View Full Version : Haven't recieved your Gift Swap? Post HERE!

08-23-2004, 08:13 PM
I know I made a thread like this on the 16th, but I figured since the final day was to send on the 16th, it'd be better to give it a little time after that date to see if people have actually recieved. I know alot have recieved since that last thread, so please..


I will be contacting the people who were supposed to send to these people, so if you know you're supposed to send to one of them, you may contact me VIA-PM to let me know it's been taken care of before I send out PM reminders.

Hopefully that makes sense, and thank you. :)

08-23-2004, 08:16 PM
I haven't recieved mine yet! I have been checking the mail anxiously everyday though :p

08-23-2004, 08:38 PM
I haven't but my exchange buddy has contacted me to let me know it's on it's way:D

08-23-2004, 08:44 PM
I sent our package Aug 16th and it should be their by now, and I haven't heard from my swapper yet. So I'm not sure if she got it or not.

08-25-2004, 01:34 AM
No....I STILL haven't received yet!:(

08-26-2004, 10:41 PM
Am I the only one who hasn't received anything yet???

08-26-2004, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by teenster3
Am I the only one who hasn't received anything yet???

I don't know who you were paired with, but I know of a Canadian swapper who says her person hasn't said that received their gift yet. Maybe that's your person??? I know she sent it about 3 weeks ago.

08-26-2004, 10:59 PM
I didn't really think about it for awhile, then just remembered "wait a minute" I didn't receive anything!
I guess if I don't oh well!...it's kind of a bummer though!
I would have posted if I did though!:)

08-26-2004, 11:02 PM
Maybe you should contact KayAnn and let her know. In the meantime, I'll check and see if this person had you. :)

08-26-2004, 11:12 PM
No, her person is not from Canada. I will be contacting those people who have not sent (according to whom was supposed to recieve from them, when I have time. (Hopefully this weekend)

PLEASE DO NOT exchange who has who with ANYONE. :(
I asked that in the beginning of the swap.

08-26-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
No, her person is not from Canada. I will be contacting those people who have not sent (according to whom was supposed to recieve from them, when I have time. (Hopefully this weekend)

PLEASE DO NOT exchange who has who with ANYONE. :(
I asked that in the beginning of the swap.

Oh, I wasn't going to tell Tina who it was. I was just going to tell this person that teenster3 hadn't received her package and if that was her person, then she should contact you. :)

Actually, she should probably contact you anyway since it's been three weeks and she's worried about it.

08-31-2004, 01:31 AM
I have tried to contact Kfamr twice with no response until I looked today! I already know who has my name because she told me. I'm not sure what to tell this person except the fact that YES I am a little disappointed because we were all told in the beginning not to sign up unless we could afford it or that we wanted to really do this for someone by a specific date. I know people have money issues & things come up that are uncontrollable sometimes.....I understand that completely.
It's just a bummer when you see all the COOL pictures of what others have gotten & you're still left waiting weeks later!:(
This is the first time I've even heard of this & I haven't been on here too long. I just thought it'd be nice to sign up & do something special for someone. :confused:
So if I sounded worried that is why. I'm not worried though, I was just wondering if I was alone on this!<<< I too was just looking forward to something special!
Tina B.

08-31-2004, 06:06 AM
don't worry Tina I have a feeling KayAnn will take care of it!!

08-31-2004, 06:25 AM
Tina, you are not the only one waiting. We have not received ours yet either!

08-31-2004, 07:53 AM
I got mine yesterday . Thanks Shelteez2 . I have to get camera in to be developed as Hubby took digital to Minnisota . As soon as I get it done I'll post pictures. Thanks Tasha, Emily, and Clipse

09-01-2004, 12:34 AM
Unfortunately I was told you can't force someone to send.....what a bummer! I will still sign up for gift swaps though.....I love to give people things! Just beware of who gets you that's all.

09-01-2004, 12:58 AM
You're making me feel horrible for this.

It's not my fault. I've tried my hardest and I will continue to do so.
It's the truth.. I can't force people to send them, the most I can do is remind them. I am incapable of driving to everyone's homes and personally delivering their packages.

I guess I just won't organize them anymore if i'm going to be blamed for others.

Toller 42
09-01-2004, 01:05 AM
Kay, I wasn't even part of the gift Swap but from the threads you've posted about it I think you're doing an excellent job of trying to keep things organized:) Please don't feel bad about anything. It's not your fault that someone didn't receive their gifts.
i don't think anyone was blaming you personally Kay:)

09-01-2004, 01:06 AM
I'm not trying to blame YOU......I know it's not your fault!
I'm just venting I guess.
Everyone else got there presents & were so excited & happy about them! I don't blame them.....I'd be happy too! I was happy when Lori got her stuff that I gave her & showed off her pictures & enjoyed her stuff!
I just feel left out.....that's all HONEST!!!!!
Sorry if I made you feel that way.......I've had tremendous amounts of stress put on me lately & I guess I just don't think about things before I say them sometimes!:(

09-01-2004, 06:40 AM
Take a breath Kay, Noone is blaming you for anything.
We as people realize that you yourself can't control anyone and make them do anything they don't want to do. Its human nature to do whatever they want. While it totally sucks for Teenster and anyone else who doesn't get a package. You did the best you could, trying to get people to send. You put numerous posts in the main threads, and you pm'ed people. That is all you can do. Noone is asking you to drive to people's houses, that's silly.
My only thought is, if the person who didn't send, signs up for the next one, nip it in the bud asap.
I feel so bad for those who don't receive gifts. It would never cross my mind if I signed up for something to not send, but that's just me.
Course it could also be the post office - There were 3 Christmas cards I never got either.....

09-01-2004, 09:03 AM
Personally, I think people should be called out on it publicly if they can't provide proof that they actually sent the package. :( I think we should all know who is capable of screwing a friend. :mad:

I know there are always circumstances that come up, but an explaination to your person and to the coordinators of the swap should be made and some sort of arrangement made.

I think it's a huge responsibility and I just don't think everyone is capable of handling it.

09-02-2004, 02:07 PM
You know, I'm sure there are still people out there who haven't gotten their box yet. I'm one of them. But I'm not ranting and raving and such. I know things come up, and things happen, and lord knows I have tons of animals, so it could be hard for someone to afford to get everything at one time. I know it'll get here eventually. I just wish I could remember if I gave Kay my PO Box addy or my home addy. LoL It would help when I check mail! hehehe

I don't think it's fair to blame anyone, or to call anyone out publicly. That's just mean. Unfortunately, life is hardly ever on track, lord knows mine never is. :rolleyes:

Anyway, whoever has my name, i know my box will get here... unless it got lost, which i know happens... **knocks wood** :) I'll keep on keeping an eye out, but I know no one would purposefully NOT send out their box, just to be vindictive. If someone has not, or could not, send I'm sure there is a very good reason.

Kay has done a great job organising this whole thing, since it's a lot to take care of. Amy (WolfQ) too. Well done y'all! :D

09-02-2004, 06:32 PM
Heinz - I think the reason why its a touchy subject b/c two swaps ago - or 3 two people never received their packages at all. The one I think was lost in the mail and the other one - the person has since left PT I think- just ignored all emails etc and just never sent the package. I think it was a young person - very young- so I wonder if they had parental consent??
But I have faith this time!!! Everyone will receive - or else!! :p

09-02-2004, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by heinz57_79
but I know no one would purposefully NOT send out their box, just to be vindictive.

I think at every swap there's been someone who just didn't send. The last one I think there were two people (could've just been one) who NEVER sent. I understand delays, like I said things happen, but to just not send at all is crappy.

Staci - I got all but one Xmas card.

09-02-2004, 09:28 PM
I was asked nicely not to talk about this subject anymore.
I will respect that however, I just want to comment that I am not setting out to hurt anyone's feelings. I have been told there are a couple people left to receive.
I can't say who it is who has me & she told me herself but, I just was trying to get my point across how hurtful it is not to receive anything. How would you feel??? I put a lot of effort & money into the person I gave to. I know that's not the point but, when you sign up for something, then you're commiting to that person to pull through......whether you have the money or not. The person/s should have thought about that 1st before signing up. The people who organized this stated that in the "gift swap thread"! From what I have read in other threads.....it seems to me like the person is just making excuses not to send, if that is the case....tell me the truth instead of saying it's on it's way, etc.
EVERYONE here has a voice...the right to their own opinions, people can disagree, etc. I thought this was a place where you can talk, vent, argue, tell us what a great day you've had, etc.
All I wanted to do was tell the person ( I haven't said any names) how I felt, instead I'm being judged by others on how or how not I SHOULD FEEL.
And YES, I have gotten an e-mail from someone that said there have been people in the past that have gotten nothing! In that situation others felt bad for the person/s & bought items themselves out of the kindness of their hearts! :)

09-02-2004, 09:44 PM
Kay, you did a wonderful job organizing the gift swap! :D You're right, there's nothing more you can do besides remind them that they should send.

I didn't get my package either yet. It didn't occur to me that I might never get it though - really some people never got them in the past? I'll get mine though! ... I hope. ^_^

oh, and I have a question. would you tell us if, say, our swapper sent it a while ago. that probably means it was lost in the mail.

09-02-2004, 11:48 PM
Okay, I have to add my two cents here. First off I think Kay did a good job organizing this and I do not see anyone blaming you Kay.

Secondly I don't think Teenster3 is ranting and raving about this. From what I understand her person has been in contact with her and appears to be full of excuses. Whether they are true or not it has turned a bit ugly. I don't blame her for being upset and extremely disappointed. I know I would be if it happened to me.

As for those who haven't sent anything yet, there was dollar amount and a deadline you agreed to, you had two months to get it done and if you had problems arise you should have contacted the organizer (Kay) by the deadline.

I have to add my final comments on this. I think shais_mom is on to something about youth and parental consent. I think for future gift swaps there should be an age limit, although hard to impose, so that we don't run into a situation where an underage person signs up without the permission or funds to participate. It's not fair.

09-03-2004, 12:01 AM
I'm not sure about the age limit but I think it's a good idea and will be kept in mind for future swaps. Also there may be a requirement that you have to have been a member for a certain amount of time to participate. We had a member that we had to oust out of it earlier, luckily the problem was able to be corrected before any packages had been sent.

People have been banned from future swaps. We can only take the problems as they come.

I hope people do understand that is a big job to organize this, and it's hard sometimes when we feel like *we* have received the blame for others wrong doings. We can contact them, that is about it...we can't go over and make them send the package. We can stop people who have had problems in the past from participating again, but you can't stop the problem before it has happened.

Unfortunately Kay is not here right now and I can't find the list of who was sending to who. I'll do what I can to help though. Who still hasn't recieved?

09-03-2004, 12:24 AM
I DO NOT BLAME EITHER OF YOU ............... but think it is pretty sad for those people who agreed to participate, and are now full of excuses.

For those of you who were a little "late" in posting ...... at least you bought and sent it ..........:) .

For those of you who have not yet got your Gift Swap, I keep my fingers crossed that the mailman just has not delivered it yet.

I think it is a great way to share our love of pets, and also appreciate the people who are owned by them ....... :D

09-03-2004, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Who still hasn't recieved?

We have not. I got a PM from our person on the 19th apoligizng and saying she would do the shopping and get it mailed. I have not heard anything since, but I understand stuff comes up and I am still hopeful will we will receive soon.

I think both Amy and Kay have done a good job organizing this and tried their best to stay on top of issues. But like they said, they can only do so much.

09-03-2004, 06:04 AM
The only people that should be blamed are the ones not sending.
It hurts me that people would sign up and not send. It just makes my stomach hurt. I was sweating bullets that I would send mine late and I think I sent over a week before it was due.
I feel so bad for the ones not getting anything, I want to send them something. It's like buying Christmas presents for someone and not getting anything back.
Teenster, I didn't think at all that you intended to hurt anyone. I know that I myself would be so hurt and upset if I would have that happen to me. I spent a lot of time and money myself finding things for both swaps. And I know both times they were greatly appreciated.
Maybe its just me being a vindicitive $itch but I myself think that making it public is a good idea. :embarrassed:

09-03-2004, 06:05 AM
The only people that should be blamed are the ones not sending.
It hurts me that people would sign up and not send. It just makes my stomach hurt. I was sweating bullets that I would send mine late and I think I sent over a week before it was due.
I feel so bad for the ones not getting anything, I want to send them something. It's like buying Christmas presents for someone and not getting anything back.
Teenster, I didn't think at all that you intended to hurt anyone. I know that I myself would be so hurt and upset if I would have that happen to me. I spent a lot of time and money myself finding things for both swaps. And I know both times they were greatly appreciated.
Maybe its just me being a vindicitive $itch but I myself think that making it public is a good idea. :o

09-03-2004, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by jazzcat
I have to add my final comments on this. I think shais_mom is on to something about youth and parental consent. I think for future gift swaps there should be an age limit, although hard to impose, so that we don't run into a situation where an underage person signs up without the permission or funds to participate. It's not fair.

IMO, I don't think parental consent is going to force someone to send, but I do think an age limit should be strictly enforced. I think it would be fairly easy to do, since we all know pretty much an approximate age for most members. Most have friends that know their age. I also think, as Amy said, that you should be required to be a member for a certain amount of time, and an active, productive member at that. By that I mean not someone who signs in once a month to post about how crummy their life is or something, but someone who is involved in PT at least weekly.

Staci, I don't think it's vindictive at all. I would personally like to know about people who are capable of screwing someone in such a way. :( I like to be aware of people like that. They obviously have no conscience about their actions and I'd like to know to stay away from and when to watch my back.

09-03-2004, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom

I feel so bad for the ones not getting anything, I want to send them something. It's like buying Christmas presents for someone and not getting anything back.
Teenster, I didn't think at all that you intended to hurt anyone. I know that I myself would be so hurt and upset if I would have that happen to me. I spent a lot of time and money myself finding things for both swaps. And I know both times they were greatly appreciated.

Staci, these were my thoughts exactly!!!

09-03-2004, 09:05 AM
I feel bad for the people who did not recieve their Gift Swaps yet. I know that if it was me... I would be very upset. :( BUT I do not think that anyone should be blamed except the person who was supposed to send the gift, like shais_mom stated earlier.

I am a little upset about the age limit though, because I have a feeling that IF there is one, it will be at least over 13... which I am 13. :( I was looking forward to participating in future gift swaps. But hey... its for the best.:) Then again... maybe it will be 13 and up.


09-03-2004, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Who still hasn't recieved?

I think it's teenster, heinz, cincy's mom, and me.

09-03-2004, 10:50 AM
I don't think there should be an age limit. I know of teenagers who are very responsible. Adults can be irresponsible. I agree that they should be an active member of PT and we will know about their character, for the most part anyway, from reading their posts. I would love to send some to all the people that haven received, also. Maybe we each could buy one item?

09-03-2004, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by wolfie
I think it's teenster, heinz, cincy's mom, and me.
I don't think Catmandu has received his yet. I believe he didn't get one last time either so lets hope lightening doesn't strike twice for him.

I didn't mean we should require parental consent forms to be signed - they can be faked. I just meant an age restriction should be required so you don't have to deal with kids who sign up without their parents knowing and then the parents don't let them participate. I know that my parents would have been furious at me if I'd signed up, committed (probably their money) and gave my personal information (full name and address) to strangers on the internet. That's why I think it would be a good idea to have an age restriction.

Staci and Micki - I'm with you guys that those who didn't send should be outed when it looks for certain that they aren't going to send anything.

09-03-2004, 11:01 AM
I know of one person whose family has been having a difficult time right now. Their situation changed since they signed up for the swap. I know for a fact that they didn't do this on purpose because they participated in a swap before. I don't think they should be exposed just because something bad happened and they couldn't buy it by the time limit.

09-03-2004, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I know of one person whose family has been having a difficult time right now. Their situation changed since they signed up for the swap. I know for a fact that they didn't do this on purpose because they participated in a swap before. I don't think they should be exposed just because something bad happened and they couldn't buy it by the time limit.

Maybe that person could consider sending what they received on to the person they were responsible for, if that's the case, Val. (That might mean sending back what they received). Or at least, hopefully, they will communicate directly with the person who was to receive their gift and they can send it later.

One reason that I didn't participate this time is that I was late sending my gift last time. :o I let the recipient know in plenty of time, but I was still embarassed about it. As much as I love these swaps, I am one of those irresponsible adults, I fear, and end up being late almost every time!!!! :o

09-03-2004, 12:34 PM
No Logan there is a difference in sending late and not sending at all!
Personally, I will be very upset if catmandu doesn't receive again! :( :mad: That would be awful! Not that is any different then any other person not getting their gift - but TWICE?

09-03-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Logan
Maybe that person could consider sending what they received on to the person they were responsible for, if that's the case, Val. (That might mean sending back what they received). Or at least, hopefully, they will communicate directly with the person who was to receive their gift and they can send it later.

I think that would be a great idea Logan! The only problem I can forsee with that, is that if he or she had dogs like mine, and they destroyed half of the toys already:o

09-03-2004, 03:03 PM
I didn't send or recieve one, because i didn't participate. But i just wanted to say i don't think their should be an age limit. Someone could be 11 year's old and be extremely responsible, and send and also recieve one. It's not the age -- It's the people.

Sorry. :o

09-03-2004, 06:53 PM
I don't think my person has recieved her's yet. She should have recieved it a few weeks ago. If she did, she never thanked me for it or posted a thread...

09-03-2004, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by petlover
Oh, no sweety.. I was just agreeing with you:)

Oh okay, as long as you know i wasn't saying that at all. :)

And, i do think some people should understand your reasonings for not posting.

09-03-2004, 08:21 PM
Just to let you all know, that I *did* send it out, they just haven't gotten theirs yet, and my dad said it will probably take longer since we sent it out in regular maling.

I hope it didn't get lost though.

09-03-2004, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Amber
wow....same here....I NEVER knew those words, never. I'm 14 and I never ever use the F word. And as for the age you are not supposed to be here. The age limit is 13 or older. (I believe)
You believe right Amber
and you should see the profiles she is registering with NOW!!!
I am 28 and wouldn't believe if I hadn't seen it!

09-03-2004, 10:36 PM
In her profile she says 13....here she says 11

which is it? 13 or 11?

09-05-2004, 06:45 PM
Just for the record - I got YOU, Petlover - for my Gift Swap - ......... and in the details provided, you stated you were 13 ...............

If you are going through a family crisis - I am really sorry to hear that. I am sure people will understand, but there really is no need to rant and rave about it on a PUBLIC board. You and teenster should sort it out.

As for Catmandu - if you do not receive a Gift Swap package this time, I will personally send you some stuff.
AND next time, maybe, if they do another Gift Swap, you could be paired with me!!! :D I promise to send it!!!! :D :D :D

As I said before, let's just hope that the mailman is LATE in delivering those outstanding parcels :D

09-05-2004, 09:20 PM
Oh my,

Now I know that I didn't sign up for this gift swap thing but I do understand this thread. It was mainly for the people to know who got their package and who didn't that way they can get their package. Or what ever happens, happens. People would fix it. Kfamr was nice enough to run this and she decided to make sure that no one was left out.

But the sad thing that I noticed was that it took a sad turn.
There were posts of things like, "to young...I never said this when...you obviouselly don't know this when...etc...etc..."
I think that we all know.
No one did anything wrong in replying to what a certain someone said. I do believe that somthing did needed to be said. I do believe that the lanquage was completely innapropriate, But did it really needed to be said on kfamr's thread? Could a pm be sent instead or somthing like that?
I don't intend on hurting anyones feelings I just believe that I had to say this.

09-05-2004, 10:40 PM
I wasn't trying to start anything with anyone.
I enjoy this site & don't want there to be any hard-ships between anyone here.
I wasn't trying to BLAME anyone. I explained this in pm's to the girls of the "gift swap" organization.
I got a bit too excited about "the little things" when in reality there is so much more in life to worry about than not getting my gift. (I'll just leave it at that)
PETLOVER, if you are still a member here....I was NOT trying to hurt your feelings what-so-ever. There are many, many times when times get rough & I too understand this. I AM NOT the "rich girl" you think I am. My husband & I own a home too & have to worry about daily living. It's just the pm that you sent me....threw me for a loop & was very upsetting!
PLEASE do not upset anyone else here (by your language) by the way you feel towards me!
PLEASE, If your mother wants to talk to anyone.....have her pm me.
I honestly can not believe this got out of control the way it did. I have more to say but, will not disclose any more info. on the general board.
P.S.****If there are other people out there who have not received....I will send gifts.
Tina B.

09-05-2004, 10:50 PM
Well, I think that most of the time people don't get their gifts is because someone PMs the late senders and tells them just to forget sending even if they have something to send. This is from personal experience.

{Petlover} This is the one and only time that has happened. You stated earlier that you *had* sent the package already, then came back on your word and said hadn't even bought anything yet. You were late sending the last time too. This is beyond late, this is ridiculous. We gave everyone 2 months to buy and send gifts. Even if your family is short on cash, you could have bought a few things every now and then between that amount of time. We stated that this was a financial responsibility. The way you have delt with this, especially with Teenster, is extremely rude and uncalled for.

I hope Karen removes you from this board, and all of your other IDs you made up. :rolleyes:

09-05-2004, 10:53 PM
Well, I only have Petlover as an ID Wolf_Q what other IDs are you talking about?:confused: Please tell me

Oh, and I hope I get removed too.. I'm about to send her an email asking her to kick me off.:)

09-05-2004, 10:56 PM
Could this stop now please ..................?

We get the hint, and whilst it is disturbing, it defeats the whole purpose of the initial thread question.

09-05-2004, 11:12 PM
Tina, I never thought you implied to hurt anyone at all.
This has gone way overboard.
Jan or whatever your name is -- uh huh yea whatever, and ASK to be banned? JUST leave that would be much easier.

09-05-2004, 11:17 PM
umm.. Shais_mom I don't swear on God's name but as serious as I have to get without saying I swear.. I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THE ID THING. SOMEONE PLEASE JUST TELL ME SO I CAN LEAVE! please..

09-05-2004, 11:51 PM
if you don't know what we are talking about then go ask your best friend who signed up as horsieluvr - said she was your best friend

methinks you really don't want to leave b/c you could just leave -
you need to leave b/c you legally aren't even allowed to be here to begin with.

09-05-2004, 11:55 PM
oh! Miranda! No, that IS my best friend. It's not MY ID. You could call her if you wanted and ask her. She's 14. I met her in FFA when I was raising a lamb. We were partners on a project for the 4-H talent show which we got 2nd in. I'm not that desperate, and I don't like this site THAT MUCH as to lie to stay on here. That's just sad.:( If you want Miranda's # I'll pm it to you. I told her about Pet Talk because she is just as big of an animal lover as I am.

09-05-2004, 11:58 PM
FFA = 11 years old Funny in OH you have to be in highschool
to join FFA -
No I do not want her number - I have better things to do with my time then harrass a 14 year old who listed a porn site as her homepage.....
Good bye Good nite
I am done talking to you.

09-05-2004, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by petlover
I'm not that desperate, and I don't like this site THAT MUCH as to lie to stay on here. That's just sad.:(

Really? Seems to me you've already done so...

09-05-2004, 11:58 PM
Look, you may as well just leave. You're going to be banned by Karen anyway.

09-05-2004, 11:59 PM
How come Miranda's profile listed that she had lions, bengal tigers, elephants, 1000s of mice and more animals in her bf's zoo?

09-06-2004, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by petlover

09-06-2004, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
FFA = 11 years old Funny in OH you have to be in highschool
to join FFA -
No I do not want her number - I have better things to do with my time then harrass a 14 year old who listed a porn site as her homepage.....
Good bye Good nite
I am done talking to you.

I was not going to get into this but I am big in ffa and wanted to make one thing clear there is a thing called junior ffa I went to the state convention when they were aproving things for it I know....and when you show there are tons of people older than you and youvare put in classes by the animals age NOT YOURS! you can be in 4-h and got to a show and meet some one from the ffa I know I show just wanted to make this clear

09-06-2004, 12:06 AM
I am going to totally regret this but.......
Actually no I have never heard of Junior FFA we don't have that in OH and

this isn't going to end if you keep replying to us!!!!

09-06-2004, 12:11 AM
Guys, the best thing to do is just to NOT reply to her, and it'll die. Let her LEAVE, and we can all get back to 'normal'. As Karen said, do not give them what they want; which is attention, and they'll move on.

Didn't mean to preach, just felt that needed to be said.

09-06-2004, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Guys, the best thing to do is just to NOT reply to her, and it'll die. Let her LEAVE, and we can all get back to 'normal'. As Karen said, do not give them what they want; which is attention, and they'll move on.

Didn't mean to preach, just felt that needed to be said.

You're so right, Jules! I hate to keep feeding them, but sometimes I can't help it. ;)