View Full Version : Disgusting or Not Disgusting?

K & L
08-24-2004, 07:43 PM
Do you let your cats eat off the dishes you do? Ok, I confess...we let ours lap up the juices, small drops of milk, etc. and I was told we were disgusting for doing this!:eek: We were told they would never let an animal eat off of human dishes!

08-24-2004, 07:53 PM
I know a lot of people here do let their pets eat off their plates, but I am not one of them, even though I have a dishwasher which does steralise them, It's just not my thing, A definite NO in my household.

I would just like to add, what anyone else does in their household is their business, and I would never tell someone they are disgusting, for doing so,its just not my preference thats all.

08-24-2004, 07:56 PM
I'm so disgusting. lol. My pets always eat off of my dishes. When I have leftovers, if they are safe, I throw them on a plate and put the plate outside for the dogs. I am very surprised that my husband has never complained about it!

BTW, the other day, we got pizza, and I left it on the kitchen table. Well, like three times, I walked by and noticed the lid open and pepperoni scattered on the floor. I guess I was to tired to really think; each time, I'd pick up the pepperoni and close the lid. Well, then hubby got home from work and came into bed...and it dawned on me...it was Ron that kept getting into the pizza. So I told hubby "Don't eat the pepperoni pizza, Ron was in the box." Mike goes "That's what I just ate." haha

08-24-2004, 07:58 PM
I am one who lets our cats eat off our dishes. I have no problem with doing this..nor do I get disgusted by it. Thor laps up the milk left over from my cherrios in the morning :) When my husband and I give them wet cat food for a treat, we put it on small plates.

They are my babies and eating from the same dish after washing it, is fine with me...I wouldn't care if someone called me gross for doing it...they don't have too do it themselves.

08-24-2004, 08:02 PM
My cats don't get people food very often at all and they certainly don't get any leftovers. There has been a few times that I will let Speckles stick her nose in my glass of milk and lap up a few drops. Then there was the time that Max dove into my mashed squash. Oh yes, and the time that Speckles stole a pork chop bone off my plate and hid behind the Christmas tree with it. :D

It wouldn't bother me if they licked my plate. I guess that makes me disgusting too. Besides, I put a bit of bleach in my dishwasher with every load.

And what about all those parents out there that lick the spoon your child just licked??? :eek: Or the husband and wife that share the same toothbrush. :eek:

08-24-2004, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by Mandy-Lee
Thor laps up the milk left over from my cherrios in the morning :)

Bella and Ripley lap up the milk from my Raisin Bran! LOL! I used to let the cats lick off our plates occasionally but since Trevor developed diabetes I can't have him doing that and I don't let Andy because Trevor might feel I'm playing favorites since he doesn't understand his condition! :p :rolleyes: That's what dishwashers are for. :)

08-24-2004, 08:02 PM
Well I guess I am disgusting:p No I am even worse because not only do I let them eat from our dishes, I share my food and keep on eating. THIS grosses my hubby out though. He will give up his cereal when he is finished but won't let them have any while he is eating. I don't care.:rolleyes: I let them taste my ice cream cone too. So there!:p

08-24-2004, 08:04 PM
When we finish eating, we put the dishes in the sink. Sometimes Naughty Lali will jump up on the counter and start licking some of the dishes in the sink!!:eek: :mad: :rolleyes:

We don't usually let our animals eat stuff off our plates...
Sometimes if we have some leftover though, we'll give a little piece to the cats or dogs. It depends..

K & L
08-24-2004, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Well I guess I am disgusting:p No I am even worse because not only do I let them eat from our dishes, I share my food and keep on eating. THIS grosses my hubby out though. He will give up his cereal when he is finished but won't let them have any while he is eating. I don't care.:rolleyes: I let them taste my ice cream cone too. So there!:p

:D :D I love it!:D

08-24-2004, 08:07 PM
One day when the minister was at the home of a lady parishner for dinner he noticed that the plates were not really all that clean. he felt badly having to mention this fact, but thought he did it in kindness. The lady said, "I got the dishes as clean as soap and water can get them!". Feeling somewhat embarrassed, he finished his meal and then offered to help with the clean up. The lady said "No bother." and then went to the back door, opened it and yelled for her dogs........"HERE SOAP.......HERE WATER!"


I know that some people do not like this practice. I do it and see nothing wrong with it.

08-24-2004, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
:rolleyes: I let them taste my ice cream cone too. So there!:p


08-24-2004, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
One day when the minister was at the home of a lady parishner for dinner he noticed that the plates were not really all that clean. he felt badly having to mention this fact, but thought he did it in kindness. The lady said, "I got the dishes as clean as soap and water can get them!". Feeling somewhat embarrassed, he finished his meal and then offered to help with the clean up. The lady said "No bother." and then went to the back door, opened it and yelled for her dogs........"HERE SOAP.......HERE WATER!"


I know that some people do not like this practice. I do it and see nothing wrong with it.

This is very funny as well! VERY! LOL...good one!:D

K & L
08-24-2004, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
One day when the minister was at the home of a lady parishner for dinner he noticed that the plates were not really all that clean. he felt badly having to mention this fact, but thought he did it in kindness. The lady said, "I got the dishes as clean as soap and water can get them!". Feeling somewhat embarrassed, he finished his meal and then offered to help with the clean up. The lady said "No bother." and then went to the back door, opened it and yelled for her dogs........"HERE SOAP.......HERE WATER!"


I know that some people do not like this practice. I do it and see nothing wrong with it.

This is hilarous! I needed these laughs this evening!

08-24-2004, 08:15 PM
I don't have a cat, but when I give my birds cereal on top of their cage, it is usually in one of our plates. What are dishwashers for? :p But if I'm eating, and the tiels want to eat out of my plate while I'm eating from it, I don't let them. Everyone who comes to our house has seen those CorningWare plates that we use on top of the birds' cage, with the birds sitting IN it, eating cereal, and no one has ever commented on it. I'm surprised that even the non-animal people had nothing to say about it. Maybe they didn't notice, or maybe they thought we just have that one special plate for them. :o We don't. I just take any random plate out of the dishwasher while unloading it, and give them their cornflakes in it.

08-24-2004, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
One day when the minister was at the home of a lady parishner for dinner he noticed that the plates were not really all that clean. he felt badly having to mention this fact, but thought he did it in kindness. The lady said, "I got the dishes as clean as soap and water can get them!". Feeling somewhat embarrassed, he finished his meal and then offered to help with the clean up. The lady said "No bother." and then went to the back door, opened it and yelled for her dogs........"HERE SOAP.......HERE WATER!"


I have to clarify myself, I don't actually share my plate with my pets, I let them have it after I'm finished.

08-24-2004, 08:18 PM
Not disgusting at all! I always have a Leroy nose in my dinner and a Pepper Jack paw seems to always reach in to snatch something off of my plate. I let them have my bowl or plate after I'm done if there is some soup broth left or something like that. The only reason we don't all share the same plate is because I try to keep them from getting too much table food but they always manage to get a bite if they want it.

I figure if I'm going to schmoozle their bellies, kiss their nasty little noses and paws, cut dingleberries from their behinds and all that stuff then eating behind them can't be that bad!!:D :D :D

08-24-2004, 08:21 PM
I've seen that story before, Jen ... too funny!

Well, yes, I let my babies help clean my plate ... occasionally! But generally they are locked out of the kitchen while we eat ... or we would get no peace! :eek:

My main spoiled one, is Grace! She loves to lick the buttery syrup left on my plate after I finish my waffles! :D Heck .... the dishwasher kills any germs! Plus, I feel safer eating after a kitty than I would most humans!!!:eek: :D

Cinder & Smoke
08-24-2004, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
... I let them taste my ice cream cone too.


Cinder & Smokey wunder...

Don'cha LIKE Ize Kreme??

Dad haz his "slow moments" :rolleyes: ...

But *Sharin* an Ize Kreme Kone izint wunna them!

Wudint be NUFFIN LEFT - :p
cept maybe da part of da Kone he had his finners on!

Dishes ??

Yep, we DO dishes, fur sure!

Soooo Gud - Dad hasta Dubbel-Check iffin HE washed em
affore he puts em away!
(Don't TELL him; but we KNOW he's put wun or two DOG-warshed plates
onna counter; den *furgot* an used em again da next day!) :eek:


08-24-2004, 08:27 PM
While my husband and I eat supper, Thor will sit up behind us on the bar stool and do the "Forrest Gump" (is what I call it). He will tilt his head from side to side..watching every portion of food go into our mouths. He won't say a word, he'll just tilt....tilt.... it is very funny.
My father and step-mother were up visiting for a week and saw it first hand and couldn't stop laughing at him. He was between them both..in the background, on the stool. Everytime my father would turn around to look at him, Thor would tilt his head side ways...further each time.
I need a picture of it.

08-24-2004, 08:48 PM
All the time! Allen dips his paws into my iced tea, and Nicki eats ice-cream from my spoon. I figure that its the same as having their fur flying everywhere! :p

08-24-2004, 08:53 PM
Mine (cats and dogs and birds) do it too, Lisa! :o Not often, but they do. It all goes in the dishwasher and gets washed at a very high temperature, so I really don't worry about it!!!!

Felicia's Mom
08-24-2004, 09:01 PM
I use my saucers for cat plates. I don't even use the cups that they go with.

08-24-2004, 09:06 PM
My dogs no longer get table scraps as it's very bad for them, but when we used to feed them table scrabs they ate from our platesall the time. I used to even feed them with my fork.

BTW, I just got finished sharing my popcicle with Nala and Kiara. ( Simba isn't a popcicle kind of guy) and I always share my ice pops with them!;)

Edwina's Secretary
08-24-2004, 09:14 PM
Eddie and Edwina both have been known to "help" with dinner. Last week Eddie was "helping" me eat some peaches.... My husband will give them tuna when he has it and, of course.... serves it to them on a plate.

One of my favorite stories is one my mother tells of visiting my borther and his new wife (they are both veternarians.) My mother watched my SIL finish up the kitchen and see a plate on the floor which a dog had licked clean. My SIL looked around for my brother (the fussier of the two) and, when she didn't see him...put the dish away.

Didn't bother my mother either!

08-24-2004, 09:19 PM
Shhh! No one's supposed to know... My SIL would be HORRIFIED to know that the bowl she was using is also a (dum da dum dum ) cat bowl.

Of course, she's never been happy to be kissed by a cat. (her loss)

Hubby and I share dinnerware with the cats and run them (the dishes, not the cats) through the dishwasher as necessary. But honestly, my SIL could get physically ill if she knew. My mother would also be disgusted, but wouldn't get ill.

So this is just a little secret in the immediate family. And now with Pet Talk. Don't tell!

08-24-2004, 09:36 PM
Too, too funny! The pepperoni pizza story, the ice cream cone, and edwina's sil cracked me up (laughing out loud in an apt alone- what will the neighbor's think?) I have no problem with dishes. We share and share alike. I was brought up with, "Cat's spit is cleaner than ours". (my mom had 16 cats, her mom had cats, her mom too...) I don't eat off the plates licked clean, I wash them, but to me- that's clean. And of course I share food. How can one not? THEY insist! Scamp loves milk and if i didn't tilt the glass for him to have some lickins', he would put his foot in and knock it over. So better to just let him have it. After several drinks, he's done and goes away! I don't mind tossing blobs of meat at them when they are being pests. When I'm done, leftovers are for everyone, plate goes on the floor!

08-24-2004, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Mandy-Lee
While my husband and I eat supper, Thor will sit up behind us on the bar stool and do the "Forrest Gump" (is what I call it).
Oh, that should go into the Furminology Dictionary!!:D

Jen, I hadn't heard that one before. ROFLMAO!!! :D :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-24-2004, 11:42 PM
Hubby is VERY fussy so the cats only eat off my plate (and sleep in the bed) when he is away on business!:p

08-24-2004, 11:43 PM
SO disgusting!

*Marsha and I even share popsicles!*

08-24-2004, 11:45 PM
LOL I remember once I was cooking dinner for a friend and I had left open the container of sour cream. I turned around for a second to grab a plate and the next thing I knew Corkscrew had this innocent look on his face and his whiskers were covered in sour cream! Thankfully my friend was an animal lover and she had no problem placing a spoonful of Corkscrew's sour cream on her plate!

So to answer the question, I have no problem sharing dishes with the kitties :)

08-25-2004, 06:26 AM
If I didn't share here, I'd be mauled! :eek: There's several ummm...persisitant felines here that don't take no for an answer. If they don' have at least a taste of what I'm eating, I'm pestered to the point of just handing it over. When hubby's home though, the squirt bottle comes out. :D

08-25-2004, 06:42 AM
Cubby use to be trained to sit in front of us while we eat and not even look at the plates while we were eating. We never ment to train him to do this. He must have learned that the licking the side of daddy's plate = water bottle and no plate to lick. Now when we eat he gets on the arm of the couch and sniffs the plate. After we are done eating we set the plate down, point at it and call Cubby over. If you set it down and don't call him over he will not touch the plate. My whole family shares their plates with their pets. My BIL"S don't agree but who cares he's my cat if you don't like what I serve food on then don't come her complaining that you are hungry.

08-25-2004, 06:44 AM
OK - I'm disgusting!!!
In all my life - ALL our cats have finished up bits of food on plates - and they've all had their likes and dislikes.
Some would kill to get a bite of cheese, with one it was chocolate digestive biscuits, Ketchum adores tomato soup, Bagel shares my cup of tea with me every morning - only the first one of the day - then she's satisfied!! Dan adores tuna and would sell his soul to the devil to get it off your plate - but as he's getting older he's a little more patient and sits and waits for the plate to go on the floor. They all love the occassional lap of milk - after I've eaten cereal - but sometimes Ketchum can't wait - he jumps on my knee and we 'share'.

AbbyMom - how sad for your SIL - fancy never being kissed by a cat - her loss.

I've never thought anything about plate sharing with cats - it's just a normal, family thing to do!


08-25-2004, 08:13 AM
Guilty here too! When Tito and Sophie get special treats - lactose-free milk, tuna, pieces of hot dogs, etc. - we give them to them in these tiny bowls we have. Guess that's not too bad, as we don't really use those bowls for anything else. And whenever I eat cereal, they are both in my face, trying to get to the milk. I usually finish and then let them lick the empty bowl.

Oh and last night, I was drinking a beer out of a bottle, and Sophie licked the bottle and I drank after her. Hee hee. She loves beer! Whenever I have one, she's always there trying to lick the bottle. :p

08-25-2004, 09:03 AM
Well, my guys do not get people food or scraps so no they don't eat off the dishes. Although I do feed their soft food treat to them on our coffee saucers so I guess we do share the dishes :). But if I were to feed them human food, I would have no shame sharing my plate :).

08-25-2004, 09:29 AM
Actaully,The Found Cats,have nicer plates,and metal bowls,than I do!

08-25-2004, 09:49 AM
My husband is not thrilled with the cats coming and taking a drink our of his water cup so he has placed 3 large cups on his end table in the living room. The one closest to him is his, the second one closest to him has crystal light in it and the last one farthest from him has water for Abner and Mystic.

Then you have me......I could care less. I share everything. It is public knowledge here on PT that Abner absolutely adores his evening glass of milk....from my glass.

I do not however all the cats to get on the tables or eat/drink out of companies plates. I think my company would run the other way and probally not come back.

08-25-2004, 10:59 AM
When people come over I warn them that if they have a glass of ANYTHING, they sure had better keep it in their hand or expect a kitty head exploring it. Remus dispises soda (I think the bubbles scare him tehe) but anything else is fair game! He isnt much into people food, unless it involves fish in some way, then I have to fight with him just to get a bite! I dont mind sharing with my kitty, to me he is a part of the household just like anyone else!

08-25-2004, 11:17 AM
I agree... How could you not share?... Your sitting eating all those yummy treats with those little sad eyes looking up at you for just a little taste... Didn't ypu learn when you were a kid it's rude to eat in front of people.. so by gosh SHARE... hahahaha
No honestly I do share everything my parents get sooo mad at me because the animals know they can get some from me so they watch me at dinner no one else just me.. mom and dad get sooo mad hehehe.... I just don't understand how could you not share??
Just a little bite of course ;)

08-25-2004, 11:47 AM
Deirdre not only shares my dinner with me...she will also drink out of my water glass. This doesn't bother me in the least.

However! It makes me shudder to see a mother share a drink or ice cream or something with a child...*shuddering at the thought*

ewww....I mean....backwash and babyspit.........bleeeeecccchhhhhh!!!!

:D :D :D


08-25-2004, 12:16 PM
I let my cats lick my plate when I am finished eating. They wait near by.....until I get up....then check to see if the plate has been deposited on the floor. I don't let them lick the plate(s) if it is peppered or spiced foods. It is a habit now. They all try to drink from my glass of water or iced tea! Yikes. I have created a monster. What can I say!

08-25-2004, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Mandy-Lee
Thor laps up the milk left over from my cherrios in the morning :) Mishi does the same. It's now become a daily ritual :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-25-2004, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Denyce
However! It makes me shudder to see a mother share a drink or ice cream or something with a child...*shuddering at the thought*

ewww....I mean....backwash and babyspit.........bleeeeecccchhhhhh!!!!
Too funny! And I have to agree 100%! :D :D

I guess we're (Terry and I) are of the disgusting sort - and I even have evidence! Not only do T & P eat off the same plates we use, sometimes it's at the same time we are eating off of them. Not so much anymore (Tubby's sensitive tummy and all), but when we used to have ice cream, we just had to share! T & P would each get their turn at the bowl in between us taking scoops out with a spoon. When we have Dove bars (or the like) they each get their turn to lick at the same time we're licking. See below for evidence.

And ok, I can see not eating something after they've had at it, but what's wrong with using the same dish - especially it it's been washed? I think what those people just aren't very good dishwashers......;)



08-25-2004, 09:05 PM
Like I said earlier, i was raised with, "cats spit is cleaner than ours". I even remember getting cuts as a child and when our cats would lick at my little wounds, I thought they were "healing" me! Did anyone else hear this growing up? is there an element of truth to it? It is why i have never had a problem sharing my milk and food with my cats! And I too would share a bowl of ice cream quite happily! (human baby spit- never thought about it but it made me laugh out loud again! thanks denyce!)

08-25-2004, 10:43 PM
I rarely let my cats have any people food but if I do they're more than welcome to lick my dishes. It's also become a daily ritual for Sunny to drink the last little bit of milk from my cereal bowl. After he's done then Sky comes over to make sure that nothing is left and licks it again.:)

08-26-2004, 01:28 AM
I also have to confess, whatever I am eating, my cats share with me. They get drink from my cups, and food from my plates. I let them do what they want, those sad eyes always get me! Call me nasty, I am gonna finish my pepsi, cat slobber and all :eek: and for ice cream, I let them lick all they want and for cake I let them stick their paws all in it, hehe=) (It grosses out my husband when I let them drink my drinks, because afterwards I have to pick out kitty hair before I continue.) I would rather drink after my kitties than 1/2 the people I know=) haha Have a good day all! :D

08-26-2004, 06:11 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Well I guess I am disgusting:p No I am even worse because not only do I let them eat from our dishes, I share my food and keep on eating. THIS grosses my hubby out though. He will give up his cereal when he is finished but won't let them have any while he is eating.

We are the same way. Justin and I both will share with the cats and birds off of our plates, no problem, it doesen't bother us one bit. We don't share with the dogs as often tho, but if they steel a taste it doesen't bother us. :)

08-26-2004, 04:10 PM
My cats eat off of my plate, drink out of my glass. The thing that bothers me, though, is when Dakky sticks his whole paw down into the glass. I sometimes inspect it to make sure nothing is in there. He he he.

In the am, I put cottage cheese and fruit into a bowl, and put the bowl on the table while I go about feeding Tex and the others. Dakky knows to jump up there and eat the cottage cheese. I don't care. I figure he is helping me with my diet. Tex, Georgie, Monte and Dakky know to wait their turn and drink the milk from my cereal in the am, if I am having that. I let them drink some right away, then I eat, and then, I hold the bowl for them.

Tex will eat off my plate, and he knows that when I make small cuts with the knife, it is 'his' food. It goes on the corner edge..and we eat in companionable silence. Course, the other day, he did have a huge piece of chicken in his mouth, looking up at me with eyes that said something between, "What? What?" and "Was this for Me?" I hadn't had a chance to cut it into small pieces yet. HE was just going to take the whole wing.

As for either cats or dogs mouths being cleaner than ours...that isn't so. That is just an old tale. I don't care, however.

08-26-2004, 04:15 PM
When I got married there was a rule imposed by my husband that no pets were to eat off the plates. Well that all went down the drain when we got Ripley. He would beg for ice cream and my husband would to get a paper plate to feed him a little and that lasted about two times then he started letting Ripley lick his bowl.

He holds firm on Disney not licking our plates.:confused: To me cat, dog, whats the difference? I've seen them all lick the dark side of the moon.

Cinder & Smoke
08-26-2004, 06:26 PM

I always "share" with the FurKids...
sometimes UN-knowingly :rolleyes:

Former (RB :( ) Shepherd/Husky Shadow became a bit of an
opportunist after her adoption off the streets -
she'd apparently learned to never pass up a meal when opportunity
presented itself...

I'd whipped up TWO giant Dagwood-style sammiches -
LOADED with meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles, and mustard.
Shadow lay on the floor in the kitchen, *watching* intently...

Sammich Construction complete, I had a Major Brane F@rt and
decided I just HAD to do ?something? in the basement -
grabbed a quick *byte* of Sammich #1 and returned it to the
plate - sitting on the kitchen counter.

Returning, I grabbed the plate and moved to the dining room -
*wondering* why Shadow wasn't in sight and *begging* for her *taste*.
Hmmmmmmm... :confused:
I MADE TWO - did I eat one ALREADY???
Finished off Sammich #2, saving a smidgen for Shadow -
who ignored my call of "Wanna Byte?" ... *strange*

As I was rinsing off the plate, (*womdering* WHY I was still HUNgree
after eating TWO giant sammiches)...
I :eek: stepped in sumpin *squisshy* under the counter... :eek:

A Close examination revealed ~~~
..One Tomato Slice,
..One Lettuce Leaf,
..Three Pickles,
..and a small smttering of Bread Crumz -
all piled up under the kitchen cabinet overhang...

"Oh SHADOW, Dear - please come HERE!!" (NO response!)

She was located - UNDER the BigBed - frantically *thumping* her tail
and *licking her chops*. :rolleyes:

We marched back into the kitchen and sat down to *discuss* my
findings of what she apparently didn't care for on the sammich menue...

I swear I head a distinct Dawggie *BuRRp* mid-way through
our *discussion*!


08-26-2004, 07:21 PM
We don't let ours eat off of our plates, but I don't think it is disgusting. Saphirah and Samson are a bit on the fluffy side, so they don't need people food. As someone said, that's what dishwashers are for.

08-26-2004, 07:38 PM
LOL LOL Interesting question. I don't make it a habit, but I sometimes let the kids lick our plates or bowls clean when we are finished. I don't think it's disgusting. I guess it would be if the plate looked so clean, that it went back in the cabinet! :eek: LOL

Scooter loves to lick the condensation off of water glasses! Does that count? LOL

08-27-2004, 08:55 AM
Here it is especially one kitty who thinks he is human and who is treated like one. He is called Filou which means Rascal in English and he lives up to his name!


This kitty has wrapped his PawPaw around his paw and so they can be seen sharing some icecream :D


08-27-2004, 09:27 AM
I can tell I have plenty of disgusting company around here!!;)

smokey the elder
08-27-2004, 01:27 PM
I let my cats have a taste of what I'm eating, but only safe food (chicken, lamb, cheese; pork ribs and chocolate are RIGHT OUT!)

Not too long after I adopted her, Bosun did a mega nawtee. None of my cats had ever bothered food left on the counter. Well, I had this chicken grinder cut in half. I ate half and left half on the counter for later. I went to get it, and on the floor were a bun, lettuce, tomatoes and a VERY smug looking Bosun. Leftovers go behind cat proof doors now!:D

08-27-2004, 01:44 PM
Mishka and I share cereal every morning - it is our ritual.
I have a few spoonfuls and he has one. And so on.

For dinner his favorite is sushi - and he always gets some - once he ate a big chunk of wasabe. Poor thing - you should have seen the look of surprise on his face! (he drank lots of water and was fine - thank goodness)

So I guess I too, am disgusting. But hey - I figure I kiss him on the lips all the time - so what is the difference?

08-27-2004, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by aguu

So I guess I too, am disgusting. But hey - I figure I kiss him on the lips all the time - so what is the difference?

No wonder I love it here! I am in such disgustingly wonderful company!http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys1/kellylolwech.gif

Cinder & Smoke
08-27-2004, 02:31 PM
The *Direct, Frontal Approach* >>>

Boots, da Kat, tries that first;
after he's elbow'd off a couple times -
he tries it from the arm of the kliner chair...
And is finally elbow'd from that spot...

Mad Dash around behind the kliner,
a mighty Leap to the back of the kliner chair;
and then he crouches off to the side of my head -
(successfully preventing my head-butting him off)
and begins puRRRRing in my ear...

He'll *watch* for a few spoons - *timing* his move...

Klawz OUT, the Mighty Ize Kreme Hunter LUNGES at
his quary ~ the Rising Spoon ~

And :eek: *PLOP* ~
"Dad" has a glob of ice creme melting on his shoulder :mad: ~
wiffa KAT happily *licking it up*! :rolleyes:

K & L
08-27-2004, 03:00 PM
All these are hilarous! Gotta love it!:D

08-27-2004, 03:09 PM
OK...ok.....so I am REALLY disgusting.....just last night I was eating a piece of pizza and Vegas and Reno were both sitting on my lap....it went something like this:

-I take a bite, Vegas and Reno take a bite, I take a bite.....Vegas and Reno take a bite.....

I even got a pawsie or two on the pizza slice and STILL took a bite!!! Oh the shame!!! Whatever will I do?!?



08-27-2004, 03:51 PM
Filou is so funny, Barbara! :D


Well, I guess when you're thinking about it, it IS a bit disgusting since you'll never know if kitty has washed the butt before... :o

BUT I have to admit that I often used to share my food with my RB Katz. I allowed her to eat from plate, even when I was still eating. :o

Luna has never been interested in my food, for which I was very thankful because I think it's just healthier for her. When Lily was a baby, she's been totally greedy for what's been on my plate, but now she has lost interest. So both my girls barely lick off the rests from my dishes.


08-27-2004, 04:03 PM
This thread has me LOL in my office with puzzled looks from co-workers.
My boys don’t eat people food. They’ve just never been interested (THANKFULLY!) However, I’m a buyer for a store and I buy china so I get teased all the time that my boys eat off of Wedgwood (which they do!).
The only people food exception is tuna juice. Opening the can (ANY can actually) has them running to the kitchen. Meowmie dutifully drains out the juice into two teacups and the kids lap away! We do share water though and I figure with as much cat hair as I’ve ingested over the years, what’s the harm?
I also had a cat growing up. When I was nine, my sisters and I started baking an anniversary cake for my parents. We made the three tiers and left them on the table to cool. We came back a couple of hours later to find the three tiers with tiny bite marks around the edge of all three tiers and Gigi sleeping on the still warm largest tier! We trimmed the two smaller tiers and made a shorter cake! LOL The largest was too flattened to use but believe me we considered it. LOL


Cinder & Smoke
08-27-2004, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Equus217

I take a bite.....
Vegas and Reno take a bite.....

Whatever will I do?!?

Ya gotta learn to eat * Faster * !!


Don Juan's mom
08-27-2004, 04:23 PM
Don Juan doesn't care much for "people food," one of his many sterling qualities. The only exception was when I had a bagel spread with salmon spread. Don Juan licked up a smear of salmon spread on the plate, then went to work on the edges of the bagel! :p

Now, of course, he gets his own salmon spread as a special treat when he's a good boy. Funny thing, he's ALWAYS a good boy! :D :D :D

He's also got me trained to have my water in the mug that's big enough for his face. :rolleyes: And he will sneak sips out of my cup of milk!
