeke and Audrey!

I am sure you will have fun. I am sure at the first training, a lot of the dogs will be curious. They probably won't be on their best behavior! Once Zeke gets used to the atmohsphere, I am sure he was do wonderful!

When Prince first went to agility, he didn't even want to listen to his mommy! :eek: After a couple weeks of classes, he did great. :D

08-25-2004, 01:00 PM
I bet it'll be a blast! Wish we had something like that around here, or agility...anything!

Im sure he will do well when he gets used to it :D, Have fun!!

And keep us posted on how it all goes ;)

08-25-2004, 01:02 PM
:D I'm sure he'll be fine!

We tried out flyball with a local club. My dogs sucked LOL! Their recall isn't perfect and with so many other dogs running around, it was pretty much non-existant. :p Kai seemed to enjoy going over the jumps though. He was pretty fast for a chubby guy LOL.