View Full Version : I'm a very very BAD meowmie!!!

08-24-2004, 08:09 PM
I'm feeling soooooo guilty right now!
I came home from work and the minute I hit the door I have to start feeding or be attacked by my poor starving crew! They have food all day mind you but they get one can of wet food on top of dry in the evening and they think they are going to die without it!
I came in the door and started getting the food together. I go outside and get the plates for the outside kitties and I start dishing up the food. While I'm dishing up food hubby goes outside to get the mail. I get everybody set up, get Magoo to his spot, and feed the outside kitties, change my clothes and finally sit down. Magoo and I have our nightly after dinner play session and then hubby and I discuss whats for dinner and then I go to the kitchen to cook. Now it has been about an hour and a half since I fed everybody. I'm cooking and turn around to get something off of the table and I see this cat outside looking in the window. I thought that was odd because the ferals don't do that. I walk into the living room and my mouth hit the floor!! It was Leroy!!! He had obviously snuck out while hubby got the mail.
I am so ashamed and feel so guilty because I didn't even notice he was missing!!!! He is always a pain in the behind while I'm fixing their dinner and after he eats and I didn't even notice my baby was gone!
I have to tell you that this made me feel bad. I was so tired and busy but I should have noticed him missing. I was a very very bad kitty mom today and I'm so thankful that nothing happened to him while he was out. I would have died from the guilt!
I had to share with those of you who will understand how bad I feel.:( :( :(

Laura's Babies
08-24-2004, 08:21 PM
How come we all feel so guilty when it comes to our fur kids? Any little thing and we are worried to death or feeling guilty.. I have days where I have "Blond Moments" and just don't think.. Maybe you were tired and having a "Blond Moment"? I am prone to more of them when I am tired, things I should notice I don't and feel so stupid later...

08-24-2004, 08:25 PM
Oh, (((HUGS))) Lisa.... it happens to all of us at one time or another! ;) We are human, sweety, and we get busy and distracted! Heck .... people forget their kids sometimes!!!:eek: It's a stressful and hectic world we live in .... so give yourself some slack!!!

Leroy was a smart and good boy for reminding Meowmmy that he was not in the house!;) :D

K & L
08-24-2004, 08:30 PM
This happened to me one time. It was very early morning and I was taking garbage (several trips between house garbage, and litter) when I noticed a cat by the garage door. I bent down and said "hi kitty, where'd you come from"? Lo and behold it was Olive! Sometime in my garbage trips she escaped and I didn't even know!

08-24-2004, 08:39 PM
Don't feel bad! I did basically the same thing today. I was carrying laundry to the basement (using the outside door like my sign requested ;) :D ) and Nicki asked to go out. I said, "C'mon, I'll let you out and come get you when I'm done the laundry." Well, I came and finished the laundry, went back in. A while later, I had a headache, but no more Advil. I live across the street from RitaAid so I walked across. While trying to cross the street with my precious Advil in my hands, I see Nicki mosey-ing along eating grass and enjoying the sunshine! :eek: I'm a bad doggy mom! I too never noticed her on my heels in the house after I did the laundry... and she is always on my heals! :o

08-24-2004, 08:54 PM
Doesn't it make you feel so bad? I mean our nightly routine is telling Leroy to STOP IT! How could I not notice that he wasn't here?
I know we all have our moments but it just hit me wrong tonight because I am so tired and stressed.
I guess we are all lucky that nothing has happened to them when these moments occur. WOW that would be one horrible guilt trip!

08-24-2004, 09:15 PM
I'm sure that Leroy won't hold it against you. Now you can just remember what a GOOD KITTY he is, and how smart he is to know that he belongs inside!!!

But seriously . . . maybe you should start doing a head count!!! That's a lot of furbabies to keep up with!!!

08-24-2004, 09:41 PM
There are times (and I know that some of you disagree with this) that I am glad my cats go in and out. Otherwise, I would be alarmed, constantly! I'm sure of it! Thank goodness, they stick close to home and we are in a safe area. Most of the time, truly, Butter and Mimi don't go beyond the fenced area where the dogs are allowed. I hope that means they are happy and content, right where they are.

I'm glad you saw your Leroy right away. And you are NOT a bad meowmie. How are you to keep up with everyone??? All is well, and that is what is important! :)

08-24-2004, 09:46 PM
Oh Lisa - I surely know that awful stab of guilt!:eek: I think we have all felt it - those times when we get busy and preoccupied and do something we think is really dumb. We have ALL done it. I don't know why we feel so guilty but we do! Some times are much worse than others. There was once when hubby and I even left one of the skinkids behind after church and nobody missed him for over an hour!:rolleyes: No kidding.
With Leroy - he has your heartstrings anyway so of course you feel extra bad about that nawtee cat! Try not to beat yourself up over it. We have ALL done something similar and you are so soft hearted anyway. Leroy is fine and tomorrow (or next week) you can laugh about it! OK?

08-24-2004, 09:58 PM
Well, I know that this isn't really as bad but one night I got home late from work and had to pee like a racehorse. I raced into the door dropped my clothes on the bed and did my thing.

Then I changed clothes, went into the kitchen and put my lunch dishes into the dishwasher. I played with Speckles for a bit then started to get the dinner for Max and Speckles. Max? Where was Max? 15 min later I found him out in the hallway of my apt. He was just sitting there and sniffing underneath the doors of my neighbours. I didn't even see him sneak out and fortunately there is no where for him go really.

Don't feel guilty. It's happened to the best of us. Thank God Leroy was OK.

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-24-2004, 11:16 PM
At least Leroy is back inside, safe and sound. Ally sneaked out once too (our garden backs onto a main road and I feed strays and ferals), I was in such a panic when I couldnt find her, and eventually when I looked out the back door she came rushing up to me - we were both so sacred:eek: The REALLY scarey thing was that she could only have gotten out when my son took the trash out, which meant she had ben outside for over an hour! So PLEASE don't feel bad - most of us have done similar! I am just so glad Leroy is safe where he belongs!!

08-24-2004, 11:27 PM
Don't feel to bad, we aren't perfect all the time! I am glad that he stuck around!

08-24-2004, 11:34 PM
You're not a bad meowmie!

I do understand how you feel though. Don't worry, nothing bad happened.

08-25-2004, 07:04 AM
Oh Lisa you're not a bad Meowmie - just got one VERY fast cat in Leroy!!

Similar thing here last night - - -
Rounding up the cats at bedtime - got Ketchum and Dan in the kitchen - but where was Bagel? We searched all the bedrooms, the garage - had the back door open calling her and shaking her treat tin (our cats are indoor/outdoor cats) - no Bagel. "Maybe she's decided to stay out tonight" says Don. OK. We lock up and go to bed - read for about half an hour and settle down.
Then I hear it - - - -a very faint miaow!!!!!
Where is it coming from? Race downstairs - throw open the front door - no Bagel - rush into the kitchen (disturb a very sleepy pair of boys!) throw open the back door - no Bagel. Then I stop and listen follow the noise. . . . . very carefully to the dining room door - open door, one very affronted Bagel stalks out!! Now we hadn't used the dining room last night because we'd eaten out. The last time I remember going in there was about 3pm!!! Poor girl - she'd followed me in and got 'imprisoned' - she was desperate to get into 'pooh' house and do her thing!!!
She's fine today - curled up by my side on the sofa - napping peacefully!!


08-25-2004, 09:00 AM
I am glad Leroy stuck close to the house when he was on his adventure. You know guys that have to be adventure sneeks no matter how close we keep tabs on them. :)

08-25-2004, 09:31 AM
Of al people,you are not A Bad Meowmie,and the Cat Angels,especially Scrappy Angel,will testify,to that fact! You just had too many things,to do,and not enough time,to do them!

08-25-2004, 09:33 AM
:eek: Leroy, no more sneaking out ok cutie? Yes, we have all been in similiar situations. One time I was watching a co-workers cats and unbeknownst to me, I had shut the door on them when they were in the laundry room!! They were in there for 12 hours!!

I'm glad Leroy stuck close by.

08-25-2004, 09:39 AM
*hugs* it happens to the best of us! I locked Remus under the bathroom sink once. I went to grab something out of there and when my back was turned that little stinker must have snuck in. I just closed the door and went on my merry way. About 15 minutes later (he gets bored quickly) I hear thud thud thud meeeeooow thud thud and Im thinking 'what the heck?' Turns out he was using one of the cleaner bottles to try and open the cabenet! Smart kitty! Once I let him out of there he kind of just glared at me for about two hours...

Don Juan's mom
08-26-2004, 03:46 PM
No, you're not a bad mom! He probably got a kick out of being outside.

About two months after I adopted Don Juan (he was about a year and a half old), my boyfriend* went out to work before I did. I headed out to the living room and heard the loudest, most anxious meows! Don Juan had slipped out the door and was struggling to get back in. (He lacks opposable thumbs, and can't work doorknobs.) AND he was getting dive-bombed by a mockingbird. My boyfriend hadn't bothered to catch him and put him back inside.

* IMPORTANT NOTE: He is not my boyfriend anymore.
