View Full Version : Think this will work for me?

Aspen and Misty
08-24-2004, 04:48 PM
Yesterday (edited to add in>>) me and Connor went swimming (which he LOVED) and then we made the half hour walk home. When we got home he went in his Kennel to dry off (he had tons of mudd on him and was soaking wet). Everytime he would move he whinned and cried. I couldn't figure out why. So I put tons of blankets in his kennel so he had something to grip when he tried to stand up and so that he would be more comfortable. Then when we were heading to bed he put weight on it once and refused to walk another step. So I carried him into the bed room and layed him down in the large play pen on all his blankets and everything to keep him from being to active that night. He wasn't used to sleeping in the pen so he whinned and was limping in circles. So I let him out and put him in my lap and massaged his legs for about 10 mins each. Then when I went to put him back into the large kennel to my amazment he was fine. He walked and beat up on Breeze and everything ::) I still put him in the pen because he likes to play with Breeze all night and I wanted him to keep quite for awile.

You know what I think he did. I think he pretended to be hurt so that I would give him a massage. Think this would work for me?

Ash ;D

08-24-2004, 11:34 PM
LOL! That's too funny:D

Playing the "I'm hurt" card to get a massage, I think I'm going to have to try that one!

08-25-2004, 01:20 AM
haha that was a smart move if i say so my self!!!!:D

08-25-2004, 01:26 AM
giggle, Hoodoo used to do that. He did actually hurt his paw once. For the rest of his life, if I raised my voice to him, he would suddenly be lame again! He also used to pretend he was hurt until I opened the pen gate and told him to go to the house. Somehow that always miraculously cured him. Silly dogger, how I miss that boy!

08-25-2004, 02:36 AM
All I can think of is that you have one smart puppy their!!
To cute.

08-25-2004, 09:21 AM
I am guessing this was Conner? ;)

LOL what a smart boy :D.

08-25-2004, 08:13 PM
Smart puppy!!! Oh, you little goofer:D Works for me:)

08-25-2004, 08:23 PM
Bruni, my parents' Rainbow Bridge dog, flinched when Dad was clipping her nail when she was less than a year old, and he hit the quick. It bled a little bit, he took care of that, but her paw was sore for a couple days. Well, for the rest of her life, if she thought I - or some other visitor - wasn't paying her enough attention, she'd limp into the room. The first time I noticed this, I said "What's wrong with her paw?" Dad said "Nothing, watch this ..." He told her to sit, then lay down. Then Ma called her over, and when she was walking over to Ma, the "hurt" paw was on the other side! She forgot which one was "hurt" so changed paws!

I was not fooled again, silly Bruni.

Aspen and Misty
08-25-2004, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by cloverfdx
I am guessing this was Conner? ;)

LOL what a smart boy :D.

LOL, yea. He is my only boy dog :)

Glacier - Sounds like you were raped around his little paw!!

Karen- LOL. Silly pup!

Ash :)

08-26-2004, 12:07 AM
haha that sounds familier! Shadow used to do that, she would regular suddenly become lame in one leg, so she would get attention people fawning all over her checking out her paw etc.. then she was magicly all better lol Shadow is onme of the smartest dogs I have ever met you cant fool her lol everything she knows she tought herself, for example she barks at differnt levels loud, quite or inbetween, she starts quiet, then someone says louder so she goes a littler louder, she is told louder again, so she barks louder lol she goes quieter too its funny, nobody ever tought her that, she just does it. she tought herself how to ask to go outside, and to come in, my other dogs just bark and bark and bark, shadow barks once and waits if nobody comes she barks once more a little louder.. :p she tought herself how to open doors too. my BCs dont dare fake lameness though lol if I think they are hurt I stop the game and make them rest in their kennel.. well they cant have that now can they? lol