View Full Version : I don't know what to do...

08-22-2004, 01:45 PM
Earlier this week I posted about one of my foster cats who died.

On Friday I received an email from the woman telling me that unless I respond and give her some money for the vet bills she is going to start legal action against me. Logic (and other people) tell me that I shouldn't pay, but part of me wants to in hope that she (and the pain) will go away. I suspect that even if I did that, neither would go away.

A friend has talked with her boyfriend (who is a lawyer) and he is willing to help me out.

But I guess my question is, I just want this all to go away and maybe I would feel better. I don't know what to do, advice...

08-22-2004, 01:52 PM
Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Not only have you lost a sweet furbaby, but you're getting blaimed for it? :( That's not fair. :(

I don't have any advice, as I don't know what I'd do. Maybe getting a note from the vet you took him to? Its really hard to tell whether to take a cat to a vet, they don't always show symptoms because of their nature.

Please take care.

08-22-2004, 01:56 PM
The worst are is that I did take him to the vet and he was diagnosed with a UTI. The vet did a full blood and urine workup and most of the tests came back within normal limits (except his creatinine and a couple of other kidney function tests). We thought the results were due to his dehydration and UTI. The liver panel came back okay.

She was supposed to take him back to the vet when he finished the antibiotics. I am not sure if she did because when I asked, I was told that he was doing better. Eventually she did take him back and he was given a second course of antibiotics. But by that time it was likely too late for him...:(

08-22-2004, 02:19 PM
Cheryl/EmilyTS.. this is the absolutely LAST thing you need and don't let her hang this on you :mad: It was only out of the goodness of your heart that you took this dear baby in just while you were moving to a new city, basically on your own, with your own dear furkids to worry over. As your Dad once told you dear friend.. ILLIGITIMUS NON CARBORUNDUM Stay strong and call me tomorrow, or I'll call you :)

08-22-2004, 02:32 PM
In my opinion, you did everything right for this kitty and you have the medical papers to back yourself up. I think this women is trying to bully you into paying. Even her boyfriend who's a lawyer knows this gal is wrong since he is willing to help you out. However, I would politely decline and get my own lawyer.

Any reasonable judge in civil court will see this women is nuts.

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-22-2004, 02:39 PM
How horrible that you have to go through this - I can tell how upset you were by the loss of the kitty.

If I were you I wouldn't pay her a cent. (Quite frankly if she cared so much about the cat she would be greiving and NOT fighting about money) - sorry if that sounds a bit harsh, JMHO

(((HUGS))) to you - I hope this matter is resolved quickly and quietly!

08-22-2004, 03:24 PM
{{{HUGS}}} What a terrible mess to find yourself in! I don't know what to say other than the same thing everyone else has: Do not offer this woman one cent. She's looking for money and not considering how HER ACTIONS contributed to her cat's death.

I have a feeling that when he son returns from active duty that he will be appalled at her actions.

08-22-2004, 03:42 PM
I posted on the thread about Bodingho's passing, but a thought occured to me, is there an email address to contact the son? The owner of the kitty? If so maybe, you could contact him, and tell have him talk to his mother about it. Don't let her push you around! :mad: She should have been caring for the cat financially anyway, until her son returned. Or money should have been available prior to his leaving for duty. Emergencies happen all too frequently, and it shouldn't have to fall on you financially. What you were doing was out of the goodness of your heart. Turning a critically ill cat around from liver failure is near impossible. Hang in there...((((HUGS)))) Jan

08-22-2004, 03:48 PM
I agree ... that anyone who leaves a cat in someone else's care for an extended period of time ... does so with all risks involved! If they want things to be "as they would have them done" then they need to do it themselves!!!:eek:

08-22-2004, 03:51 PM
Thank you everyone for your support. I am just having a difficult time with it.

Unfortunately I have no way to contact her son (she never gave me his email address), so I can not ask him to intervene. I know that vet bills are expensive, but that comes with owning a pet... She is blaming me because I didn't take him to the vet soon enough and she says that is what killed him. He didn't exhibit the typical signs of a UTI (i.e. inappropriate peeing), so I didn't even think that was the problem. The only reason I took him in was because he had lost alot of weight, but he had lost some of it before he came to me.

I guess I don't understand why someone would do this. I am grieving for his loss and money isn't part of it :(

08-22-2004, 04:00 PM
This is such a sad situation. It's awful that you have to suffer the loss of a cat that you became attached to and then have to endure the guilt of being blamed, not to mention the threat of a lawsuit for money. What a shame. I'm sorry for you that this has happened but there is no way I would give this woman any money at all! There is no court that could see any wrong doing on your part. Don't give in to this woman. If she had so much love for this cat she would have noticed that something was wrong with him before she brought him to you. Maybe she's feeling guilty and trying to lay the blame on you so she doesn't have to face the music herself.

08-22-2004, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by emily_the_spoiled
The worst are is that I did take him to the vet and he was diagnosed with a UTI. The vet did a full blood and urine workup and most of the tests came back within normal limits (except his creatinine and a couple of other kidney function tests). We thought the results were due to his dehydration and UTI. The liver panel came back okay.

She was supposed to take him back to the vet when he finished the antibiotics. I am not sure if she did because when I asked, I was told that he was doing better. Eventually she did take him back and he was given a second course of antibiotics. But by that time it was likely too late for him...:(

I just have a few questions for you in order to put some light on this.

Did you take him to the vet while he was in your care?

Was the woman suppose to bring him back to the vet after she got him back from you?

08-22-2004, 06:00 PM
If you know his name and the branch of the service he is in, contact your local recruiter about contacting the soldier him- or herself. Do not deal with the mother any longer. You are not to blame for the cat's death, and should not have to pay for veterinary bills you did not incur.

08-22-2004, 06:17 PM
This is really awful for you, and I am so sorry you have to go through all this worry and stress on top of loosing this precious furbaby.

I think it is all about GREED now with this woman, she is left with large vet bills and no cat, so she wants to blame some-one and obviously get out of paying and you my dear are her scapegoat.

Surely no court in the land would rule in her favour, You did everything possible for this furbaby, don't feel bad about that, hopefully she will re-consider her actions and not go ahead, I hope for that resolution and soon, HUGS to you at this really uncomfortable and worrying time.

08-22-2004, 06:17 PM
Did you take him to the vet while he was in your care?

Was the woman suppose to bring him back to the vet after she got him back from you?

Yes, I took him to the vet while he was in my care and he was placed on Clavamox. And yes, I told her that he was supposed to go back to a vet and be tested again once the antibiotics were completed.

I know this is going to sound hard, but right now I just want it all to go away and I am going to let the lawyer's take care of it. Regardless of the outcome. I know that she would never let me see the other cat again (there were two in foster care). But this has definitely left a very "sour taste" in my mouth about the whole thing.

08-22-2004, 06:26 PM
Wow, I am really sorry you have had to go through all of this. I have heard bad stories about fostering both skinkids AND furkids. It is sad because the foster parents are largely loving and compassionate people and there is so little to gain from it and so much to lose:( Then, the best foster parents end up quitting because of things like this.

((((HUGS)))) to you for your sadness at losing this sweet kitty. I hope you can let yourself have the time you need to grieve because you need that.

08-22-2004, 07:14 PM
What type of agreement was made/signed for you to take this cat into foster care? Does it say anything about responsibility if the pet should become sick or die? And does the vet that YOU went to think the cat was not brought in soon enough to save his life?

I hate that you have to go through this. :(

08-22-2004, 07:21 PM
We only had a signed contract for their first stay with me and that contract was for three months (although they stayed longer). There was nothing in there about if a cat dies. It does say that I was to contact her if a vet visit was needed. But I went ahead with the vet visit knowing that I might have to eat the cost of it (which was fine if that was to happen). Although the contract did say she was supposed to pay for vet bills, I kind of figured she might not want to so I knew that was a possibility.

Unfortunately I have moved since I had them last and I am not using the same vet, so I have no idea what they think. But when we visited the vet didn't say anything that would have led me to believe that this wasn't a simple UTI (especially since most of the lab values were normal).

I am not looking forward to my email tomorrow (when she is likely to send another email indicating she is starting legal proceedings)...

08-22-2004, 07:26 PM
Although the contract did say she was supposed to pay for vet bills

This is ALL you need.

I hope things go well for you. {{{{HUGS}}}} And rememeber, you did not do anything wrong, some people are just bitches (sorry :o )

08-22-2004, 08:41 PM
Yes, I took him to the vet while he was in my care and he was placed on Clavamox. And yes, I told her that he was supposed to go back to a vet and be tested again once the antibiotics were completed.

Then I don't know what this woman is complaining about. You did the right thing by bringing him to the vet and when he was back in her care, she told you he was doing better.

Like others have said, she is more concerned about money than the loss of this poor cat.

I am so sorry that this B*&%@ is making you go through this and I hope you can put it behind you soon.

I agree with Jen, You didn't do anything wrong and don't let this woman tell you otherwise.

We are all behind you 100%.

08-25-2004, 07:42 AM
I just wanted to thank everyone for their wonderful support and to let you know how things ended.

After she threatened to start legal action a friend (who is a lawyer) wrote her a letter stating that I did not owe her any money and if she wanted to get money to have her lawyer contact my lawyer. So Tuesday morning I received a nice apologetic email from her saying that she was emotional at Bigodinho's death and that made her say stuff like this and she wasn't planning on taking legal action afterall.

So after all the problems things worked out okay. I still miss Bigodinho and I am very sorry this happened, but unfortunately I will now think twice before taking in another foster...

08-25-2004, 09:01 AM
Thank goodness she saw the situation more clearly.

08-25-2004, 09:11 AM
I'm glad things ended on a positive note, ETS.

08-25-2004, 09:28 AM
It is a shame,that money rules,over common sense,and decency! And I know,that your Vet,will back you,up,and you did all that you could for That Poor Cat,now with the Pet Angel Army!

08-25-2004, 05:08 PM
I'm glad she apologised at last. She probably was only full of hot air regarding the threats, and when it really got down to lawyers she chickened out. There's plenty of shelters you could foster for, that would be far more appreciative of your helping cats in need. ;)

08-25-2004, 07:10 PM
{{{Emily}}} I'm so glad this worked out well, and so sorry at the pain you went through to get to this point. Sheesh!

Felicia's Mom
08-25-2004, 09:45 PM
I am glad thing worked out for you.:)

08-25-2004, 10:13 PM
I think it's wonderful that you fostered for a pet whose owner is overseas. I recently learned that there is an organization that looks for foster homes for military folks (not just going overseas, but also going into training and what have you). They probably have paperwork that specifies that the owner is monetarily responsible for vet and food bills. I hope a lot of military people are using them, apperently many dump pets when they are called away... the military is trying to help (actually, not sure who started this up but..)
Glad you are out of this ick glich in your life- you did a great thing and he loved you and will great you over the rainbow bridge with kittie bumps and lovins! I think what you did was truely above and beyond the call of duty! Please don't hesitate to foster again just because of this one person...

08-26-2004, 04:19 PM
Phew I bet you are relieved, its a shame you had to even be put through any of this stress at all.

Maybe the owner was being truthful and over-reacted because of her emotions , either that or she just knew she hadn't a leg to stand on., with the legal proceedings she was about to undertake, whatever YOU should NOT have been put through this ordeal, and all I can say is I am happy its over for you, and please don't be put off fostering again, time heals all.