View Full Version : Maybe A Tumor

08-24-2004, 04:45 PM
OMG! I think Milo has a Tumor or something! He has like a lump on his side! I mean add it all up the Cold, Kinda Swollen Eyes, Sleeping All The Time! I'm soooo nervous! My mother is coming home from work today ( Tuesday, August 24, 2004, 2:44 ) to look at it! I'm so sad/Nervous!

08-24-2004, 04:52 PM
:( How sad ... I sure hope it's not! Please keep us updated!

Good luck and prayers coming your way!


08-24-2004, 06:11 PM
oh no! i sure hope its ok!

08-24-2004, 06:15 PM
Take a deep breath and try to think postive. When you say "side," do you mean side of his neck? If he has an infections process going on, a cold or virus, his lymph glands may be swollen. And the lump could very well be a fatty tumor or cyst. I'm thinking of you and Milo and holding you in my prayers. Keep us updated and kisses to Milo. BIG {{{HUGS}}} Sandra

08-24-2004, 06:28 PM
Try not to panic. Just wait until the vet can see him. Prayers on the way.

08-24-2004, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
Take a deep breath and try to think postive. When you say "side," do you mean side of his neck? If he has an infections process going on, a cold or virus, his lymph glands may be swollen. And the lump could very well be a fatty tumor or cyst. I'm thinking of you and Milo and holding you in my prayers. Keep us updated and kisses to Milo. BIG {{{HUGS}}} Sandra
It's by his right back leg... And I will keep you all Updated.. I hope he gets better! Or that its not a Tumor! He can't come out of my room because we don't wnat our 2 other pets to get what he has....
This is my other account that I got today just so you know..

08-24-2004, 07:53 PM
We are saying lots of prayers that it's not a tumor and that the sweetie will be fine! Please let us know what you find out.

08-24-2004, 08:42 PM
Hi! sorry things are going rotten for you and milo! simple request though, can you stick to one name. first it was Snickerslove, then milosluv3r, now it's catsanddogs and ladyluv3r or something! Can you pick just one so we don't have to go all over the map to see how you are your new baby are doing? That would be super!

08-24-2004, 08:46 PM
SnickersLover i lost thats why I got Mil0Luv3r and the other 2 were from my brother making them then making it be automatic login thats y some are posted on those accounts i didnt realize that i was posting on a different account.... Sorry if it got you confused then my brother came on and edited my posts on the accounts that he made... And profile's because I don't have my comp password locked

08-24-2004, 09:19 PM
ok. Thanks, so now can you stick to one name and have a password that no one else can find? Let us know when you know so we can resume normal posting! Sorry, your brother gets into your stuff, you should let your mom and dad know!

08-24-2004, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by LadysL0v3r
OMG! I think Milo has a Tumor or something! He has like a lump on his side! I mean add it all up the Cold, Kinda Swollen Eyes, Sleeping All The Time! I'm soooo nervous! My mother is coming home from work today ( Tuesday, August 24, 2004, 2:44 ) to look at it! I'm so sad/Nervous!

Did Milo recently get a vaccination? The lump you are feeling could be from a shot. Also, if he had it really recently, then the vaccination could also make him feel bad for a few days.

Just a few thoughts, since he is a young kitten.;)

08-25-2004, 10:12 AM
Please,Lord let Milo,get better,the Found Cats,are Praying!

08-25-2004, 03:39 PM

Well earlier this morning we brought Milo to the Vets they said what I had been feeling wasn't a Tumor! It was his MicroChip! And that he is now better.. His Cold is gone and everything!

I think maybe his cold was from his MicroChip moving around or something.. Or just from meeting the cat, the dog and then getting to run around the house for the first time.. (we had him in my room for a little while..)
He is still Sneei=zing (he has a HairBall!) We're waiting for him to you-know-what it up....

08-25-2004, 03:40 PM
Great news ... and I'm glad to know he is 'chipped'!;)

08-25-2004, 03:41 PM
His microchip was in his leg?! :eek: That's a long journey form inbetween the shoulder blades. I am very glad to hear that Milo will be ok!! YAY!!

08-25-2004, 03:43 PM
YEP! Would'nt of left the Adoption Center when I got him intill he got chipped! He wasn't chipped yet when we Adopted him from the Shelter so we had to wait like 10 secs it didn't take very long LOL! I was suprised how little it took....

And his MicroChip most of moved or something...

All I know is that I'm glad he is ok

08-25-2004, 04:22 PM
I'm thrilled he's okay.

Since he's been checked by the vet I'm assuming his eyes are alright now, and the poopy problem's been addressed, right?

:eek: :confused: About the chip moving... I'm scratching my head. Never heard of a chip migrating like that. What a shocker.

08-25-2004, 04:23 PM
I know it's weird the poopy problem taken care of the eyes takin care of

08-25-2004, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by AmberLee
:eek: :confused: About the chip moving... I'm scratching my head. Never heard of a chip migrating like that. What a shocker.

The only way it moves if not properly placed. Appears that it's rare from q/a that this happens. Micro chipping is still safe thing to do.

See link microchip placement (http://www.avidmicrochip.com/answer.htm#11)

Can the microchip move around once inside the body of the animal?

When properly implanted, a small layer of connective tissue forms around the microchip, preventing movement or migration of the chip. Instructions and injection sites will vary depending upon the specie. As with any brand of chip, AVIDĀ® microchips will not migrate if instructions are followed and implantation is correct.

08-25-2004, 10:31 PM
oh! thanks for posting website! i will check it out! never heard of microchips causing uri symtoms but then i never heard of hairballs causing sneezing! Learning a lot from this thread! (or not?) I will read site as I know zero about chips- none of my cats go out or care to go out (even ferals, esp. ferals! seem content to stay within confines of the walls!) Never the less, is good to get them. Thanks again!

08-25-2004, 10:40 PM
ok I read a little, enough, to know that there is no way that chip went from the shoulder blade to his side! or leg! and if it did, I'm sure they would have removed it! Duh...So i don't know what the lump was that you were feeling but it must've been up closer to shoulder blades (and you shouldn't have been able to feel it). And I haven't seen anything yet saying it would cause cold symptoms but still reading.