View Full Version : Where does your dog stay when you go away??

08-22-2004, 10:23 PM
Kodie stays at Dog's Day Out-Kingwood.its a very nice place,and $18 a day!!:eek: which is cheaper than our Vet,which is $26!!

heres the link


08-22-2004, 10:28 PM
Emma & Moco either stays with family, or goes back to the breeders kennel where we bought her, so she gets to see her family. SHe loves it out there..and there daily pond swims:D

08-22-2004, 10:42 PM
I'm not sure. Whenever anybody was going somewhere, I always stayed home to take care of Major. I suppose if we all had to leave for some reason, he would either stay at a friends or a kennel/vet.

08-22-2004, 10:46 PM
They either come along or stay home with someone!

08-22-2004, 10:51 PM
We use to put RB Max in a local kennel. It was big, clean & all the dogs who got along could play together in a big pen. RB Max got walked by the 8 yr old daughtor & was alloud to run free in the back yard.

But the 5th time we brought him there his face was all torn up & it took me weeks to clean & heal the gashes in his lips. They didn't even tell us anything happened, until I was giving him a bath cause he was COVERED in mud. The mud wash off his face & showed that his droppy lips were cut wide open & packed with mud. Was not happy.

After that we never left him at a kennel ever again. We just left him in the house & Carrie across the street cared for him. She loved Max. She would walk him & her 2 weeeee RB doggies every day, sometimes more. Take him to her house to sleep on her bed, or she would sleep on our couch with him. Her dogies wern't alloud in our house, Buddy peed all over the living room once.

She was paid in eating whatever was in the house, use the phone for local calls, watch tv, sleep over, hang out when ever she wanted too & $20.00 when we got back. She didn't want more then $20.00 for a weekend. She liked our snacks & the case of pop we bought her & the doggie treats she could share with her doggies on walks.

She was also given a key to the house to hold onto , cause her dad was an abusive drunk, so our house was a safe house & he knew that Max would never let him in our house & if he tried, he'd loose. Max is a very smart & could harm a person very baddly with those locking jaws of his.

Oh & never put ur dog at the vets when going away, unless u know the vet well enough not to lie to u.

We thought we were leaving Max in good hands. WRONG. The kennel roof was sunken in so baddly Max couldn't put his head up normally. He was the largest dog there & in the smallest kennel. Max cannot drink well water & we made that clear & he's not to eat other dog food & other dogs cannot use his dishes & food.

Well we stopped at the farm where they said he was & his dishes were in another dogs kennel, he had other dog food in a dirty bowl & he had been drinking well water. I had one sick puppy dog for over a week. I had to clean my moms car when we got home. there was diareha all over his butt & on his back leggs. I locked him up in the kitchen incase he had to go all over the place. We also left the door unlocked cause he knew how to open it when he had to go.

Poor poor thing.

08-23-2004, 12:17 AM
I usually don't travel anywhere unless my dogs come along. I passed up a trip to China last year cause Kai had to stay home. If I really absolutely had to go, I wouldn't mind leaving them with Camelot Petcare (http://camelot-petcare.com). I worked there for a day as a trial and was amazed with the quality.

08-23-2004, 12:41 AM
well someone normally stays home, but when my mom and I are at out of town flyball tournys my best friends comes over and takes care of them, her and her little sister come by like 4 times a day I think let the dogs out, feed them, play with them, let kari out, feed the fish, take care of the piggers and gerbils... plus the animals love em, cuz well they have always known them lol and she is the one who owns Shadow now, and she has know Happy just as long as I have ;)

Samantha Puppy
08-23-2004, 07:58 AM
Samantha stays with my parents. No questions asked. She'd be miserable anywhere else.

08-23-2004, 08:08 AM
If we're just gone during the day we leave them at home by theirselves outside. But normally we don't go anywhere. If it was a emergency we would have our niece and nephew or Mark's mom come down to check on them a couple of times a day.

Both of those look like great places, I wish we had something like that around here.

08-23-2004, 08:26 AM
If I go on vacation with-out the dogs:
They stay home and my family will come over
and take care of them.

08-23-2004, 09:15 AM
Ches & Mills stay at home. We have a doggie door and my In-laws come by to feed/water/love on them and they usually stay for 3-4 hours at a time. :)

08-23-2004, 09:27 AM
Before we moved to Germany, my brothers (both or one of them), would come over and stay with Drake at our house while we are gone. Most of the time, Drake just goes with us.

Since moving to Germany, we have taken Drake with us everywhere we go. It is convenient here. We are looking for a dog sitter for him now. We would like to go to Morrocco in December. But if we can't find a good sitter, he will just come along with us. Heck, might as well add Morrocco to the list of places he has been.

08-23-2004, 12:24 PM
Tawny has a very loving Auntie, she comes to our place because when you an old girl you don't like to be anywhere but at home or the cottage. We have only left her behind when we went on a float plane twice in her life. Her Auntie must love her to stay with her. Thanks Auntie Louise , just in case she reads this.

08-23-2004, 12:32 PM
I dont go anywhere the dogs cannot come. ;) But if i did i would leave them home with someone. I left them at a Boarding Kennel a few months back and was not at all happy when i picked them up. :(

08-23-2004, 12:55 PM
Man,,, its time we had a vacation,, because she has never been left,,,, guess I cant answer this question!!

08-23-2004, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by cloverfdx
I left them at a Boarding Kennel a few months back and was not at all happy when i picked them up. :(

I left my Westie & my Dad's Smooth Fox Terrier at a very highly recommended kennel, once. Never again. I was very unhappy when I picked them up. :(

08-23-2004, 03:09 PM
If they don't go with us then my brother comes over and takes care of the girls.

Buddy Blaze Lover
08-23-2004, 03:35 PM
Blaze usually goes to the kennel, or stays with a friend. I'd love to take him with me, but most places don't allow dogs. :(