View Full Version : The never ending medical problems *vent*

08-22-2004, 03:36 AM
Before I start, I'm not looking for the "if you can't pay for medical expenses, you shouldn't have a dog" type of responses. This is just information I felt like sharing and was concerned about.

My brother found a lump on Kaedyn's neck. It's roughly 1-1.5 inches wide? It feels like it moves easily but it's hard to tell since it's on skin that easily moves around.

:mad: My mom is being the biggest a-hole. I asked if we could take him to the vet to see what's wrong. NOPE! She says it's nothing because obviously, she knows just as much as the vet right? She also said "who cares, he's getting old anyways". Words can not describe how much rage I feel right now. She has never said anything like that. :mad::mad::(

The two boys had a fight a week or two ago. He got two tiny bites from Kai. They punctured the skin but weren't deep so I wasn't too concerned. The lump is just in between the two bites. The bite marks seem to be healing really nicely though.. they're pretty much just dried blood now.

I guess it's possible it's a fatty tumor, he's starting to get older. I don't think it is though cause no one has noticed til now. It must be fairly new.

I'm just sooo angry with my mom. :mad: She was able to cough up 50 dollars for a useless chair accessory today but she can't pay $40 for a vet check? I guess I'll have to use my (tiny) upcoming paycheque that I was going to put towards my post-secondary program.. :mad: :(

Please pray that it's nothing too bad. I can't get his check up until next month (unless I can dig up some money). My poor baby. :(

08-22-2004, 06:44 AM
I hope it's nothing, just a fatty tumor, but because it's in between the two bite marks, I'd orry about infection. That said, I don;t know how to tell, or how to check - does anyone else?

08-22-2004, 06:47 AM
binka_nugget I hope it's nothing too serious, maybe it's infected? I hear ya about the {"if you can't pay for medical expenses, you shouldn't have a dog"} type of responses. I have four animals,which basically I figure I can afford yet it's always something and it really tears us up financially sometimes. I doubt if anyone will be saying that to you as you seem to be very responsible.I'll be thinking of Kaedyn.

08-22-2004, 06:53 AM
Youre a great doggie mom girl,,, and I seriously doubt anyone here is goona say otherwise! Owning an naimal is costly ,, yes,, but your mom saying what she said was very ,,, well,,,,,, likewhat you said about it,,,, I wont say,, you know... Can you call your vet and ask a few questions? Perhaps they can advise you over the tel with a few suggestions? I know seeing a techinicion here rather then the vet themselves is ??MUCH cheaper and they are really good... no problems with diagnosies before,,, and if they arent sure,, only then do thay get the vet....the techs are like assistants,, nurses,, you know what I mean?

Maybe you can speak to your mom again later when you have calmed down and explain your concern and mention the chair piece... ask her why she is being the way she is?

Keep us informed.... from what you describe,, it does sound like a fatty pad......

08-22-2004, 10:19 AM
I hope it's nothing too serious. My prayer for you and your little Kae.

08-22-2004, 10:43 AM
hopefully its nothing too serious. My beagle got lumps on her tail and her head when she was around 10-11 years old and had to get them removed.:( .which wasnt too bad,she just had to wear a cone for a while.im not sure what they wer ebut they werent cancer or anything like that.
praying for your kaedyn

08-22-2004, 11:09 AM
Yikes... :( You'll both be in my prayers Ashley. I really hope it's nothing serious and that you can scounge up some money fast.

08-23-2004, 12:45 PM
How is Kaedyn doing today? I hope the lump is not too serious. Thats sucks what you Mum said, i hope you can talk to her and get her to understand. :(

08-23-2004, 03:13 PM
Well, I dug up the money. I decided I'd just use my back to school money and their heartworm med. money. His lump seems smaller today though. My brother said it seemed smaller to him too. *cross fingers* Here's to hoping that he'll be fine soon!

08-23-2004, 03:25 PM
It could be the body reacting to the bite, just like our lymph nodes swell when we are sick, if it continues going down that is a good sign. Just watch it to make sure its not an abcess.

Its too bad your mom feels that way but you sound like you have a good head on your shoulders and are a very responsible doggie mom.

08-23-2004, 03:47 PM
Gosh I'm sorry to hear you are going through this, how hurtful of your mother to say something like that :( . Perhaps it is a sebaceous cyst? My RB Cody started getting those here and there when he was 6 or 7 I think.. I can't remember when we found the first one, but I know they are common and totally benign.

You and the pups will be in my prayers, I hope you are able to get through this soon and get peace of mind, and know Kaedyn will be just fine. {{hugs}}

08-24-2004, 10:40 AM
Thats great to hear that Kae's lump feels a bit smaller today, heres hoping it continues to get smaller.

08-24-2004, 10:48 AM
I'm thinking about you Kaedyn and hoping all is well.

Hugs for you and Kaedyn, Ashley.

Robin :)

08-24-2004, 10:54 AM
A while ago Sydney got a bit of a wound on her side (we think she scraped against something in the yard, that's what it looked like). We kept it clean and it healed just fine, but under the scar was a small lump. We had the vet remove the lump. I can't remember what he called it exactly (cystoma maybe?) but it was just basically a fatty cyst. I hope what Kaedyn has is nothing serious!

08-24-2004, 11:06 AM
please go to Dog games, no one has posted there yet, you're kindness is greatly appreciated

08-24-2004, 11:59 AM
First OFF
GOLDENRETRIEVERLOVER_01 your response in this thread is rude and off the topic. How would you feel if your dog was sick or injured and someone did that to you?

that just ticks me off when that happens


Before I start, I'm not looking for the "if you can't pay for medical expenses, you shouldn't have a dog" type of responses. This is just information I felt like sharing and was concerned about.
I really don't see this as that kind of a thread at all.
Are shelties a 'lumpy' breed? Like Boxers or Goldens?
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope things work out for the best.

08-24-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
I really don't see this as that kind of a thread at all.
Are shelties a 'lumpy' breed? Like Boxers or Goldens?
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope things work out for the best.

I've seen too many attacks on people so I figured it was better to just be clear.. I know people only do it out of love for the animal's well-being though.

Shelties aren't a lumpy breed as far as I know.

The lump is really small now. I'll probably take him in for a follow up but I'm not losing any sleep over it anymore. ;)

08-24-2004, 01:00 PM
The lump is really small now. I'll probably take him in for a follow up but I'm not losing any sleep over it anymore

Thats good to hear Ashley :).

08-24-2004, 04:29 PM
I'm sorry Ashley, I hope it's nothing and Kae is fine. Hugs! I know how rude and crude moms can sometimes be, I think we all do. My mom always makes comments that make me angry regarding my animals in general. :(